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Links & Buttons

Results 1-6 of 6
Points Of Interest in CSS & jQuery
Use this resource to highlight the points of interest of your products. Just a click to open a brief description of each point, allowing your user to get a deep and fast understanding of your product features.
(0 ratings)
Facebook Friends Invite Button For Your Website
Facebook Friends Invite Button allows website visitor to invite their facebook friends to your website easily . The invite button where developed by using facebook API interference .
(1 ratings)
Simple jQuery Tooltip by Allembru
This is a very basic tooltip using CSS and jQuery. The goal of this tooltip was to make something rich looking without all of the weightyness of most designer tooltips. The weight of this tooltip script comes within the CSS and only a few lines of jQuery to facilitate the opening and closing of the tooltip. Simple jQuery Tooltip does not use any images, only css to style the entire tooltip and is cross-browser compatible tested using Chrome, IE9 and Firefox.
(3 ratings)
JavaScript dropdown list menu to switch any page
In this article we are going to design a JavaScript dropdown list menu to switch any page. Some time we have provided option to Select a desire option and load that a web page with respect to it. The Script we are going to design is very simple. First of all just design a select menu. All we have to do is design a form and a drop-down list box. Following piece of code will do it for you.
(6 ratings)
Javascript Rollovers
This used to be the language you had to know in order to get links in a color other than blue, or do image rollovers and other such things. There is still a great deal to be done with it; that is, I don�t think it will disappear in a year or two. I like using it, actually, so I am going to post a sample bit of code up here.
(0 ratings)
Creating JavaScript Rollover Buttons
Assumes absolutely no knowledge of how to use a JavaScript. Covers everything from creation of graphics to generation and application of a script to make a simple navigation bar with rollover effects.
(30 ratings)
Results 1-6 of 6