Anxiety Diary
posted byanxietyzoneinMiscellaneous
omes Anxiety Diary v1.0, a user-friendly electronic mental health diary system that can be used to log daily events, appointments, monitor therapy, keep track of medications and chart the progress of your recovery. Records can also be printed out and shown to your doctor or therapist. Anxiety Diary should be useful for people suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Hypochondria, Panic Disorder, Clinical Depression, Specific Phobias, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and an array of other anxiety-related disorders. Anxiety Diary v1.0 comes with a wealth of features, is completely customizable and easy to use. Anxiety Diary v1.0 is FREE!.
Traffic Conditions - Website Magnet
posted bytrafficmagnetsinMiscellaneous
Get free dynamic traffic information for your web site with
Traffic Magnets! Traffic magnets provide employees, visitors, and clients
with the convenience of live traffic data for your surrounding area.
Anti-Cache for Google, Yahoo, MSN,..
posted byphpctrlinMiscellaneous
If you do not want that everybody can see your page like the search engine spider see it, looking thru the cache. You can disallow your pages to be in the search engines cache using meta.
But in this case your page will not have a PageRank, and your website will not be at its best level in search engines.
Then the only solution is to have your page in the cache and when someone is looking for your page cache on the search engine to redirect him to your main page.
As we do not find any answer to this question (April 2005), we have decided to do a small javascript for that. Of course everybody do not have Javascript enable in the browser, but by this way you will have more visitors, all those looking the search engine cache.
This script will also redirect to your main page someone who have recorded your page on its HD, if he does not have a Javascript protection for local pages integrated in the browser.
Table formatter
posted bynata1801inMiscellaneous
The script formats a vertical table with one column into a table with specified rows amount.
In the next version, the formatting for horizontal tables has been added.
In the last version, the script was rewritten in prototype-oriented style.
ScriptsInclude js include
posted bytroudculinMiscellaneous
use include in html using javascript
That's perfect if you cannot perform php in your machine.
Also we have many more js, php, css, xhtml scripts resources and pattern for you.
posted bylloydhassellinMiscellaneous
dynLib is a client-side scripting library that helps you build cross-browser Dynamic HTML projects quickly and easily. The library provides a set of common code for all DHTML-compliant browsers, which overcomes the scripting inconsistencies that exist between the many versions of Internet Explorer and Netscape. This includes many variables and functions used for working with layers, such as manipulating the appearance, clipping, dimensions, HTML, positioning, visibility & z-index, and also the advanced techniques of adding, dragging, sliding & stacking. Also included in the library is code for browser detection and other DHTML techniques such as working with the cursor, document, events, images and the window.
HTML Code Converter
posted bynata1801inMiscellaneous
This tool can be useful for multilanguage sites. It allows you to view, for example, both Cyrillic and Baltic letters. You can also use it to hide e-mail addresses from e-mail grabbers. Neither "@" nor "." will be found on your web-page. The script works in IE, Firefox, Opera.
Free JAVA scripts for selling mobile content
posted bybluetwisterinMiscellaneous
This script allows you to offer more than 15 000 monophonic ringtones, polyphonic, black & white logos, wallpapers and animated screensavers logos, Hi-Fi ringtones, java games and applications directly on your site! Your mobile content sites ready to use and customizable. Become mobile content provider right now!
Easiest Random Quote/Message Display
posted byjoshfreedmaninMiscellaneous
The easiest way to add random text (quotes, testimonials, pithy phrases, sayings, etc.) to your website. One file and one line of code, no JavaScript experience necessary. Supports limited HTML in the messages. Works on any web server (no PHP or ASP required).
Wizz RSS News Reader
posted bymikekinMiscellaneous
This is actually an XUL application that installs and runs as an extension on Firefox. The extension installs under Tools on the Firefox menu bar. It includes weather information and the ability to create and maintain private lists.
Tigra Tables PRO
posted bysupportinMiscellaneous
Tigra Tables PRO is flexible cross-browser client side table data manipulation JavaScript offering rows sorting, filtering, paged output, altering rows coloring and other visual effects. Tigra Tables PRO component saves development time and greatly reduces network load. With highly optimized algorithms script offers good results on large data sets.
Tigra Color Picker
posted bysupportinMiscellaneous
Tigra Color Picker - Free JavaScript widget that makes it easy for your visitors to fill out color value field(s) by selecting the color from a popup palette. Script saves the time for those internet/intranet developers who need intuitive, easy to use client-side color input control.
Daily Christian Content
posted byintellicentsinMiscellaneous
Daily Commentary is a daily feed that's placed on your site via javascript. Give you and your visitors dynamically updated content on a daily basis. It consists of a bible verse with related commentary. The code is nothing more than a simple line of javascript that connects to our daily feed.
This is 100% free for you and your visitors. We also have a daily scripture based on the same javascript code. It is my goal that you and your visitors will be blessed through this simple script!
Harmony Scriptures
posted byintellicentsinMiscellaneous
Harmony Scriptures is a JS code that's placed on your site to to give you and your visitors dynamically updated content straight from the bible. The code is nothing more than a simple line of javascript that connects to our daily scripture feed.
posted bygarynewellukinMiscellaneous
Create snazzy webpages without any coding knowledge.
Includes all the things you'd expect from a web page editor including images, tables, links, tags for formatting text, indentation, paragraphing, heading styles etc.
3 views include Design, HTML and Preview.
HTML2XHTML JavaScript converter
posted bysmolininMiscellaneous
HTML2XHTML Converter (H2X) generates a well formed XHTML string from an HTML DOM object.
H2X could be used in online wysiwyg html editors or any other javascript applications to produce well formed XHTML 1.0 code. H2X works in MS IE 5.0 for Windows or above, Netscape 7.1, Mozilla 1.3 or above, Opera 9+ and Safari 3+. It should work in all Mozilla based browsers (eg Firefox 0.8+).
Script Loader
posted bytakeapillbillinMiscellaneous
Script Loader is a JavaScript script that enables you to dynamically load external JavaScript scripts
BN HTML Editor
posted bybrimonetinMiscellaneous
Improvements include a new GUI and more built in tas that you can insert. A javascript based html editor, allows for quick insert of image, meta, table, and many more tags. Also includes a preview feature, and select all, also includes a html tag index. This script is very compact, light-weight, and useful for everyone. This is the first version, you can request features in the forum.
Javascript & MySQL
posted byneomagikinMiscellaneous
Let javascript connect to mysql and do sum db work. You must have myODBC for this! It uses ActiveX
posted byDaveLauderdaleinMiscellaneous
This JavaScript will search your Windows PC for the existence of a copy of your system password file (SAM) in the repair directory. This script does seperate searches for WINNT and WINDOWS directories. This code contains some VB script so it only works accuratly in IE browsers. NOTE: I couldn't get the code to work right when searches for both c:\winnt\repair\sam AND c:\windows\repair\sam were down on same page...I would get it to work in a machine with WINDOWS directory just fine but it then would be buggy with WINNT directories so I split up each search into seperate pages and make sure the directories are correct before checking for the file or it gives false results.
UPDATE: As of WinXP SP2 this script does not seem to work correctly.