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Programming Books

Results 61-80 of 90
Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL Web Development
This book will guide you through creating your own sites using the open source AMP model. You�ll learn to install PHP, Apache, and MySQL. Then you�ll create PHP Web pages, including database management and security. Finally, you�ll discover how to integrate your work with e-commerce and other technologies. By building different types of Web sites, you will progress from setting up simple database tables to tapping the full potential of PHP, Apache, and MySQL.
(12 ratings)
Professional PHP Webservices
Web Services is a new paradigm that has evolved with time. With successful demonstration of proof of concept, Web Services are gradually moving towards occupying an important space in enterprise computing. In this book, we will discuss the consumption, development and deployment, description, discovery and security of Web Services in conjunction with the PHP programming model for Web services. This book discusses what Web Services are, how are they important in enterprise computing today and the various standards and programming models to building Web Services using PHP.
(6 ratings)
Professional PHP4 Databases
This book assumes that the reader has read Beginning PHP 4 and he does not have much of a clue about databases (almost Zero Database Quotient). So this book should be able to teach the reader how to build robust database driven PHP web applications. Further, this book is kind of a 'getting-the reader-ready' for PHP5 which will have strong OO and PEAR DB focus. So we teach the Beginning PHP DB developer the best practices to be adopted when getting into active development. After reading the book, developers will be fluent in database systems and how to take advantage of them in PHP applications.
(0 ratings)
Professional PHP4 Web Development Solutions
The true power of PHP lies in its strength to create dynamic web content. Developers have moved on from using the newbie style of PHP books, to making PHP work for them by using the theoretical offerings to create small to medium websites. This transition has created a definite information void, and through the Professional PHP4 Web Development Solutions book we hope to exactly fill that space - by helping you create a variety of real world, interactive web sites using PHP4 along with HTML, a DBMS system (MySQL), PEAR::DB, and XML or WML wherever applicable.
(0 ratings)
Programming PHP
Programming PHP is a comprehensive guide to PHP, a simple yet powerful language for creating dynamic web content. The book is co-authored by the creator of PHP, Rasmus Lerdorf, so you'll learn not only how to program in PHP, but how to do it well. This authoritative book explains the language syntax and programming techniques of PHP 4 in a clear and concise manner. Programming PHP goes into detail on fundamental topics such as functions, strings, arrays, and objects, with numerous examples that illustrate both correct usage and good PHP style.
(6 ratings)
Professional PHP4 XML
This book is a tutorial, a resource and a reference for PHP programmers who need to process XML data or interface different systems using XML. Non PHP programmers who need to construct a web based frontend for an application using XML can learn how to do it using PHP, since the book also covers the basic foundations of PHP programming. Advanced PHP programmers experienced in XML will obtain a reference as well as a very deep coverage on advanced topics.
(0 ratings)
XML and PHP is a clear, concise guide to the synergies between XML and PHP, many of which are not immediately visible to intermediate developers. XML and PHP demonstrates how PHP and XML can be combined to build cutting-edge Web applications. It includes detailed explanations of PHP's XML extensions, together with illustrations of using PHP to parse, validate and transform XML markup, traverse XML data trees, exchange data between Web applications, overlay remote procedure calls over HTTP, and use free open-source tools to add new capabilities to your PHP/XML applications.
(6 ratings)
PHP Programming for Windows
PHP Programming for Windows covers new ground including the use of PHP with Windows databases such as Access and SQL Server plus other topics such as the Microsoft SOAP SDK and using PHP with the Active Directory. This book covers PHP from installation all the way up to developing PHP applications with the Active Directory and .NET and teaches developers how to optimize PHP for the Windows platform and how to work with PHP and Windows Enterprise technologies.
(3 ratings)
Web Database Applications with PHP & MySQL
For seasoned developers, this could be the book that you wish you'd had when you started out building web database apps and data-driven sites. Keeping a copy around for reference, especially if you frequently jump back and forth between projects in different languages/environments, also might be helpful - for those occasions when you need of a quick refresher in PHP/MySQL dev. Moreover, if you find yourself in the position of having to mentor junior developers (or helping non-coder friends) tasked with building or maintaining PHP/MySQL-based sites or apps, then lending them your copy or recommending that they buy their own could save you quite a bit of time and frustration.
(0 ratings)
Creating Dynamic Webpages Using PHP and MySQL
This book provides you with everything you need to know about PHP, MySQL and how to create dynamic webpages. You don't need prior knowledge of programming. You learn by example from the many practical examples throughout the book. The accompanying CD-Rom includes apache, Netscape, PHP, and MySQL source code, plus all the scripts from the book. Topics covered: How to install and configure the Linux server; PHP--handling form processing, saving state, loops and arrays, strings and pattern matching, web server variables plus many other features; MySQL--connecting MySQL with PHP, Guest book application, Gotcha application, and Internal shopping cart application; How to secure Apache using authentication--web authentication, using PHP to control Access, using a database to store users and passwords, using htaccess files.
(9 ratings)
Professional PHP4 Programming
Professional PHP4 will show you exactly how to create state of the art web applications that scale well, utilize databases optimally, and connect to a back-end network using a multi-tiered approach. This book also aims at teaching PHP by coding FTP clients, e-mail clients, some advanced data structures, session management, and secure programming. Topics covered: The whys and wherefores of PHP4; PHP installation on *nix, Windows, and MacOS X; Sessions and cookies, coding FTP clients, network-related function calls, and directory services; PHP support for LDAP; Multi-tiered development using PHP; PHP's interaction with XML; PHP with MySQL; PHP with PostgreSQL and ODBC; Securing, optimizing, and internationalizing PHP applications; PHP extension libraries; A real world employee directory, an online library application, and a GTK interface to the application; Case studies on a user privilege system and a multi-tiered WML-based shopping cart.
(6 ratings)
Instant PHP 4
Design and write effective solutions for any Web-based project with help from this thorough resource on PHP--the server-side, cross-platform, HTML-embedded scripting language. Learn to develop a variety of useful solutions, from network management and Web development, to database and system administration. Each chapter of Instant PHP 4 features projects and examples crafted to illustrate a broad span of topics and design considerations--plus in-depth instruction on all phases of development necessary to complete the projects. Increase your knowledge of PHP with the comprehensive explanations and precooked applications and solutions in this robust technical resource. The CD-ROM includes ready-to-use Web development solutions, and all source code used throughout the book.
(3 ratings)
Php Functions Essential Reference
If you're a programmer looking for the most effective uses of PHP, this book will provide you with: A clear guide to common function usage and pitfalls; Easy to find, detailed information on the most important PHP functions; Practical examples of each function's use; Overview's that discuss how and why to use a particular group of functions; Practical, complete documentation on powerful but obscure functions such as pack and unpack. The web site for PHP Functions Essential Reference contains materials to support and expand on the book. Over 700 additional function writeups are available, along with updates, errata, and a few surprises.
(0 ratings)
PHP Black Book
The PHP Black Book is a complete and indispensable reference to the PHP open source scripting language version 4. Embedded in HTML documents, PHP scripts create active server pages. This cross-platform book covers the language syntax, standard library, and integration with various databases including open source databases such as PostreSQL and MySQL. Explores issues such as internationalization, XML integration, and LDAP.
(15 ratings)
Foundation PHP for Flash
PHP is a versatile open source scripting language capable of turning a beautiful piece of Flash art into a useful, dynamic creation - bringing serious power to the design back-end. As an ingredient to a website, PHP can help a designer develop the functional potential of their work and set them above the growing multitude of motion graphics artists. Written with the advanced Flash designer in mind, this Foundation offers a thorough tutorial which will build the designer's PHP skills from nothing to the point where they are confidently able to use the language in conjunction with Flash - processing, storing and creating new data, or working as a bridge between the Flash movie and external data sources.
(0 ratings)
Wireless Web Development with PHP and WAP
A comprehensive guide to how to use PHP alongside the wireless Web's standard languages, namely WML and WMLScript, to create truly dynamic and powerful wireless applications. This book is derived from the author's years of experience in both wireless development and PHP programming, showing the reader how to make the most of both technologies to create truly dynamic, scaleable wireless applications. PHP programmers will find the opportunity to use what they already know to create wireless applications, using concise, applicable examples that encourage readers to adapt the information discussed within the book to their own projects.
(0 ratings)
PHP for the World Wide Web Visual Quickstart Guide
Written for beginners in PHP, this visual, task-based guide gets users up and running with the basics of PHP, starting with basic syntax, testing scripts, working with variables, creating Web applications, and more. Throughout the book, sample scripts and projects show the reader just what they need to know, and a companion Web site offers every script available for downloading.
(6 ratings)
MySQL/PHP Database Applications
PHP4/MySQL Database Applications demonstrates web-application development by presenting seven real, ready-to-use examples starting with a simple guess book and ending with a fully-functional e-commerce site with a shopping cart. Inexperienced users will learn the essentials of working with PHP4 and MySQL so they can start building and customizing database applications for the web right away.
(12 ratings)
PHP 4 Developer's Guide
This book provides the tools and information needed to build dynamic Web applications and datababses with PHP 4. Covers installation, configuration, database connectivity, working with XML and CGL, and much more. Also includes details on the new features in PHP 4, including shared memory support, the new Zend engine, and XML support.
(0 ratings)
PHP Developer's Cookbook
The PHP Developer's Cookbook is a task-based reference designed to give developers easy-to-follow solutions to common problems that they might encounter when using PHP in Web site development. Each solution provides complete code listings along with an in-depth explanation of how and why a particular solution was used. The PHP Developer's Cookbook provides the experienced developer with complete solutions to specific needs they are likely to have while using PHP.
(15 ratings)
Results 61-80 of 90