Remember Form values script
posted byDynamic DriveinForms
Using cookies, this script remembers the value entered into your form's inputs by your visitor, and upon his/her return, preloads the textbox with that value.
Form Validation Generator
Free Form with Web-based validation generator.
BuayaCorp Forms Validator
This script will help you in common tasks like client side validation.
The validation in the client side is important, it can save innecesary postbacks to validate our data, but we can't ensure that it always will be enabled the client side scripting, for that reason it's also necessary to make data validation on the server side, to avoid incoherences....
* It allows the validation of text fields, text area, lists
* It allows the use of customized functions
* It allows to add to events to elements using regular expressions (when it is wanted to limit the input of certain characters, in this version it doesn't accesible)
* Different ways to show errors
* It allows to make debugging
* Object Oriented
* Compatible with IE and Mozilla Firefox
Form Reminder With Master Resale Rights
Form Reminder lets you automatically remind your users the values they typed into your forms. It is super simple to install and you do not have to have auto complete browser feature enabled. You only have to paste one line of code in the pages that you want script installed. Form Reminder also supports RC4 Encryption of data and is very secure so data like passwords or email will be protected using this encryption. This was done by modifying the encryption so that it is made of numbers and letters eliminating binary data that can cause bugs to get into the browsers. It also saves all forms values in a separate cookie for each name so the user only has to have cookies enabled to allow saving the forms.
PriceUSD 19.95
wForms: A Javascript Extension to Web Forms
wForms is a javascript extension that adds commonly needed behaviors to traditional web forms. It follows the principle of progressive enhancement : unobtrusive, cross-browser and degradable. I should also point out that not a single line of code is required to actually use it. That makes the learning curve almost non-existant. If you can add a class to a tag, then you can use wForms.
Implemented behaviors are:
* Switch: Allows you to show/hide relevant parts of a form based on the user inputs.
* Repeat: Allows parts of a form to be repeated if the user wants to provide more answers.
* Field Hint: Displays contextual help based on the current input focus.
* Input Validation: Validates common input types (email, numbers, ..) and displays appropriate error messages.
Validate Zip Code
posted byskyhawk133inForms
Validates a zip code based on both US zip code schemes: 12345-1234 or 12345
Javascript Get or Set Checked Radio Value
This pair of Javascript function can get or set the checked value of a group of radio buttons. These functions are specially designed for dynamic pages, and work without error with zero, one, or more radio buttons. Also, because the radio length is saved before looping, this function is much faster. Finally, the functions are granted to the public domain.
FormClick JavaScript Field Validator
FormClick is a powerful JavaScript include file that makes validating text fields on your web pages easier than ever before! FormClick reduces the size of messy, page-long validation functions to one line and is compact so it loads and runs quickly. Its powerful validation engine ensures that phone numbers, dates, credit cards, etc. are in the correct format every time! You can control the look of every format through powerful regular expressions. Best of all, FormClick is free!
flooble Dynamic Calendar
The flooble Dynamic Calendar control is a DHTML script you can drop into an existing HTML form to allow visitors to point and click to a date, rather than typing it in using 3 separate form elements or forcing them to conform to a date format. And because it's DHTML-based, it provides the speed and usability of a client-side program right in your visitors' browser. Just like all the other flooble scripts, this one integrates easily into your code, works with major browsers and is free to use!
Auto complete text field
This is a short example on how to use javascript to get an auto complete text field. It works in all modern browsers. It is similar to the one used by Google suggest.
posted byplexium_nerdinForms
Foul is a JavaScript based, form validation language. If you hate all the rigamarole you have to go through just to check a simple web form, then this script is what you need.
Foul contains a full language parsing engine which compiles advanced conditions and tests for the fields of a form. The language makes building tests as easy as saying what you want. The tests include, blank fields, numbers, phone numbers, credit cards, urls, zip codes, states, emails, social security numbers, ranges, lengths, dates, file types and much more. Foul also contains an auto-formatting feature which fixes the data before it's sent.
posted bynetspinnerinForms
Synforce is a Javascript library that provides real-time syntax enforcement on data entered into text input boxes in HTML forms. Synforce is Open Source software, licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (the LGPL).
The input text box is commonly used for gathering unstructured data, but suffers from the lack of any standard way to ensure that a user enters only data of an appropriate type: for example, although you may provide a text box to gather a customer's name, if the customer is inattentive (or even malicious) he may enter his telephone number instead. Synforce goes some way to ensuring that this cannot occur, by checking the syntax of the data entered as it is typed, and discarding characters that would violate the syntax that you wish to enforce.
Tigra Form Validator
Tigra Form Validator is free JavaScript component performing client side form validation. With its rich feature set the script can be used with HTML forms of virtually any complexity. This component is a simple way to improve visitors' experience, robustness and resource efficiency of your web application.
* Fully JavaScript
* Automatic input control conversion with a single attribute in the input tag, or using a special id attribute.
* Keyboard and mouse user interfase.
* GPL License.
* Works with Mozilla family and IE
* Fully JavaScript.
* Automatic input control conversion with a single attribute in the input tag, or using a special id attribute.
* Customize options for currency symbol and separators.
* Automatic formatting.
* Automatic re-formatting when edit's form submit (i.e. the input's value is submitted as a normal number).
* GPL License.
* Easy of use
Works with Mozilla family and IE
Duplicator controls
Allow elements group duplication, i.e. create dynamically input controls into your web pages without reloads, based on a "model". This mini-library is useful in applications in which is necessary to capture an arbitrary number of items (such as order items, single catalogs, quotations, and others). Works similar to gmail contact list.
*Only for Mozilla family*
Flat Color Picker
posted bykerberosb2binForms
Picking colors has never been easier: The Color Picker form control provides your users with a clickable, inline color swatch. Your users only need a mouse and a sense of color coordination to use this control. As a result, non-proficient users are not exposed to the underlying Color coordinate system, whereas proficient users may utilize an easy-to-use input interface for specifying their Colors in a more accurate manner.
PriceUSD 19.00
Javascript Function to Check or Uncheck all Checkboxes
Use this Javascript function to check or uncheck all the checkboxes in a form. This function is specially designed for dynamic pages with varying numbers of checkboxes. Unlike other functions out there, it will work without error even if there are no checkboxes or there is only one checkbox. It is also significantly faster for long lists, because it saves the length of the checkbox in a variable, instead of recalculating it in the loop. Finally, the function is granted to the public domain--use it as you wish.
select value set
This JavaScript function allows you to set the value of a select tag without having to know its position in the list. In the sample above, type in a letter of the alphabet and then click on the find button.
Form color picker
With this script you can add a palette color picker in your form and ask users to pick a color. In a text field under the palette you will have the hex code of the selected color.
Useful when you need to ask your users to pick a color i.e. for a background color.
In the example shown there are all web-safe colors.
edit: from June 2005 the form contains grayscale too