Graphs & Charts
Virto JQuery Charts for Microsoft SharePoint 2007 & 2010
posted byvirtosoftwareinGraphs & Charts
Virto Charts is a jQuery-based control for creating plots, graphs and charts in Microsoft SharePoint. Virto component produces beautiful line, bar and pie charts with many features. Charts can be based on variety types of data sources, including SharePoint Lists, SQL tables, XML etc.
# ng for line and bar charts
# Using chart zoom
# Using stacked chart option
# Highlighting data points
# Ability to define colors for grid RGB color coding of X and Y axes
# Axis auto scaling (automatic definition of minimum and maximum)
# Showing/hiding chart title and placing it to different positions
# Showing/hiding chart legend and placing it to different positions
# Ability to hide data source on chart
# Filtering options for displayed data
# Value grouping and data aggregation for Y axis
# Ability to define data format for X axis of date and time type Editions for SharePoint 207 and 2010 versions
Google Map Selector
posted byDynamic DriveinGraphs & Charts
This jQuery script lets you easily embed a Google Map on your page that supports switching between multiple addresses. A two column layout is presented by default, with the list of desired addresses on the left column and a Google Map on the right. The script automatically adds a CSS class of "selected" to the selected address's LI container to highlight the current address while updating the "View Larger Map" link below the Google map to the appropriate link as well.
Beautiful Data
posted bygdpotterinGraphs & Charts
Beautiful Data is a great way to turn a boring HTML table into something that supports features like paging and sorting. This jQuery plugin can also access data from CSV and JSON just by specifying the source file. Features include:
- Easily integrate into any HTML page with as little as ONE line of code
- Search and filter tables live, without waiting for any downloading
- Split data into multiple pages
- Very few DOM updates—just one per page change!
- Sort columns simply by clicking on the column header
- Optional case-sensitive search
- Enable and disable zebra striping to rows
- Cross browser
PriceUSD 5.00
posted byScriptDirinGraphs & Charts
It offers an animated UI with a very easy to interface. Graphix uses tables to create graphs which makes it way easy to work rather than stuffing data into arrays and variables which other plugins provide
PriceUSD 12.00
dhtmlxChart - JavaScript Charting Library
posted byolgaboukhinGraphs & Charts
dhtmlxChart is a cross-browser chart library written in pure JavaScript. It allows you to generate nice-looking, customizable charts from a variety of datasources: XML, JSON, JS array, or CSV. dhtmlxChart supports the most common chart types: line, spline, area, bar, and pie charts. For complex charting needs, stacked charts or chart series are supported.
posted byMERA-SoftinGraphs & Charts
Dynamic Charts using CSS and Javascript. No Plugins needed, no pictures loaded.
Compatible with: IE 6.0! But also with IE 7.0, IE 8.0, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera.
No plugins needed! It works without plugins or flash. Even Canvas or SVG is not needed. Only CSS and HTML.
Dynamic charts: Update the charts without refresh. Even without internet connection, when the data came from the client computer.
Customizable: The charts are easily to customize, so that nearly every wish can be satisfied.
Moveable and transparent background. So it is easy to compare charts and Data.
Autoscaling make it easy to draw charts in unpredictable situations.
Slim library for fast loading.
dhtmlxGantt - Editable JavaScript Gantt Chart
posted byolgaboukhinGraphs & Charts
dhtmlxGantt - a JavaScript component that allows you to create dynamic Gantt chart and visualize a project schedule in a convenient graphical way. With dhtmlxGantt you can display dependency relationships between activities, show current schedule status with percent-complete shadings and organize the activities into a tree structure. The component works in all major web-browsers, including IE, Mozilla, Opera, Chrome. You can initialize the chart from XML or through JavaScript API. All the changes made in the chart structure in browser can be saved back to the server on the fly (in XML form) with a single function call.
CSS Graphs
posted byScriptDirinGraphs & Charts
Just pass them some options and data to display, and you’ve got some nice javascript-animated, CSS -based, graphs.
PriceUSD 5.00
Google Charts for Javascript
posted byScriptDirinGraphs & Charts
This is a pure stand-alone javascript version of the Google Charts plugin, you build an HTML table and point the plugin at it and it creates the chart for you.
PriceUSD 7.00
posted bysnjomanninGraphs & Charts
Highcharts JS is a charting library written in pure JavaScript, offering an easy way of adding interactive charts to your web site or web application. Highcharts JS currently supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie and scatter chart types. It works in all modern browsers including the iPhone and Internet Explorer from version 6. Standard browsers use the Canvas element and in some cases SVG for the graphics rendering. In Internet Explorer graphics are drawn using VML. Setting the Highcharts configuration options requires no special programming skills. The options are given in a JavaScript object notation structure, which is basically a set of keys and values connected by colons, separated by commas and grouped by curly brackets.
FusionMaps XT - Data-driven Maps in JavaScript (HTML5) & Flash
posted bypnadhaniinGraphs & Charts
FusionMaps XT help you create interactive and data-driven Maps for all your web applications in JavaScript (HTML5) & Flash. Using FusionMaps XT, you can display geographical data distributed by category, regions or entities. Ideal usage examples are business data like "Revenue by states", website analytics, office locations, flight routes and election results. No matter what script or database you are using, FusionMaps XT works efficiently with all of them. Setting up a map barely takes a few minutes; and doesn't involve anything to do with the source code, even for resizing.
FusionMaps XT is part of FusionCharts Suite XT, which also includes charts & gauges to meet all your data visualization needs.
RGraph: HTML5 Javascript charts library
posted byrichardhinGraphs & Charts
RGraph is a HTML5 Javascript charts library which uses the new HTML5 canvas tag to provide client side charts capabilities easily. A wide range of charts are catered for including the typical Bar, Line and Pie charts along with a few less well known charts such as Rose and Waterfall charts. Configuration is easy, there's extensive documentation and the API is fully documented.
Emprise JavaScript Charts
posted byJMiller1inGraphs & Charts
Emprise JavaScript Charts (EJSChart) is a pure JavaScript charting library which utilizes the element and VML to provide cross-browser compatible, interactive Web 2.0 charts.
EJSChart takes web charting to a new level by incorporating such features as automatic axis scaling, zooming, scrolling, smart ticks and Ajax-driven data loading. With its fully documented API, support for multiple chart types and data retrieval methods, EJSChart is extremely quick and easy to implement in any web site or web application that requires graphical display of data.
Major features:
* Interactivity: Zooming, Scrolling, Hints, Mouse Tracking, Mouse Events, Key Tracking Crosshairs.
* EJSChart will calculate and scale automatically to fit whatever data it is presented with.
* Auto Zooming, Scrolling: Too much data and not enough screen real estate? Show it all. Let your end users zoom in on the pieces they're most interested in.
* Ajax-driven data handler for real-time, live data feeds.
PriceUSD 100.00
Table Diagram
posted bynata1801inGraphs & Charts
The script generates a diagram (chart) view of the data in the webpage table.
Enhanced in the version 1.2: the diagram flips to get the optimal position on the page.
In the newest version 1.3, the script has been rewritten in prototype-oriented style.
FusionCharts Suite XT - Industry leading charting solution in JavaScript (HTML5) & Flash
posted bypnadhaniinGraphs & Charts
FusionCharts Suite XT helps you create stunning charts, gauges and maps in a jiffy for all your web and enterprise applications. Using it, you can build awesome dashboards, reports, analytics, monitors, surveys and more that blend aesthetic elegance and intelligent insight.
Leveraging JavaScript (HTML5) & Flash, FusionCharts Suite XT works seamlessly across PCs, Macs, iPads, iPhones and a majority of other mobile devices. It works with both XML and JSON data, and can be integrated with any server-side technology (ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, JSP, ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails etc.) and database.
FusionCharts Suite XT is the industry's leading enterprise-grade charting solution with over 21,000 customers and 450,000 users in 118 countries, including a majority of Fortune 500 companies and some of the web's most popular sites.
Tufte Sparklines Javascript for Photoshop
posted bymjlodgeinGraphs & Charts
Sparklines are intense, simple word-sized graphics, developed by Edward Tufte. This site provides a way to create sparklines in Adobe Photoshop.
posted byjtyler277inGraphs & Charts
XYGraph was created to generate intelligent plots of output data without the need for extensive user input. Take a look at the demo page to see just how useful and proffesional the results are. The script generates an XY Graph using Vector Markup Language (VML) and returns an html string for display via javascript. The code is written to automatically calculate appropriate scaling for tics and will cut off extreme data points. Noncommercial use is free, donations are appreciated. A modest one-time licensing fee will be asked for commercial use.
Looking for your graphical configuration
posted byMiricalBerndinGraphs & Charts
This small scripts checks the graphical configuration of the PC, which visits the website. Using variables, you can define, which is the base-resolution. The file consists of three language-versions (german, english and italian).
DHTML Color Pallet
posted bystrider59inGraphs & Charts
This utility program displays a 4,096 color spectrum in a 3 dimensional pallet. The pallet is a larger cube made up of smaller cubes arranged in 16 layers of 16 rows of 16 cubes. The controls allow the user to change the angle of view, the layer depth, the color selected and a historical list of previous selections. The color values are represented by both hexadecimal vales and RGB values.
posted bysupportinGraphs & Charts
SD-Graph is a sophisticated bar graphing system that allows you to create and display colorful bar charts with detailed statistics.
PriceUSD 2.99