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Ad Management

Collection of commercial and free PHP ad management scripts for managing, serving, rotating and tracking image banners, text ads and other rich multimedia ads like Flash on your site. Most of these banner management scripts will track impressions and click-throughs.
Results 101-120 of 125
Pixel Script - Your Own Pixel Website
Would you like to have your own pixel advertising site? Our Pixel Website Script is so optimized and automated that you can get your pixel ad site running in no time. This pixel advertising script will not only allow a great buying experience and maximize your pixel advertising sales, it is also easy for you to set up and maintain. Pixel Script's customization is a breeze. Web based customization with a single global configuration file makes it easy for you to configure your website. Also with full source code given to you, you can customize or even change the functionality any way you want it to be. Template pages are given so that you can add pages in a snap. You can create your own pixel block sizes and how big you want your blocks to be. You can set a limit on the blocks that can be bought at one time. You can setup your site to show text when an image is hovered over or show an image when a pixel is hovered over.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.95
mySimpleAds - Simple & Powerful Ad Management - All New V2
Sell and Publish ads across any and all of your sites. Try the free online demo. ClipperSoft's mySimpleAds is the ad management package for the rest of us. Do you want to display Google Adsense ads to only certain countries? How about having an ad banner rotation with multiple image formats and sizes? What about a text ad rotator? mySimpleAds doesn't have the bloat and slowness of larger ad management packages, such as openx. Throw the learning curve away, mySimpleAds was written with you in mind, and provides a simple and easy to use and extremely user-friendly administrative control panel. Then with one simple line in your website you can display one or even rotate amongst an entire group of ads with the ability to change them at your whim right through the web control panel. *Built-In Sales and Payments *Mobile Banner Sizes *Geo Targeting *Ad Weighting and Limiting *Target By Keyword *Ajax Banners / Ad Codes / Links *Banner Uploads *Helpful Support :-) !
(83 ratings)
PriceUSD 104.00
PHP Coupon Script Version
Send Coupon to SMS Mobile Phone, Send to Facebook, Twitter & 297 other applications, Print Coupons, Css style sheets, Features includes: Latest Coupons, Paypal, Google Checkout, Authorize.net payment gateways, Rss Feed, Yellow page style directory, Barcode Generator, Categories and Sub Categories, Send to a Friend, Search by zipcode or multiple keywords, US Database with 53,000 US cities, Add other Countries, Choose Monthly, Yearly or Free Subscriptions, Usern panel for Advertisers, Admin panel, Admin Newsletter Manager, Branding, Deny or Approve coupons. WYSIWUG editor, Add image for each coupons, Mapquest, Top 10 coupons on main page, PSD Files of Graphics and template. SEO Friendly, Key Words and Title pages for advertisers. Full Source Code, No encryption.
(32 ratings)
PriceUSD 165.00
Banner Management Script
Banner Management Script can be one of the most useful tools for any webmaster. If you own 1 or more websites and want to sell banner top and bottom sponsor banner ads then this tool can be one of the best tool for you . Our Banner Management script allows you to sell banner ads on multiple websites from 1 place only. You can provide your advertisers with real time stats of impressions and hits. This script is easy to install and comes with a Free Installation so if you need any help in installations we will install it for no extra cost. And the best thing is that if you will buy it now you will get this script for just $59.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
AdMan - Standalone PHP Ad Server
AdMan is a standalone Ad Server that provides publishers with a way to organize ads, view real-time traffic statistics, handle online transactions and interact with advertisers. AdMan is the perfect tool for companies wishing to eliminate commission charges from advertising middlemen and provide more customizable ad products to their advertisers. AdMan is compatible with many other ad management services like Google AdSense, AdBrite, and Commission Junction. This way you can centralize your ad reporting and even provide more customizable ad products to premiere advertisers. Moreover, AdMan utilizes iframes and can therefore be plugged into any existing website architecture. Features: Manage your ads, sell your ads, manage advertisers, provide real time reporting, integrate with 3rd party suppliers, accept credit card payments and much more! Visit our site for a free trial.
(42 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.95
Ultimate Ad Management PLUS Script
Most downloaded tool to sell ad space on your site. Text and banner ads. Unlimited ad slots, unlimited banners. ZERO recurring cost. Retain all profits. No technical knowledge needed. Free installation. Free support. FREE live demo. Top features include (1) Free technical support (2) Free installation (3) Change site colors icons right from admin panel (4) Unlimited ad slots, unlimited banner ads and test ads (5) Automatic advertising interface (6) Support pay per impression and Pay per click advertising (7) Paypal per-integrated. Just end paypal id and off you go. (8) Many customizable parameters (9) Great great earning potential (10) ZERO recurring cost (11) And lots more. FULL FREE ONLINE DEMO. Now FREE installation and support. Download the script now!
(14 ratings)
plx Business Rotator
Our business rotator script is a perfect solution for your internet advertising needs. Promote several businesses all with the same url. Assign a hit count to each as you need traffic, pause a url, or enable tracking. Members can join your business rotator service and use the rotator to promote/advertise their business. Our business rotator can be used for multiple purposes as needed. Many use this rotator as a way to control their "Guaranteed Signups" promotion order. You can place your order through one of the providers and use your rotator on your site to distribute your signups to your co-op downline members. Affiliate Tracking is offered to all members! Now in the latest version you can assign weight to every URL and also a user that has been already redirected to a particular URL is remembered with a cookie and on the next rotator load he is redirected to the same URL.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
plx Ad Trader
plx Ad Trader will allow you to sell Banner and/or Text Ads on your web sites. Now it supports Geo Targeting and multiple sites. Google-like ads supported too. Ads will be rotated on different zones as you set them up in your admin area. You will be able in admin area to set as many ad packages as you wish and as many zones as well. Each zone represent an area on a page where ads are rotated. For every visit you receive to your sites a different ad will be shown. Advertisers will signup for free and once they are inside their advertiser area they can Buy ads. They will be able to manage all aspects of their ad campaign and can keep track of how it is going - stats for impressions and clicks are displayed for every ad. Admin can setup "Advertise here" ads to be displayed in the zone if there are not any active ads paid and setup by advertisers. This script is a complete solution for selling ad space on your sites. Easy installation with Setup Wizard.
(27 ratings)
PriceUSD 60.00
TextAds - Sell text advertisements
Increase your website revenue by selling text advertisement spots on your website. TextAds is a fully automated, impression based text advertisement system. It includes client and administrative control panels and supports Paypal (client) billing. Our easy installation will have most users up and running quickly. Customization is also quite easy, even for the non-programmer. Many additional features are yours as well with TextAds, please come check them out at our website. Live demonstrations available.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.95
Pay Banner Textlink PHP Script
PayBannerTextLinkAd supports Unlimited Campaigns, Impression/Click/Per Day, 20 Multiples Payment Options, and 13 Currencies (USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CAD, AUD, CHF, BTC, INR, SEK, NOK, MXN, HKD, SGD, TWD, THB, ILS, RUB, KRW, CNY). Features: - Payment Options: PayPal, Payza (AlertPay), SolidTrustPay, c-gold, Pecunix, PerfectMoney, MoneyBookers, HD-Money, 2Checkout, Google Checkout, GoldMoney, EuroGoldCash, Authorize.NET SIM, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Peercoin, Namecoin, Paymate, Dwolla, EgoPay, OkPay. - Add/Edit/Delete Unlimited Campaigns: Set Width x Height size, ad text, prices, rotation, credits or unlimited, ad type (per impression OR per click) - Image Ad Type Allowed: gif, jpg, jpeg, png - Text Link Ads - You can send an Mass Email to advertisers: announcements, special prices, etc. - You can reject (and give a reason why) or approve ads. - Advertiser and you (admin) can view ad stats.
(10 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
EzBan - Banner Management System - Cover Image
EzBan - Banner Management System
We feel EzBan is one of the most complete and easy to use banner rotation systems available anywhere! Designed for real-life use... Not filled with so many features and hard to use functions, that no one ever figures out how to use it... After all, what good is a banner rotation system if no one can use it... Or use it correctly and easily anyway! EzBan was designed to be used by a normal user, not by the IT Department. Add, Modify, Delete, statistics, MySQL Backup Function, static or auto-rotation modes... And more!
(18 ratings)
It looks like every other banner rotating script but with AZBANNER you can include Affiliate-Codes of major affiliate programs like amazon, tradedoubler, comission junction and many others. The affiliate program banners will randomly rotate with "normal" banner graphics. A small statistic program showing the number of impressions, clicks, and the clickthrough rate is an additional feature of the software. As part of the newly available second version it is now possible to manage several advertising spaces of a website. The new possibility to include the banner not only via php but also via iFrame is beneficial for webmasters of "PHP-free" web sites. Also new is the easy way of translating the software into the language of each user by the use of a so-called "language-file". Language files for English, German, Arabic and Chinese are already included.
(45 ratings)
Ad Rotator
This is a simple class that can be used to create ads that rotate according to a random order. The class takes an array of image files name strings as parameter but it could also be HTML tags for rich media ads. Then it shuffles the numbers assigned to each ad array position in a way that the shuffled array does not contain repeated ad numbers. It displays randomized images from a group of specified images, without repetition. Finally the class can return a new array of ads sorted by order determined by the shuffled ad numbers array. The returned array can be used to display one or more ads in the same page.
(21 ratings)
Superior Banner Ad Management script (Banner Rotator included)
Fastest cheapest and most popular way of professionally turn your website into a profitable business. Convert visitors to cash. Sell ad space on your site at your desired prices right from your site. 100% independent. Start now. Outstanding features include (1) 100% automating interface (2) Define unlimited ad slots from admin panel (3) Support for unlimited advertisers (4) Unlimited banners (5) Unlimited ad packs (6) ZERO recurring charges (7) Automatic real time visitor stats (8) Customizable colors and graphics (right from admin panel) (9) Special script offered at special pries (10) And lots more. Now FREE installation and support. EXPERIENCE this POWERFUL script through the FULL ONLINE DEMO. 100% free demo.
(27 ratings)
Random Pop
Randomize popups/unders and track them with this powerful magement server. Creates all the code you need and is implemented on sites with one line of code and allows the call of a certain popup. Also creates the kill proof dhtml popovers. Many more features.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 47.00
Max Media Manager - Open Source Ad Server
Max Media Manager is an open source ad server based on phpAdsNew, enhanced for performance, with many new features, and restructured for expansion. New features include agency support, rich media ads, conversion tracking, third-party ad tracking, and optimization and restructuring for a high-volume multi-server environment. Planned additional modules include: Search Engine Keyword Marketing, Email Marketing, Affiliate Management, and Conversion Tracking. Third-party ad tracking includes: DoubleClick, ValueClick, Bluestreak, Mediaplex, Atlas, Eyeblaster, Tango Zebra. Max Media Manager is written in PHP and uses MySQL as the database. A database abstraction layer is being added (PEAR:DB) which will allow the use of other databases. PEAR:DB currently supports: FrontBase, InterBase, Informix, Mini SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, ODBC (any ODBC compliant database), PostgreSQL, and Sybase.
(33 ratings)
Fly Ads Pro
Fly Ads Pro is a professional Fly-In Ad serving script which allows you to run your own Fly-In Ad traffic exchange membership. Fly-In Ads advertising system will instantly capture the immediate attention of the visitor and do not interfere with the sales process of member's web site at all. Fly-In Ads are only shown to targeted, interested prospects.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 100.00
Ad Manager Pro
Ad Manager Pro is the most complete ad management solution available. Features of this quality system may bring you an interesting income. Main options: - Manage ads on your site(s) - Sell impressions and/or clicks to advertisers - Purchase impressions and/or clicks from publishers Available are detailed statistics with charts and countires maps, email reports and many other extra features. These main ad types are included by default: - Banners (any size) - Text ads (Google style) - Text + image ads (Facebook style) - Videos - Full page ads - Page peel ads - Popup and popunders - Sticky ads bar - TakeOver ads - Multiple DHTML ad types: Virtual pages, Slide in, News style, Complete page All ad types are customizable
(193 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Rotate banners or manage your banner campaigns from one central location. Create unlimited categories with unlimited banners in each category. Banner limit options are: impressions, clicks, days or unlimited. Any size banners work with the software and the scripting is done in such a way that your webpage load times will not be compromised. Extensive statistics for each group and banner is included and you can create customer logins for customers to check their own stats.
(0 ratings)
Price 19.99
Ad Peeps
Ad Peeps is a banner rotator and text ad rotator - all in one that allows you to track a variety of image ads, rich-media/flash ads and different styled, text ads on your website. Provides highly detailed statistics to you and your advertisers and capable of delivering millions of impressions per day on a typical shared web server.
(34 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Results 101-120 of 125