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Results 21-32 of 32
WYSIWYG HotEditor - IE, FireFox, Netscape, Opera & Safari compatible
The simple-to-use, stand-alone editor that can be loaded to any website folder to recreate a WYSIWYG interface provides features that not even Google Gmail can boast. HotEditor 4.2 can work with Safari; can provide Cut, Copy and Paste functions with FireFox and Opera. HotEditor will output both HTML code & forum BBCode. Visit HotEditor homepage today to get free WYSIWYG Editor MOD for your favorite forum softwares such as phpBB, SMF, MyBB, UseBB, PunBB and more...
(18 ratings)
Whizzywig replaces a textarea on a form with a WYSIWYG rich text editor. It has a configurable toolbar and generates valid XHTML. Image and link browsers are available. Simple to install and tailor, it is feature rich, and very fast. Just 29k of JavaScript. The Whizzywig toolbar is simple to configure - just list the button you want, in the order you want them. You can even add your own buttons. You can specify your own CSS style sheet so that entries conform to your site's house style. Users can paste in from applications like Microsoft Word and Whizzywig will clean up the HTML. Installation is a snap. Advanced features like table editing and full screen view, often only supported in scripts many times this size, are included without the need for plug-ins. Language variants include Spanish, Russian, French, German, Dutch, Hungarian, Portuguese, Italian. Version 63 support all modern browsers including IE9 and Chrome.
(681 ratings)
UBB code Rich Text Editor v1.0
This is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Rich Text Editor with UBB code parser. Editor works with IE browser only. However, other users will see regressed text only version. This JavaScrit is useful for filtering out unwonted HTML tags in users input.
(3 ratings)
Use the EDITOR class to create WYSIWYG-editable text fields. You can create as many fields as you want. When put into a form, the contents can be submitted, e.g. to be stored into a database. Look and size can be modified easily and separately for each text field. Besides text-formatting, you can also insert images, bullet points, tables, and bar charts. Other languages are supported, too.
(21 ratings)
TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released as Open Source under LGPL by Moxiecode Systems AB. It has the ability to convert HTML TEXTAREA fields or other HTML elements to editor instances. TinyMCE is very easy to integrate into other CMS systems. Tiny Moxiecode Content Editor written completely in Javascript.
(31 ratings)
Frenezia HTML Wysiwyg Editor
Frenezia HTML Editor is a free Wysiwyg HTML editor for converting Text Area Field in HTML Forms. It will fit in any forms of your personal or professional web site!! You won't need any HTML knowledge! You will have a visual tool!
(6 ratings)
Indite is an extension to HtmlArea. Indite validates content as the user types. This ensures that the output is semantically clean, but still allows the user full preview of the final result. Indite is mainly a JavaScript (client-side) application, but comes with a PHP class that encapsulates and simplifies the use of it.
(0 ratings)
Asbru Web Content Editor
Cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor with support for Microsoft Internet Explorer on Windows as well as Mozilla (v1.3+), Netscape (v7.1+), Mozilla Firefox/Firebird (v0.7+) and Mozilla Firefox (v1.0PR+) on Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Unix and Safari (v2.0.1+) on Mac OS X. Enables anybody to create, edit and post website content through a What-You-See-Is-What-You- Get editor with CSS Style Sheet support and Drag & Drop editing (to be used as a replacement for HTML FORM TEXTAREAs). Insert tables, images, Flash animations, Java Applets, hyperlinks, anchors/bookmarks, forms, text boxes and set properties such as borders, absolute positioning and much more. Administrate media and links on the server with the advanced media and hyperlink manager dialog windows. Check spelling in 44+ languages. Select and remove HTML tags with the optional DOM inspector.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 40.00
TextArea Rich Free WYSIWYG editor
TextArea rich is a free WYSIWYG web-based eitor which replaces the existing textarea HTML tag. Textarea Rich uses a similar interface to Micorosft Word and uses buttons to allow you to make text bold, italic, underlined. You can also switch between WYSIWYG view and the HTML source code to allow for even greater editing! The whole editor is written in Javascript and HTML, so there is no need to download any plugins, or ActiveX components. Version 3.0 now includes a configuration file so you can easily switch off buttons and any feature you like. TAR v3.0 now uses right click context menus, advanced colour picker which will store your "favourite" colours, and much more!
(9 ratings)
BlueShoes Wysiwyg Editor
Allows direct wysiwyg editing of html code in your webbrowser. It's a great frontend to edit data for users with no or limited html knowledge. Features: text formatting, color selector, insert and upload images, html mode, code-snippets, special characters.
(6 ratings)
htmlArea is a free WYSIWYG editor replacement for common textarea fields in HTML forms. Users can change the font size/color, make it bold/italicized/underlined, add bullets numbering, and tables, insert images and links, and more. It works with any server-side software that accepts forms, including PHP, ASP, Perl, etc and enables users to format their content as easily as if they were using a Word Processor. No HTML knowledge is required. Once the form is submitted, the raw HTML is passed along through your CGI script for use in your program. Open source license.
(49 ratings)
The Richtext Editor
An HTML Text Editor written using DHTML, JavaScript and Scriptlet technologies allows WYSIWYG editing of HTML from within a web page. Ideal for use as a forum message editor or anywhere else description text is required.
(3 ratings)
Results 21-32 of 32