Image Display
Manual Horizontal Scrolling Thumbnail Galleries
posted byCochrane DDG-21inImage Display
* No coding needed - just create the markup for each gallery, the code does the rest
* Accessible - your visitors who have JavaScript disabled will still be able to use every gallery
* Tested in IE and Firefox
* 3 defined thumbnail sizes from which to choose
* Click a thumbnail for a centered, full-size image with gray overlay effect
* Captions, onmouseover the full-size image, are optional
* Maximum 15 galleries per page
* Maximum 36 images per gallery
* A ...config.js file has a few variables to customize
Great for:
* Real Estate Agents, Brokers & Homesellers
* Photographers
* Bloggers
* Retailers and Ebay sellers
* Create your own family photo album site
Clicking on a thumbnail image opens the centered, "full size" image, subject to the fullSizePct variable. Most digital photos are too large to fit comfortably inside the average screen. The fullSizePct variable will help manage that.
The code is not affected by popup blockers.
Flickr Photoshow
posted bydavedansoninImage Display
Photoshow helps website writers and publishers to automatically select Flickr images for publishing. With Photoshow, all you need to do is to define selection criteria for the images, the amount of images to show and the time interval between images. It's packaged as an extension for Adobe Dreamweaver, so doesn't require hand coding.
PriceUSD 9.99
Image viewer with smooth slide-in transition effect
posted bypeter24funinImage Display
This simple JavaScript image-slider combines a smooth slide effect with opacity effect (transparency). You may add as many pictures as you like. Each picture can be linked to a separate URL. Easy 1-minute-configuration of pictures, comments, links and size. Browsers: Internet Explorer 6x/7x/8x, Firefox 2x/3x, Opera 7x/8x/9x/10x/11x, Google Chrome 3x/4x/5x/6x/7x/8x/9x/10x.
Javascript Image Magnifier
posted byAdvanceByDesigninImage Display
The Javascript Image Magnifier allows pictures on your webpage to have areas magnified when a user places their mouse cursor over them. This allows larger images to be viewed at full quality and in full detail whilst not requiring them to take up a large area of a page.
Accordion Gallery
posted byScriptDirinImage Display
Using HTML5 markup, CSS3 properties and transitions where available, and optimized code, Accordion Gallery is both powerful and flexible, being very easy to set up, customize, and even create your own themes.
Besides all of this, it includes support for mobile devices. Using CSS3 transitions the gallery has the main benefit of being hardware accelerated on these devices, making the effects faster and more responsive.
PriceUSD 4.00
Slideshow with glossy area made of mirrored images
posted bypeter24funinImage Display
This free copy and paste JavaScript mirrors your images in order to add an elegant shiny area to your slideshow. And best of all: the script requires no jQuery and no HTML5-canvas to create this crossbrowser effect. The size and opacity of the mirrored image (glossy area) can easily be set to your needs. Each slide can be linked and commented. Internet Explorer 5x/6x/7x/8x, Firefox 2x/3x, Opera 7x/8x/9x/10x, Goggle Chrome 3x/4x/5x/6x/7x.
Tonic Gallery - jQuery XML Portfolio Gallery
posted byScriptDirinImage Display
Data management in well structured XML file, which makes it very easy to maintain.
Category Filter.
Pagination included.
Lightbox preview with descriptions.
Flexible configuration.
PriceUSD 8.00
ImgTag - Easy photo tagging
posted byScriptDirinImage Display
With ImgTag the user can move the mouse over specific regions in your image to see a tooltip or a custom effect.
Easy to use. Very simple and clear JavaScript syntax and fully customizable through CSS or JavaScript.
PriceUSD 7.00
Foto Tag
posted byomarabidinImage Display
Fototag is a complete photo tagging solution. It features an elegant an powerful tagging tool with AJAX support. Advanced ImgTag is compatible with Internet Explorer (7+), FireFox, Chrome, Opera and Safari.
Painless Tagging with the jQuery Jcrop plugin
Custom associated data with tags
Easy tags preview and delete
Preload tags from JSON
AJAX Support
User-Friendly and easy to use interface
Comes with a free version of ImgTag
Well documented (PDF user manual)
Source Code documentation (JSDoc)
Cross-Browser (IE 7+/Chrome/FireFox/Opera/Safari)
PriceUSD 7.00
SHIFT Gallery - support for image/div/video/swf
posted byScriptDirinImage Display
You don’t have to worry if you need to showcase some videos/swfs/text beside images because this gallery supports them all. It can also be turned into a slideshow so that your viewer can see your work without having to do nothing.
PriceUSD 14.00
Simple MooTools News Ticker/Image Slider
posted byCarlCoxehinImage Display
This MooTools script has the ability to rotate images and text without stopping or returning to the start of the list unlike a lot of other news/image tickers around. The slider will stop while the mouse is over and resume scrolling when the mouse is not hovering over. There are 4 parts to integrate this to your website.
Image beautifier
posted byScriptDirinImage Display
up to 15 image masks,
easily extensible,
easy turn on/off feature,
simple and easy configuration.
PriceUSD 8.00
posted byScriptDirinImage Display
It’s easily customizable, and guaranteed to make your regular images look boring in comparison.
PriceUSD 7.00
Featured box gallery
posted bySitebaseinImage Display
With this script you can make a nice interactive slide gallery like you find on every big site these days. Because the script is highly customizable you can use this script for lots of purposes. To get a better idea of what’s possible with this script you can take a look at these examples:
PriceUSD 7.00
Featured Image Zoomer
posted byDynamic DriveinImage Display
This script lets you view a magnified portion of any image upon moving your mouse over it. A magnifying glass appears alongside the image displaying the magnified area on demand. The user can toggle the zoom level by using the mousewheel. It's great to use on product images, photos, or other images with lots of details you want users to be able to get into on command.
posted byScriptDirinImage Display
“Zoomer” enables your users to closely inspect images by hovering their cursor over them.
PriceUSD 7.00
Flickr Import
posted byScriptDirinImage Display
Flickr Import is an extremely lightweight, quick and robust tool to display photos from Flickr onto your website.
PriceUSD 7.00
Image Power Zoomer
posted byDynamic DriveinImage Display
Image Power Zoomer gives any image on your page the ability to be magnified when the mouse rolls over it. A "magnifying glass" that appears over the image lets the user zoom in on any portion of it as it follows the cursor around. Furthermore, the magnification power can be adjusted on the fly by turning the mouse wheel back or forth, just like in many graphics programs.
Sexy Slider
posted byScriptDirinImage Display
SexySlider is a JQuery plugin that lets you easily create powerful javascript Sliders with very nice transition effects.
PriceUSD 6.00
posted byScriptDirinImage Display
You can put any type of content you want, even flash. It uses Prototype to work across browsers and Scriptaculous to acomplish the effects.
PriceUSD 5.00