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Ad Management

Collection of commercial and free PHP ad management scripts for managing, serving, rotating and tracking image banners, text ads and other rich multimedia ads like Flash on your site. Most of these banner management scripts will track impressions and click-throughs.
Results 61-80 of 125
Slide Up FX Advertisment Generator
SlideUp Fx Script is a newly-discovered, fast, and customizable slide-up ad creator. The script is designed to increase sales or your opt-in list without any progrmming. The great part of the slide up ad is it is not a popup or hover advertisement. It can still be closed if you don’t like it there, but the ad will get more attention as it fills up the bottom of the screen. FEATURE: 1/ script is lighting fast, competitor scripts are very slow, 2/ The contents of the slide up ad can be completely customized, 3/ You can easily create your own unique templates, 4/ No database is needed, 5/ The slide ups are unobtrusive ads at the bottom of the browser, 6/ The ads will not be blocked by popup blockers, 6/ Can be used for any type of website, wordpress blog, joomla portals etc. 7/Can be installed on unlimited domains, 8/ Unlimited instances of Slide-up ads can be used on different pages.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 46.00
Ad Management Yoga
A.M.Y. is light and easy to use ajax-based ad management software that lets you sell ads on your site(s). A.M.Y. can do everything you need: Create unlimited advertising zones, Rotating or non-rotating ads, banner ads, text link ads, and HTML, Flat (time-based), CPM (impressions-based) and CPC (clicks-based) pricing plans, Manual management of advertisers and advertisers can sign-up online themselves, detailed reports for admin and advertisers, unlimited number of advertising campaigns and ads, all paypal currencies supported, set ad priority in the campaign, Full source code included, no encryption, UNLIMITED domains license for domains that you own.
(21 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.00
AdsOmatic Classified Ads Script
Cool !! Now Supports Video Ads! Here's a complete turnkey Classified Ads website for a very fair price. AdsOmatic Classified Ads Script is a turnkey, e-commerce ready, classified ads website that's easy to install, customize, and has all he basic features you need to run your own classified ads sites. Runs on PHP/MySQL
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 76.00
Coupon Script + 20 Coupon Website Templates
CouponPress is a turn-key ready "out of the box" coupon website or voucher website solution. You simply install, select your template, add or import your coupons and your ready to start earning affiliate commission! It takes minutes from download to install and its easy to setup and manage. Every purchase of CouponPress includes over 20 quality coupon website designs and lots of great features such as click to reveal/ click to copy coupon codes, features stores, coupon import tools, featured scrolling coupons and lots more!
(11 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.00
JetScripts AdMax Banner Manager
The JetScripts AdMax Banner Manager is an easy-to-use ad serving system for both large and small sites. Much care has been taken to make interface clean and easy to understand so you can add your banners and begin displaying ads in minutes. The JetScripts Banner Manager scales well under heavy traffic, and is in use on sites which serve millions of ad impressions per day (see below). * Allows serving of rich-text ads (Google, Valueclick, etc), image-based ads, and plain text or HTML ads. * Banners can be set to run until a specific date or impression limit has been reached, or in an unlimited mode with no date or impression limit (run forever). * Banners can be "weighted" so that certain banners appear more often than others. * Statistics for banner counts, clicks, and impressions can be reset whenever desired. * Includes an installation wizard so no hand-editing of configuration files is required. * Capable of serving millions of impressions per day.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.95
Free PHP Ad Blocker Checker
* Check if ads are being blocked by firefox users. * Checks the 5 subscriptions: EasyList, Filter von Dr.Evil, Cedrics Liste, Liste FR and Corset. * Simple pages, load time of less than 0.9 second. * Works with other ad blocking software as well. * Automatic Re-load checker link instead of having to type url again.
(21 ratings)
Banner Ad Manager
Ad Manager(PHP) script will help you to have your own banner ad managing and tracking system.Add, Delete banner ads and text ad/ad code dynamically.Group ads in to different campaigns.Can differentiate the banner and text ad/ad code campaigns.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.00
This is a free Ad Board script written in PHP with MySQL backend. This program allows visitors to post their ad ( an image or a link to a image ) freely on "cells" placed on pages by the administrator. The adminstrator can place cells on any PHP-enabled pages. Also the administrator can register, edit, delete cells from the administration area. This script is a open-source script and is released under the terms of the GPL license.
(39 ratings)
OIOpublisher Ad Manager
OIOpublisher is an ad manager that focuses on maximising your revenue, saving you time, and keeping you in complete control of your ad space. This php ad management script can be used to sell and serve ads on any website. It can even be used as a Wordpress plugin right out of the box!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 47.00
Direct Text Link Ad Seller - Paypal Integrated
Paypal integrated, COMPLETELY Automated; You don’t work at ALL once it’s set up. Links are added directly after (CORRECT) payment, and removed once their time is up.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Lift Corner Ads Script
Lift Corner Ad is a great way to catch the eye of potential customers and is one of the most cost effective ways for advertisers and webmasters to promote their business online. It is a great way of monetizing your website. If a Web site visitor moves the mouse over the Ad it smoothly opens with a lift-corner animation. Features: 1/ Allow installation on multiple domains; 2/ Rotate Multiple Ads 3/Flexibility of use by placing the ad in any corner of a web page; 4/specify opening the destination page in the same browser window or a new one; 5/ use animated text in small lift-up corner and background; 6/ control the size and color of animated texts; 7/ Easy setting up 8/ Supports 98% of browser
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 17.99
Greybox / Lightbox JavaScript
Lightbox script is used in most web pages to display the advertisement or slideshows while moving the mouse over the image or while loading the page.This script function helps user to display any advertisement(ad) or slideshow while the page is visited.
(12 ratings)
Advertise With Pleasure, AWP PHP
Accepts deposits from advertisers using Paypal, Authorize.net, iTransact.com, 2Checkout.com, ClickBank, e-Gold, PaySystems, StormPay, Webmoney or NetPay. Multiple Language Support. Geographical targeting system database included!. Time Targeting and Keywords Targeting. Payment methods. CPC (cost per click), CPM (cost per impression) and CPD (cost per day). Support following banner formats: GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP, RPM, MOV, Java, Flash, Text and HTML. And many other features!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
Easy Banner Manager Pro
Fully featured, Mysql driven ad management system, easy to use advance in features, main features include: Support for all types of ads including image ads (JPG, GIF and PNG), flash ads and text based ads (like google). Grouping system to run separate ads in each group. Supports unlinited groups. Works with Mysql database. Produces HTML code for rotation of ads. Ads can be rotated on HTML webpage or PHP page. Even outside the server. Displays statistics for last 30 days for total impressions, unique clicks, average clicks/day, total visits etc. Support for Ads of all sizes. You may even add/edit ads of your own size. Real time preview for text ads to let you display text ads exactly the way you want. Text ads can be easily customized for its colors and size. Banner refresh rate can be changed. You can choose to open the ad link in new window or same window. Automatic Ad Expiry after specified days. Easy four step installation, comes with online installer.
(7 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Easy Ad-Manager Pro
A fully flexible ad management system, main features include: Support for text based, image based and flash ads. Keeps record of 30 days click and impression stats. Support for any size of banner, you may also add your own custom banner sizes. Support for unlimited number of groups. Text ads can easily be customized for color and text size. Produces javascript for ad rotation code, which can be put in any website. Easy two step installation, comes with installation guide and free support.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
PHPads is a simple php script that allows management of a banner ad rotations. There is an admin panel that allows the admin to add banners, and specify the length of ad campaign. There is also a way for the admin to see single stats outside the admin panel on any banner campaign (good for those wanting to sell banner ads and give their customers something to monitor their campaign's progress.) PHPads creates ad rotation code for admin to place on website. The script is simple to istall and involves no MySQL.
(145 ratings)
Scrolling Banner Ads
If you own 1 or more websites and want to sell different size banner ads then this tool can be one of the best tool for you. Our Scrolling Banner Ads script allows you to sell different size banner ads on multiple websites from 1 place only. You can display banner ads in a vertical and horizontal ad boxes.You can provide your advertisers with real time stats of impressions and hits. This script is easy to install and comes with a Free Installation so if you need any help in installations we will install it for no extra cost. Easy Management, Create your own ad packages for different banner sizes from admin area Complete control over ad boxes. You can define width and height of the ad box, number of ads to be displayed at a time, scrolling speed etc... Put a single line code on the websites where you want to display banner ads (No Programming knowledge required) Approve / Reject banner ads from admin area.Visit the web page for further details......................
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.00
Word Link Script
GPix is a FREE yet powerful word link script, based on the popular marketing concept of link advertising. This system requires only a web server running PHP/MySQL, and the ability to chmod files and folders. The GPix skins also work with GLink!
(12 ratings)
PEEL ADS SOFTWARE WITH ADMIN CONTROL PHP Script allows you to add, delete and manage Peel ad campaigns through the fully user friendly admin panel, put in the target URL, place your own graphic -> place add code anywhere - DONE ! The zeepeel peelawayads PHP Script generates high click-rates! Use your pagepeel ad for your own website, special product offers, affiliate programs and any other. DEMO - www.zeepeel.com/admin (admin and admin). Can also profit by selling advertising spots in your own peel-ad Script! The PEEL ADS SOFTWARE supports all web browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox and all (tested) Allows you to run multiple unlimited peel-ads. Generate as much Peel-banners as you can and let them to rotate randomly in your websites. Linux Server PHP 4 or higher MySQL 4 or higher
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 27.95
Inout PPC Engine (Pay Per Click)
Inout PPC Engine is a powerful, feature rich, affordable, easy to use solution for your PPC advertising service requirements. Developed on PHP + MySQL in-house by Inout Scripts. Features include: # Unlimited Advertisers & Text/Banner Ads. # Unlimited keywords for advertiser ads. # Monthly fund limit. # Click value for each keyword. # Suggested click values. # Easy to use admin/advertiser control panel. # Priority Email Advertiser Support Desk. # Secure and Automated Payment Gateway. # Optional check payment mode # Advanced Profit, Click Statistics with CTR # Admin/Advertiser Ad Preview # Create custom Ad Blocks # Easy to use Ad Display Units # Adsense like ad display code # Code for Seach Engine/Content Page # Complete control on ad display # Ad rotation of ads based on CTR and ageing # Ad credit text control # Revenue Booster System # 1 year FREE updates & 1 Month FREE support # FREE installation & Tutorial. Check Out the demo for free.
(42 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.00
Results 61-80 of 125