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Programming Books

Results 41-60 of 90
WordPress Complete
WordPress is an open-source blog engine released under the GNU general public license.�WordPress Complete� is a beginner's guide to WordPress, for people who are new to blogging and want to create their own blogs in a simple and straightforward manner. It has clear practical coverage of all aspects of WordPress. If you want to create powerful, fully-featured blogs in no time, this book is for you. This book will help you explore WordPress showing you what it offers and how to go about building your blog with the system.You will be introduced to the main aspects of a blog � users, communities, posts, comments, news feeds � and learn how to manage them using WordPress. In working through the book you'll be inspired as well as informed, and have the capability and the ideas to make your blog cutting edge and exciting to maximize its impact.
(9 ratings)
Mastering phpMyAdmin 2.8 for Effective MySQL Management
�Mastering phpMyAdmin 2.8 for Effective MySQL Management� is a must read for every serious phpMyAdmin user who would like to use this outstanding application to its full power .Whether you are an experienced developer, system administrator, web designer or new to MySQL, phpMyAdmin is a must have tool for anyone who needs to manage MySQL databases and tables. This book is an upgrade from the previous version that covered phpMyAdmin Version 2.6. Written by a member of the development team, this book serves as a comprehensive guide to helping you unlock the full potential of phpMyAdmin 2.8. You can increase your MySQL productivity and control by discovering the real power of phpMyAdmin 2.8.The book begins with a comprehensive tutorial of phpMyAdmin that systematically explains and demonstrates the potential of this tool. It then goes on to show the less well known and generally under-used features and capabilities of phpMyAdmin in depth.
(3 ratings)
The PEAR Installer Manifesto
�The PEAR Installer Manifesto� will show you a new way of organizing your PHP development, by leveraging the full power of the PEAR Installer. PEAR Installer is the preferred PHP software for installing PHP components. You will also learn how to use the power of PEAR to manage your web projects with the PEAR installer to bring the power of versioning and rollbacks to your live website. The synergy of the PEAR Installer and a revision control system like CVS or Subversion is also explored in depth. Finally, you will learn how to embed the PEAR Installer inside your own web application in order to manage plug-ins from a remote server. �The PEAR Installer Manifesto� covers in detail designing a custom plug-in system for a fictitious blog application. The plug-in system is used to manage templates, and the PEAR Installer is used to manage the details of querying the remote server for templates, handling dependencies between versioning, and doing the actual installation process as well.
(3 ratings)
Mastering phpMyAdmin 2.8 for Effective MySQL Management
This book is an upgrade from the previous version that covered phpMyAdmin Version 2.6. Written by a member of the development team, this book serves as a comprehensive guide to helping you unlock the full potential of phpMyAdmin 2.8 This book will show you how to increase your productivity and control when working with your databases. You will learn how to: -Administer MySQL users and privileges, and get statistics about MySQL servers and databases Manage databases, table data and structures, and indexes,-Use bookmarks and metadata,-Generate multiple SQL queries,-Generate better documentation of evolving table structures.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 31.49
ImageMagick Tricks
This fast paced and practical tutorial is packed with examples of photo manipulations, logo creation, animations, and complete web projects. With this book up your sleeve, you'll be creating spellbinding images from code in no time. Using this book, you can: -Install the ImageMagick software on your own computer or a server -Create exciting text effects and produce eye catching logos and headings -Create impressive image manipulations and animations on-the-fly from the command line or within your programs -Complete PHP-based sample applications show how to use ImageMagick to add pizzazz your web site -Slice, dice, and filter your images turn simple photos into mind-bending designs and illusions -Write web applications such as an advanced e-card generator, and even create your own Packt book cover! -Generate ImageMagick scripts in MSL using the conjure utility -Create thumbnails by converting file types, resizing, and cropping to consistent size, aspect ratio.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 31.49
Smarty PHP Template Programming and Applications
It will help you to: -Install and configure Smarty on your Web server, -Understand how Smarty affects your web site architecture, and build site foundations that make the most of what Smarty offers, -Designers will learn to work with templates that contain variables and logic, to modify layouts or content of Smarty web sites, -See how Smarty caching can improve the performance of your sites, -Develop custom Smarty functions and plug-ins to incorporate into your templates, This book is written for PHP developers who want to use Smarty templates in their development, and for designers who are working with PHP developers who are using Smarty.
(7 ratings)
PriceUSD 35.99
Drupal: Creating Blogs, Forums, Portals, and Community Websites
A complete guide to every aspect of creating a variety of different websites using Drupal. A trove of well-considered and practical information is presented in a logical and intuitive manner so that you can either build up your site step by step by reading from cover to cover or, alternatively, focus on your specific needs by diving into each chapter as required. This book will suit anyone who has a need to create a content rich website. Whether you are: -Adding a personal web page -Building a forum -Writing a collaborative book -Retailing goods -Creating a blog -Launching a community Website This book will prove to be an indispensable companion. Both experts and beginners to computing alike will find the information contained herein to be accessible and easy to intuit.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 35.99
AJAX and PHP: Building Responsive Web Applications
Assuming a basic knowledge of PHP, XML, JavaScript and MySQL, this book will help you understand how the heart of AJAX beats and how the constituent technologies work together. After teaching the foundations, the book will walk you through numerous real-world case studies covering tasks you�ll be likely to need for your own applications: Server-enabled form-validation page Online chat collaboration tool Customized type-ahead text entry solution Real-time charting using SVG Database-enabled, editable and customizable data grid RSS aggregator application A server-managed sortable list with drag&drop support using the script.aculo.us JavaScript toolkit. This book is for web developers willing to build better web applications. A basic knowledge of PHP, XML, JavaScript and MySQL, or a strong will to learn-as-you-type, is assumed.
(6 ratings)
PriceGBP 19.79
Implementing SugarCRM
'A step-by-step guide to using this powerful Open Source application in your business.' -Assess your business's CRM requirements, and start using SugarCRM effectively straight away -Covers both the free and commercial versions of SugarCRM � get maximum benefit from the free version before paying for add ons -Your complete guide to SugarCRM implementation � assess your needs, install the software, start using it, train users, integrate with existing systems
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 53.99
phpEclipse: A user guide
PHPEclipse brings PHP functionality to the Eclipse platform, enhancing it as an environment for developing web applications and focusing on what PHP web developers need to create an application. This book teaches you: -Finding your way around the Eclipse environment -Working with the PHP editing features of PHPEclipse to correct your PHP syntax -Configuring and using the debugger to help troubleshoot PHP code -Using PHPDocumentor to quickly create documentation for your code -Interfacing to SQL databases using the QuantumDB plug-in -Managing your source code repository from within Eclipse -Deploying your application to production servers via FTP, SFTP, WebDav -Using Ant to deploy your PHP applications
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 31.49
Building online comminities with phpBB
This book gives you the power to use phpBB to set up and run your own online discussion forums with ease, and develop your own Internet community. It takes you through the whole process of setting up your phpBB site, and helps you create, customize and manage your own online community with phpBB. Written by experienced phpBB administrators and enthusiasts, the emphasis is on simple, and practical guidance for you to get the most from phpBB.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
Typo 3: Enterprise Content Management
This book is the guide for all users of powerful application, Typo 3. Written by experts and members of the core development team of TYPO3, this book is all you need to build, customize, and deploy TYPO3 websites. What you will learn from this book? -Install, configure, customize, administrate, and extend TYPO3 -Create, edit, and manage content -Set up users, permissions, and workflows to ensure that all of your users can contribute to the site quickly and easily -Create and manage statistics and logs so that you can see how visitors are using your site, and improve it accordingly -Use standard and create new templates, giving you the power to create a site that looks the way you want it to -Give your site unique abilities by writing TYPO3 extensions
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 53.99
Building Online Stores with osCommerce: Beginner Edition
This book: --Is a step by step introduction to osCommerce --Helps install and configure osCommerce --Helps in building your first ecommerce website --Is a special Beginnner's edition of the complete Professional Title
(0 ratings)
PriceGBP 17.90
Mastering Mambo: E-Commerce, Templates, Module Development, SEO, Security,
Mastering Mambo is a professional-level guide to Mambo's most powerful and useful features. You will develop powerful interactive sites that fit perfectly with your unique requirements. * Create attractive custom layouts for Mambo * Build multilingual, internationalised sites * Open an online store for your Mambo site, complete with support for gift coupons, automatic invoicing, and more * Turn your site into a community with discussion forums * Discover more of the available Mambo extensions and how to use them * Optimize your site for performance, search engines, security, and accessibility * Develop your own components, modules and Mambots * Master DOCMAN, the document manager for Mambo, to turn your Mambo site into a dynamic repository of shared documents and files Mastering Mambo is the book for anybody who has developed a Mambo web site, and wants to expand what their site can do and make the most of this powerful content management system.
(0 ratings)
Building Websites with Mambo
This book is a fast paced tutorial to creating a website using Mambo. If you�ve never used Mambo, or even any web content management system before, then this book will walk you through each step in a friendly and accessible way. From installation, to initial set up and content entry and then on to customization for your own look and feel, this book will get you to a stable and working Mambo based web site fast. You don�t have to be an experienced web developer or designer to get a great looking site with a full set of functions using this book and Mambo. This book will guide you through every step. This book is suitable for web developers, designers, webmasters, content editors and marketing professionals who want develop a fully featured web presence in a simple and straightforward process. It does not require any detailed knowledge of programming or web development, and any IT confident individual will be able to use the book to produce an impressive web site.
(6 ratings)
PHPEclipse: A User Guide
The fusion of Eclipse, the leading open source development environment, and PHP is an exciting prospect for web developers. This book makes sure that you are up and running as quickly as possible, ready to take full advantage of PHPEclipse's tuned PHP development tools, without requiring any prior knowledge of Eclipse. You will begin with installing and configuring PHPEclipse, before moving onto a tour of the Eclipse environment, familiarizing you with its main components. As a plug-in to Eclipse, PHPEclipse is able to harness the platform to provide a rich and powerful development experience.
(0 ratings)
Herong's Notes on PHP
This book is a collection of notes and sample codes I wrote while learning PHP. Topics include Command Line Interface (CLI), array, book, CGI, cookie, database, example, free, function, HTTP, IIS, language, loop, mail, MySQL, online, PHP, request, session, SMTP, SQL, tutorial.
(267 ratings)
Php tutorial for Indonesian
Php tutorial for Indonesian or Malay language. This book is easy to use, with step by step method. It's complete with a few case, like how to make guestbook, news, etc. Also how to make connected to MySQL database.
(6 ratings)
How to Setup a PHP-MySQL Database on Your Website
You've downloaded a new PHP program to install on your website, but it requires a MySQL database be setup, in order to run. Now what? That's what you're here to learn. And the fact is -- it's easy. This little ebook quickly guides you through the instructions needed to setup your MySQL database. Also included are instructions on how to use FTP, how to determine if your website supports PHP and MySQL, and a quick introduction to PHPMyAdmin.
(12 ratings)
Learning eZ publish : Building content management solutions
This book takes you through the process of designing and building content-rich web sites and applications using eZ publish. Famed for its power and flexibility, eZ publish can be daunting on first approach. Moreover, it has advanced features that reward the investment in learning. This book exists to ease experienced PHP developers into thinking and developing the eZ publish way. With hard-won experience of the practical difficulties faced by developers working with eZ publish, and technical approval from eZ systems (creators of eZ publish) this book is a distillation of the authors� expertise, and the perfect way to master the system. Although there is good quality reference documentation on eZ publish, there are currently no books available. Therefore, this book has been written from the ground up, in a tutorial/case study style to fill this gap. This book is for Web developers new to eZ publish, while experienced developers of eZ publish who want to consolidate their knowledge will learn new techniques from eZ publish masters. It has also been designed for those new to eZ publish while also being aimed at experienced developers who want to consolidate their knowledge and learn new tricks from eZ publish masters.
(6 ratings)
Results 41-60 of 90