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Changing Images

Results 1-20 of 32
Before and After Image script
This script lets you view an "after" version of any image as an overlay of the original one in dramatic fashion. A "draggable" handlebar lets the user adjust the ratio of the two images to view simultaneously. It supports the ability to update the set of images shown on demand, plus change the main container dimensions.
(0 ratings)
2Sides Carousel Banner Rotator
2Sides Carousel Banner is a unique image rotator that will add a fresh look to your website. Key Features: AutoPlay through multiple images Adjust the animation speed and easing type Adjust the opacity of the side items Choose auto-play and auto-play time Randomize the slide order automatically Support for text block messages External URL links support Well commented code
(7 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
glossify.js - tinoni
glossify.js is a jQuery plugin that transforms any image into a beautiful and colourful glossy sphere. Using glossify.js couldn't be easier: just include the script and use some special attributes with any image you want to glossify. No need to call any script or initialize anything.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
jQuery Fullscreen Image Gallery v2
Flexible HTML5 / jQuery image gallery with categories and left/arrows including thumbnails for photographers who want an interactive gallery that users on all devices can see. It includes HTML5 Audio with a Flash fallback, and deep-linking for an enhanced browsing experience. Built for flexibility, it can even be used as a simple background changer for your current website. Multiple transitions are available (fade, slideLeft, slideRight, slideUp, slideDown). Flexible transition speed and easing. HTML5 audio player with Flash fallback. You can change audio volume and paused status opacity. Deep-linking for search engines. Enable or disable search engine crawling (to protect your images from being listed in search engines). Disable right-click to help protect your images. Show or hide components, including previous / next arrows, play/pause and fullscreen buttons.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Crystal Gallery
Fullscreen responsive photogallery with translucent blur effect; Gallery features stunning translucent blur effect; Fixed or fullscreen layout; Fully responsive adapt size on window resize; Thumbnails navigation; Top, bottom, left, right thumbnails position; Four types of photo changing transitions; Flickr feed support; Multiple instances on one page; Keyboard navigation; Social media icons; Your custom gallery logo; Unlimited gallery categories; Custom gallery settings for each category; Lazy image loading (dont slow page loading time); 24/48 Support and lifetime free updates
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.00
Mini jQuery Image Gallery
Fading XML jQuery Image Scroller Gallery & SlideShow.
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Preload images with JavaScript
The simplest way to preload an image is to instantiate a newImage() object in JavaScript and pass it the URL of the image you wantpreloaded.
(15 ratings)
ZoomSlider V1.0
Features: Image preloader Custom image with custom background color Link on the images Mouse wheel controller Keyboard controller Easing support Tranzition types : Zoom (you can set up your zoom size) & Fade Autoplay function (with adjustable autoplay speed) And more..
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
DragPic Gallery
DragPic is a complete showcase tool written as a Mootools 1.3 Class (also compatible with Mootools 1.2.5), which allows you to create versatile image galleries: Create online catalogues, professional photographic portfolios, iPhone like galleries, online magazines and more creative solutions based on an extremely didactic user interface. You can also enable the navigation buttons and frames number or even use the mouse wheel to scroll the gallery. Highly customizable and simple; this powerful tool can be the right solution for many of your projects. Drag, Click or Scroll.. you’re ready for DragPic Gallery by @davoscript!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Cookie Rotators
Quality Cookie Content Rotators of all kinds in all timings! Rotate complete content, complete images, complete text options in order. Great random rotators that cannot pick the same item twice in a row unless you want them to, comes with these also! As many cookie rotators can go into each page as you want. All at the lowest prices! Other great PHP and Javascript content rotators as well. Rotate all your own content yourself!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
Flash Rotator
Electrify your web pages with a Flash Image Rotator Rotators daily, or by hour, minute, second, milliseconds, and in order! Rotates a lot more than Flash and .SWF files also. Quality flash random rotators that cannot pick same items twice in a row unless you want them to comes with this also! All at the lowest price! Other quality Javascript and PHP flash and content rotators as well. Rotate all your own content yourself!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
SuperSlide Accordion Menu v 1.0
Script automatically adjust accordion to the number of elements in the accordion and the dimensions of the accordion and you are able to use different images for active and inactive tab (slide) and customize look and feel by CSS .
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.00
Slider - JavaScript
You can put as many items as you want. An item consists of an image, a label and a link. If you want you can override the link text to all or to just one or two items.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
jQuery Panel Gallery Plugin
A simple image gallery where the images are sliced and fade in one piece at a time. Not one image needs to be sliced or edited to work with this plugin, in fact the plugin handles everything itself. You can choose the direction in which the transition occurs from left to right, right to left, top to bottom, or bottom to top. You can set the initial delay before the transitions begin, set the transitions to loop or stop after the last image, set the time it takes for each panel to appear, and set the delay between the images.
(12 ratings)
DG Image Crop
An event based dhtml image crop script. You can use this script as a front end for image crop operations. The script is event based, which offers you a lot of flexibility. The script requires mootools
(3 ratings)
Kroppr- image crop script
This script is intended to help webmasters allow their users to manipulate the images available on the site. What can you do with this script: Rotate the image. Resize the image. Crop the image. Save it to your hard drive. There are plenty of online image cropping scripts that are used on sites to create avatars, to scale , to crop images, for photo resize and photo crop - but Kroppr offers image rotation as well, without any plugin (flash or java). Version 1.1 brings PNG and GIF support, and improves the image processing components selection.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 29.00
Image Etc. Rotator
Rotate any kind of images, ads, or banners and at any timings you need! Rotate images by day of the month or by day of the year, by hours, minutes, seconds, milleseconds, and in order! They can rotate automatically before or on page load only. A random rotator that cannot pick the same item twice in a row comes with this! Each image can be a different link of its own, so when each image is clicked on, it leads to a different web page elsewhere if you wish. Title text can appear for each different image when the images are hovered over with a mouse if desired. Disable or keep the features you want. As many rotators can go into each page as you want. Rotate all your own content, yourself!
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 2.50
Image Scratch Effect - Free - Javascript
A very simple and powerfull Image Scratch Effect javascript !!!! Press on image to "scratch" it and see the other picture below... like a scratch money game.
(15 ratings)
Image Fog Filter - Free
A very simple and powerfull Image Fog Filter javascript !!!! Nice fog filter on photos, customizable.
(3 ratings)
Image crop GUI
Drag a rectangle around the area you want to crop or type in the coordinates. This program is a useful frontend for image manipulation software like ImageMagick.
(15 ratings)
Results 1-20 of 32