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Programming Books

Results 21-40 of 90
Set up an Online Store using Drupal e-Commerce
Drupal e-Commerce is the combination of Drupal, the award-winning Drupal 5 content management system and the e-Commerce package of modules that can be plugged into it, bringing a wealth of e-commerce functionality to the software. In this book users will learn how to use the Drupal Content Management System along with its e-Commerce modules to set up and manage an online shop. Users will learn to install the software, take a look at its features, plan and create their shop, look at customer management, create a design for their shop, and cover security, taxes, shipping, and even marketing their business! Drupal is a free and open-source modular web application framework and content management system (CMS) written in PHP that can run in many environments; including Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and FreeBSD. Drupal e-Commerce is a free, open-source, feature-rich, flexible package of modules that seamlessly adds full e-Store capabilities to Drupal.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 35.99
Drupal 6
Drupal is a hugely popular and widely celebrated open-source Content Management System that is day-by-day becoming the first choice of people for building blogs and other websites. Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Hillary Clinton, and many others utilize Drupal to fulfil their online requirements The updated book meets the booming demand for well presented, clear, concise, and above all practical information on how to move from establishing the need for a website all the way through to designing and building it like a pro, and finally successfully managing and maintaining it. Written in the same style as the original Drupal title, this book is a pragmatic look at the steps necessary to get a website up and running. Drawing on years of writing experience, David Mercer utilizes a friendly, engaging style that is both clear and concise � perfect for the Drupal newbie.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 40.49
Building Websites with Joomla 1.5
Joomla! started as a fork from Mambo in 2005, when many of the original developers of the Mambo CMS moved to working on Joomla! It has rapidly grown in popularity and is a cutting Edge Content Management System and one of the most powerful Open Source Content Management systems in the world. It is used world-wide for anything from simple homepages to complicated corporate websites. It is easy to install, easy to manage and very reliable. While the Joomla! CMS has the flexibility and power needed for complex, full-featured web applications; it is also simple to use to create basic websites. Its powerful, extensible template system can deal many different data types and control of user access, approval of content, scheduling of content display, and rich administrative controls are all included.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 40.49
Mastering phpMyAdmin 2.11 for Effective MySQL Management
Whether you are an experienced developer, system administrator, web designer or new to MySQL, phpMyAdmin is a must-have tool for anyone who needs to manage MySQL databases and tables. This book is a must-read for every serious phpMyAdmin user who would like to use this outstanding application to its full power. What you will learn from this book? -Common reasons for installing PhpMyAdmin -Managing multiple servers on single copy of PhpMyAdmin -Securing your PhpMyAdmin installation -Upgrading your PhpMyAdmin installation -Managing databases, data table structures, and indexes to create efficient databases -Administering MySQL users and privileges -Getting server and database statistics -Generating better documentation of evolving table structures
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 28.69
Object-Oriented Programming with PHP5
Object-oriented programming was basically introduced to ease the development process as well as reduce the time of development by reducing the amount of code needed. This book will help you to understand the core object-oriented programming concepts with PHP. It will help you to master core OOP features in PHP as well as advanced Topics like Design Patterns including Model-View-Controller (MVC), and Unit Testing. Moreover this book provides comprehensive documentation and working examples on the Standard PHP Library (SPL), which are hard to find elsewhere. It contains plentiful examples to help you to understand OOP and explains how to take full advantage of PHP�s OOP features in simple language.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 35.99
Start a Cash-Generating Joomla! Website
Written by Brandon Dawson and Tom Canavan, this book is a fast and easy read, taking the reader from the inception of an idea, to a fully working cash-generating website built on Joomla! The emphasis of this book is towards business and online e-commerce; it will give readers a valuable knowledge base on search engines, layout and design, implementing a shopping cart, marketing their website, affiliate marketing and more. Readers will appreciate the concise and straightforward method to set up a cash-generating website. This book is suitable for business people with a medium level of technical skill who need a good primer on how to implement a cash-generating website. Those unfamiliar with Joomla! would benefit from reading Building Websites with Joomla! 1.5 Beta 1. Joomla! is an award-winning Content Management System (CMS) that helps users build websites and other powerful online applications. It is an open-source solution that is freely available to everybody.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 31.49
Learn to Master Joomla! 1.5 Extension& Framework Development with new book
Packed with expert advice on all aspects of programming with Joomla! Written by James Kennard, this book is an invaluable reference guide that users will turn to again and again as they work with Joomla! This book is ideal for people who have done PHP programming to extend or customize Joomla! If users feel that they have mastered the basics of creating Joomla! extensions, then this book will take them to the next level. Users will also learn about customizing the page output, using JavaScript effects, making use of Web Services from within Joomla! thus ensuring a secure and error-free code This book is written for PHP developers who want to understand how Joomla! works with a view to advanced customization or extension development, and want to learn how to work with the Joomla! framework. Packed with expert advice on all aspects of programming with Joomla!, this book is an invaluable reference guide users will turn to again and again in their Joomla! development tasks.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 44.99
Hacking Vim: A Cookbook to get the Most out of the Latest Vim Editor
This is a cookbook packed with ready-to-use hacks that give solutions for some of the commonest problems users of the Vim editor encounter during their daily use. Each recipe follows a systematic approach with a self-contained description of the task it covers, how to use it, and what you gain by using it. The reader can read any of the hacks in this book without having to read any of the other hacks�where necessary they include cross-references to other relevant hacks. The minimum version of Vim required for each hack is clearly indicated. Anyone who has worked with Vim and wants to get more out of this legendary text editor can use the hacks from this book. It does not cover the basic tasks of using the editor but instead focuses on making life easier for more experienced Vim users.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 35.99
Learn to Create Accessible Websites with Joomla!
Written by Joshue O Connor, Senior Accessibility Consultant with CFIT, this book is designed to help readers gain a deeper understanding of Joomla! and accessibility. This book looks at what accessibility is and the various reasons, such as legislative or legal, as to why readers really need to understand accessibility and then create websites that can be used by everyone. This book therefore examines the diverse range of user requirements that need to be considered for humans to successfully use web technologies. This book is a guide to any Joomla! User who wants to make their sites more accessible and the author does assume that readers have a basic working knowledge of Joomla! Readers don�t need to know anything about accessibility. While some design skills and technical knowledge of HTML, CSS and PHP will be very useful, readers will still benefit from reading this book if they wish to understand more about assistive technology and the needs of people with disabilities.
(3 ratings)
PriceGBP 17.90
Learning PHP Data Objects
This book starts with an overview of PHP Data Objects (PDO), followed by getting started with PDO. Then it covers error handling, prepared statements, and handling rowsets, before covering advanced uses of PDO and an example of its use in an MVC application. Finally an appendix covers the new object-oriented features of PHP 5. This book will guide you through the data layer abstraction objects in PHP. What you will learn from this book? -An overview of the technology, -Getting started with PDO, -Error handling, prepared statements, and handling rowsets, -Advanced features, like getting column metadata and setting connection parameters with examples. More details are available at: http://www.packtpub.com/L earning-PHP-Data-Objects- Open-Source/book
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 35.99
SOA and WS-BPEL book
When utilized within a Service-oriented Architecture (SOA), Web Services are part of a business process determining the logical order of service activities � logical units of work performed by one or more services. Today, the most popular tool for organizing service activities into business processes is Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL), a language defining an execution format for business processes operating on Web Services. While it is not a trivial task to define a business process definition with WS-BPEL from scratch, using a graphical WS-BPEL tool can significantly simplify this process. With the help of many examples, the book explains how to build Web Services with PHP, combine them into SOAs with WS-BPEL, and then deploy composite WS-BPEL-based solutions to the ActiveBPEL engine. The examples in this book are presented in a way that anyone can understand and apply.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 44.99
Learn PHP the Ez Way
Start Making PHP Applications in minutes! This book is intended to provide web designers who never have any knowledge of web programming before nor they have any concept of HTML language, the knowledge of most popular server sided language, PHP. This books starts with the basics of HTML and the basic concepts of PHP to database driven applications of PHP, along with examples. Much stress has been given to make this book ease for beginners and those who never have any experience of writing programs. A lot of books are available covering detailed PHP programming, but this book intends to provide the knowledge, which is needed to get you started.
(7 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
PHP Oracle Web Development
This book is built entirely around example code, covering the most popular and up-to-date topics on using PHP in conjunction with Oracle. This 100% practical book is crammed full of easy-to-follow examples. It provides all the tools a PHP/Oracle developer needs to take advantage of the winning combination. It addresses the needs of a wide spectrum of PHP/Oracle developers, placing the emphasis on the most up-to-date topics, such as new PHP and Oracle Database features, stored procedure programming, handling transactions, security, caching, web services, and Ajax. Through numerous examples, this book will show readers how to build simple and efficient PHP applications on top of Oracle, efficiently distributing data processing between the Web/PHP server and Oracle Database server. Packed with information in an easy-to-read format, the book is ideal for any PHP developer who deals with Oracle. Written by experienced author, Yuli Vasiliev.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.99
SugarCRM - Customize and Extend SugarCRM with new Guide for Developers
Following on from the success of their first book on SugarCRM, Packt is pleased to announce its follow up, written by CRM expert Dr Mark Alexander Bain. SugarCRM is the world's leading commercial open-source customer relationship management (CRM) software for companies of all sizes. SugarCRM easily adapts to any business environment by offering a more flexible, cost-effective alternative to proprietary applications. In SugarCRM Developer�s Manual, Dr Bain provides an overview of the architecture of the application and database and covers the essential steps for hooking a module into the SugarCRM infrastructure. Readers should have a basic knowledge of SugarCRM as the book does not cover installation and usage of SugarCRM. SugarCRM Developer's Manual: Customize and extend SugarCRM by Dr Mark Alexander Bain is published by Packt and is available to buy now: http://www.packtpub.com/C ustomize-SugarCRM-PHP-MyS QL-Open-Source-Developer- Manual/book. For more information, visit www.Packtpub.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 44.99
Learn to Create Professional Quality Joomla! Templates
Written by Tessa Blakely Silver, Joomla! Template Design is a complete guide for web designers to all aspects of designing unique website templates for the free Joomla! PHP Content Management System.Joomla! Template Design is a well-crafted, easy-to-use book and a complete guide to creating Joomla! templates for a website. It guides users through setting up a basic workflow for Joomla! template design, debugging and validating the template code, creating drop-down menus, interactive forms, and dynamic forms for a site, and packaging up the finished template in a ZIP file for users.The book explains how to deal with and use multiple templates in the same site.The book offers guidelines on using animations and other effects in Joomla! templates and provides tricks for tweaking existing templates.Joomla! Template Design is published by Packt and will be released in July 2007. For more information, please visit http://www.packtpub.com/J oomla-Template-Design-ope n-source-PHP-MySQL/book
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.15
PHP Web 2.0 Mashup Projects
Create PHP projects that grab and mix data from the likes of Google Maps, Flickr, Amazon, YouTube, MSN Search, Yahoo!, Last.fm, the Internet UPC Database, not to mention the California Highway Patrol Traffic service! This book is your entryway to the world of mashups and Web 2.0. You will create PHP projects that grab data from one place on the Web, mix it up with relevant information from another place on the Web and present it in a single application. This book is made up of five real-world PHP projects. Each project begins with an overview of the technologies and protocols needed for the project, and then dives straight into the tools used and details of creating the project.
(13 ratings)
PriceUSD 35.99
Building Websites with TYPO3.
This book is a fast paced tutorial to creating a website using TYPO3. If you have never used TYPO3, or even any web content management system before, then you need not look further than this book as it walks you through each step to create your own TYPO3 site. From installation, to initial set up and content entry and on to customization and adding plug-ins, this book will get you a stable and working TYPO3 based website fast. What you will learn from this book? -How to easily set-up your own TYPO3 website, -How to install and configure TYPO3, -Develop a fully functional example site through the book, -Get to grips with TYPO3's front-end and back-end features, -Work with TYPO3's user management features, -Successfully manage and maintain your TYPO3 website, -Work with the TYPO3 extension manager to extend your site, More details can be found at: http://www.packtpub.com/b eginning-typo3/book
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 35.99
MediaWiki Administrators� Tutorial Guide
This book covers the open-source MediaWiki wiki engine from installation and getting started through structuring your collaborative website, advanced formatting, images, multimedia, security, and managing users to backing up, restoring, and migrating your installation and creating new MediWiki templates. This book is for competent computer users who want to run MediaWiki. They should have some knowledge of HTML and have used a wiki before. No PHP knowledge is required for most of the book, although some chapters at the end include some PHP code. More details about the book can be found at: http://www.packtpub.com/M ediawiki/book
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 35.99
Building Websites with e107
This book is a fast paced tutorial to creating a website using e107. If anyone has never used e107, or even any web content management system before, then this book will walk him through each step in a friendly and accessible way. User does not have to be an experienced web developer or designer to get a great looking site with a full set of functions using this book and e107. The Building Websites with e107 book contains a number of screen shots to reinforce that each step that user perform is correct. Building Websites with e107 book is primarily for entrepreneurs; small office/home office, small businesses and non-profit agencies who would like to have interactive, business and/or e-commerce web sites at a low cost without sacrificing power or usability. No knowledge of PHP programming, Apache, or MySQL is required.
(6 ratings)
Mastering TypoScript: TYPO3 Website, Template, and Extension Development
�Mastering TypoScript� is a complete guide to understanding and using TypoScript, TYPO3's powerful configuration language. Users can also understand how to present different views of content with different menu entry types. With the help of Mastering TypoScript book users will understand the objects, properties, operators, and data types in TypoScript. Users can also understand how to present different views of content with different menu entry types. The book helps in designing and developing templates along with extension in TYPO3. TypoScript also allows users to generate graphics at run time and display different content dynamically. This book is suitable for TYPO3 developers, administrators, and designers who want to develop fully featured TYPO3 websites using the power of TypoScript.
(0 ratings)
Results 21-40 of 90