Slide Shows
jQuery Image Gallery Slideshow with Music
posted byTeaninSlide Shows
Jquery image gallery slideshow can be used as a gallery viewer, or a slideshow for your website or any kind of product viewer.
It can be used in full window mode or embedded into smaller div. (instructions and examples included).
The HTML5 Audio with Flash audio fallback for older browsers is optional.
Flash does not need to be edited (all the data will automatically be generated om HTML )
Unlimited songs supported, random play available.
Component can be used without any of the additional elements on the screen.
You can remove the menu and use this as a single category gallery / slideshow for your website.
Slideshow contols are optional (backward, forward, pause/play, direction)
Music is optional.
You can use single image per column or multiple ones.
Images can be linked.
Slideshow speed for both autoslide and manual slide can be adjusted.
PriceUSD 5.00
jQuery Image Gallery Slideshow with MousePan
posted byTeaninSlide Shows
Unlimited categories supported in the gallery.
Single image category can be used if needed.
Slideshow delay and autoplay options.
Thumb rollover scale option.
Automatic mouse pan, and image scaling on large images.
Thumbnails size customizable per category.
Automatic thumbnail horizontal scroll.
PriceUSD 5.00
jQuery Slice Banner Slideshow with Captions
posted byTeaninSlide Shows
The HTML5 doc-type is not necessary for the banner to work on your webpage.
Use this sexy and stylish banner slideshow to spice up your website
Set image and thumbnails dimensions
Set number of columns and rows to split image
Set transition settings (speed, easing, distance…)
2 directional movement (left and right)
Thumbnail preview included
Unlimited captions allowed
Captions can be linked
Set slideshow delay
Pause slideshow on rollover (optional)
Circle filling preloader included
Slider controls optional (previous, pause/play, next)
Thumbnail navigation optional
PriceUSD 5.00
Image Slide Show with Transition and Controls
posted bybobbfwedinSlide Shows
The slide show can cycle through a pre-defined list of images. The images are pre-loaded at initialization. Transition between images is a simple fade (adjustable speed). Available controls (as functions) for the slide show include play, pause/stop, next, previous, random image, play random order, or set specific image. Settings include transition speed and frame rate.
Ease of implementation was important during development. The slide show requires only three lines of code to operate: an array of images (one line), initialization with settings (one line), and a command (play, next, etc.) (one line).
In the file download, both the fully documented code and a minified version is contained in the ZIP file.
Compatible with IE5+, Firefox 0.9+, Safari, Opera 9+, and Chrome
PriceUSD 10.00
Javascript Image Slideshow
posted byAdvanceByDesigninSlide Shows
The Javascript Image Slideshow is a great way to display a series of images on your website. They neatly move from one to the next, and your visitors can easily navigate the images through the navigation controls.
Easy to customize appearance through Stylesheet and properties
Very lightweight script
Very simple to add new images
Many properties of the slideshow can be configured
Easy to add into your pages; very little coding needed
...and more features inside! Just download it now and give it a try!
This control has been tested in modern versions of the following major browsers: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera.
Simple slideshow with zoom and rotation effect
posted bypeter24funinSlide Shows
This free copy and paste JavaScript adds a unique CSS3 rotation and zoom effect to your slideshow. Each slide can be linked and commented. The special effects are supported by CSS3-ready browsers (FF3.6+, Safari 4+, Google Chrome 4+, Opera 10.5+). All other browsers will display a nice zoom-in zoom-out slideshow without rotation effect.
Manual Slideshow
posted byrithikainSlide Shows
A collection of images can be viewed in any ordered sequence using manual/auto slide show script.
PriceUSD 15.00
Multiple Image Slideshow Script
posted byrithikainSlide Shows
Display the gallery of images in a single slideshow using multiple image slideshow script
PriceUSD 15.00
Slideshow with thumbnail gallery and zoom-effects
posted bypeter24funinSlide Shows
Free JavaScript slideshow with thumbnail gallery, zoom-in-effect, zoom-out-effect and transparency-effect (opacity). Add as many pictures as you like. Each picture can be linked and commented. The thumbnail gallery can be displayed or hidden. True copy-and-paste installation. Most of the design can be set with CSS (within the style-tags). By touching the thumbnails with your cursor you can interrupt the animation and switch to the desired image. Works with Internet Explorer 5x/6x/7x/8x/9x, Firefox 3x/4x, Opera 7x/8x/9x/10x/11x, Google Chrome 4x/5x/6x/7x/8x/9x.
o'Slider - Slider with animated backgrounds
posted byScriptDirinSlide Shows
But the main cause for creation of the plug-in was to give websites’ users amazing live-background experience.
Animated backgrounds
Auto play
Pause on hover
Bullets list or thumbnails navigation
Prev/Next arrows
Hide arrows on mouse out
Captions / any in-line content
PriceUSD 5.00
Lowrider Triple Slider
posted byScriptDirinSlide Shows
Upon each rotation, the images slide into their frames from different directions. The directions reverse if you move backwards in the slideshow order. Each set of images has a corresponding button below the gallery. If the slideshow is set to run automatically, the buttons will follow along and become highlighted when their corresponding images are shown. To skip to a set of images, simply click their button.
PriceUSD 9.00
Simple Javascript XML Slideshow
posted byScriptDirinSlide Shows
No need for a ton of html, just let javascript and xml do the work for you. SJXS has been tested within all major browsers including IE7 + (IE6 partially supported), Opera, Safari, Firefox and Chrome. Included are some custom transition effects that are pretty snazzy, but they can also be easily adjusted to suite the more traditional needs. Be sure and check out the demo page for a good demonstration of what can be done. Also, I’ve added a simple to use Slideshow Generator that will allow you to create all the code you need for your slideshow: required files, javascript, xml, html and even the basic css. This will allow you to quickly create a slideshow with exactly the features you want.
PriceUSD 12.00
Pro Slide
posted byScriptDirinSlide Shows
Includes a scrolling and mousewheel feature. With ProSlide you can display anything you want, such as your articles or products existing on your site.
PriceUSD 5.00
SV Slider- Slideshow Script
posted byScriptDirinSlide Shows
The Idea behind it is that you create the html/css to structure the slideshows look/feel the way you want and use the script to add functionality and control it. It is an incredibly small script at just 3.6kb(4.5 non-minified) and features 6 types of transitions between slides. There are 5 pages of pre-built examples with a total of 10 pre-built examples to look through.
PriceUSD 6.00
CSS3 enhanced zoom-in zoom-out slideshow
posted bypeter24funinSlide Shows
This free copy and paste script adds a stylish CSS3 effect to your slideshow. Simply by setting the style attributes you can apply corners to any or all four image-corners, furthermore you can apply shadows. Each slide can be commented and linked. The visual CSS3 effects are supported by FF3+, Safari 3+ and Google Chrome 4+. IE6+ users and Opera 7+ users will see a nice clean zoom-in zoom-out slideshow without any special effects.
Ticker AND slideshow all in one
posted bypeter24funinSlide Shows
This free JavaScript combines a great ticker with a great slideshow! Ticker and slideshow are synchronized. You may put ticker and slideshow each on a separate place. Both can be different in size. Browsers: IE6x/7x/8x, FF2x/3x, Opera 8x/9x/10x/11x, Chrome 3x/4x/5x/6x/7x/8x.
Magic Magnet Slideshow
posted bypeter24funinSlide Shows
Add a little magic to your image-presentation! First you will see only the debris of your image randomly spread out all over the screen. Then those scattered image-pieces will be drawn together by a strong magnetic force rebuilding the image! Display as many images as you like. You may add a link and a message to each image! Crossbrowser: Internet Explorer 5x/6x/7x/8x, Firefox 2x/3x, Opera 7x/8x/9x/10x, Google Chrome 3x/4x/5x/6x.
Simple slideshow with lamellar effect
posted bypeter24funinSlide Shows
Slideshow with nice lamellar transition effect between the pictures. You may add as many pictures and lamellas as you like. Each picture can be linked to a separate URL. Easy 1-minute-configuration of speed, pictures, links and number of lamellas. Crossbrowser: Internet Explorer 6x/7x/8x, Firefox 2x/3x, Opera 7x/8x/9x/10x/11x, Google Chrome 3x/4x/5x/6x/7x/8x.
jQuad - Slideshow with a difference
posted byScriptDirinSlide Shows
It let’s you create awesome widgets ranging from front page sliders to galleries to full screen slideshow. Equipped with such powerful features jQuad has a very easy to use syntax and is only 17 Kb in size.
PriceUSD 7.00
JQuery slideshow with XML Data Source
posted bybryianinSlide Shows
I am using the JQuery Simple Controls Gallery from Drive DHTML (dynamic html) & JavaScript code library . One of the requirements is to read the images information from a XML file. After spending some time researching for it, I found the article Reading XML with jQuery. I have put together these two findings and include a brief explanation to it. Hope someone will find this information useful. Comments are welcome.