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Results 1-3 of 3
Regular Expressions Password complexity test for registration forms
posted bygHarlandinSecurity
It is shocking how many people actually think that the names of wife, children, pets or favourite sports teams, are actually safe passwords. To make potential users aware that this is not a case, here is a password complexity test for registration forms.
(0 ratings)
JavaScript: Password Protected Content with Redirect Page
posted byjackinSecurity
If the password does not match case or is invalid the material on the page is secured. This is poor man's simple security. You want to use something robust for sensitive information. This will keep most out, but probably not the ones you really wanted to stay away. You want to add another script to protect the source of your files, too.
(3 ratings)
Restricting access of JavaScript libraries to your domains
The nature of JavaScript libraries means they can be accessed and utilized by any site online, not just yours. Learn how to restrict access of your libraries to only your own sites, warding off bandwidth theft in the process.
(18 ratings)
Results 1-3 of 3