Collection of commercial and free PHP Blog Scripts. Blogs scripts allow you to setup your own weblog/journal on the Web by providing an interface to manage your posts.
Fast Track Sites Blogging Technology System
Designed to allow people to create their own custom blogs, the FTSBTS allows for easy addition and maintenance of entries, categories, and more.
Below are just a few of the many built in features:
* AJAX Validation - Helps you diagnose problems when creating new accounts
* Submit your posts to Digg.
* Submit your posts to Reddit.
* Submit your posts to
* Submit your posts to Slashdot.
* Easy to use Administration Center.
* Add links to pages inside your Blog as well as to anywhere else.
* Use modules simply by uploading and activating them.
* Choose whether your Quick Entries use the BBCode or WYSWYG editor.
* Integrated a form validation.
* And Much Much More!!
PriceUSD 12.00
Blog Script for PHP
Powerful blogging system that requires only PHP and MySQL database. Features are: single and multy user blog, easy to change appearance, fully automated. Only registered users may post comments (spam-free blogging). The script is completely free. You may test it online at our website.
Blog Blaster Script
posted byrohit_sethinBlog
Blog Blaster can be one of the most useful tools for any online marketer.
If you are going to find SUCCESS with Internet Marketing, you have to stay on top of the most effective trends in web marketing and also fully take advantage of them. The world of Internet sales and search engine ranking is unbelievably competitive. It is not enough to submit your web site to the search engines, you have to fight to reach the top and then fight even harder to maintain your position as top dog! The reality is, this can only be done with the very best web marketing tools and the most effective methods.
Blog Blaster Networks are an innovative idea in Web Marketing! You have to get on the bandwagon early if you are to reap the big rewards that are always seen by all early followers of a good thing.
PriceUSD 149.00
pppBLOG is a simple plain text weblog package implemented in PHP. It doesn't require any database and includes a photo gallery with automatic thumbnail creation and more. It is based on Simple PHP Blog and TFT gallery.
BirdBlog is a personal blogging system powered by PHP and MySQL. It features an advanced template system, which allows for easy customization, a user manager for multi-user blogs, user profiles, current music, current mood (with customizable mood icons), optional gzip compression for pages, BB code, emoticons, comments with comment moderation, and even more :).
PluggedOut Blog
posted byjonbeckettinBlog
PluggedOut Blog is a PHP/MySQL solution for blogs, journals, diaries or any kind of calendar application. It has been developed by a professional software developer - meaning the code is easy to read, light and fast. If nothing else it serves as a good example for people starting out in programming of how to develop a thin client (web) application.
Multi-User with Roles, Themes & Templates, Monthly calendar with hilighted days and navigation controls, List of recent entries, Visitor comments, Verification codes on comments (anti-spam), Supports RSS 2, TimeZone control, BBCodes, Plugins/Includes supported, Full administration interface, Multi-Lingual Interfaces supported, Add, edit, remove and publish/unpublish blog entries, Change themes, Edit Template Files, File Uploads
wheatblog app
Wheatblog (wB) 1.1 is a PHP-driven blogging and Content Management System (CMS). It supports MySQL and SQLite database systems. wB 1.1 provides permalinks, commenting (with email notification and comment spam protection), RSS 2.0 feed generation, categories, sessions-based PHP authentication, and a link/blogroll manager. wB ships seven, high-quality, easily customizable design templates (all of which are implemented valid XHTML 1.0 and CSS).
Comdev Web Blogger
Comdev Web Blogger is search engine friendly. It is most important that when you blog, search engines are able to index the content that you write. With this simple blog system, you can also setup different view and comment permissions, manage your friend lists or even create multiple sub-blogs on your site.
Why use Comdev Web Blogger but not other free sites or scripts? Because free sites don't contribute to the SEO of your site, and free scripts are too complicated for you to customize the template to match your website design. With Comdev Web Blogger, you can easily plug the component into your existing web pages and start to blog straight away!
KMB - KwentMailBlogger
Having a mobile phone with a built in cam and email capability?
Want to publish your thoughts and images from the top of the mountain you just climbed instantly to your website?
Try KMB, my little MailBlogger Utility.
It connects to a certain mailaccount, grabs Emails with a certain Subject, by which it identifies regular entries.
It extracts the text and attached images and saves
the text and the original images to a database and the filesystem respectively.
It resizes the images to a standard size chosen.
It also rotates the images if indicated in the Email.
It keeps the original(rotated) one as well as the resized to allow a preview and a full view. Further Documentation inside the script!
Have fun!
Rev. 01/17/05: updated to version 0.45; supporting more devices
Particle Blogger
Particle Blogger allows you to set up a blog in minutes just by entering your database settings and running the installer script. You can then begin blogging with automatic archiving of posts my month, categories (tags), an integrated RSS feed and the option to turn on static (search engine friendly) URLs.
It also features a fully web based admin panel where you can make new posts and edit or delete old ones using a rich text environment and change the settings of your blog to adjust the title, description, amount of headlines displayed and many more options.
Finally, Particle Blogger is fully skinable using .tpl files so you can easily put together a new template or edit the default one, working in simple HTML without it being cluttered by PHP code.
Pixelpost Photoblog
If you're interested in setting up a photoblog this script might be for you. Heavily geared towards photobloggers, pixelpost comes with all the features that's been set as standard by the photoblogging community, keeping every level of photography skill in mind.
The setup is a breeze and you'll get going in no-time. The look is completely customizable with a simple template system. It's very easy to switch templates and to create one (it's only html and css) and many are available for download with instructions on how to customize things to your liking.
New version 2.1.6, An advanced weblog using mySQL as database, template based for easy customization, user friendly support BBcode with online editor, preview, edit, delete function, auto hyperlink. Powerful administration CP with multiusers capability , enable you to manage category, comments (with edit/delete),Anti comment spam security code, trackback, users & password management, advanced search, , RSS & File uploads & most of's free...join thousands who are using this script now
Chipmunk Blogger
Chipmunk Blog is a simple and powerful blogging script, it featurs, guestbook, calendar, blog, resume, and custom blocks all in one. It has a powerful control panel so you can decide which options to use. Version 1.2 now has an events calendar and a simple photo gallery. The new version has wysiwyg editors built in for easier editing.
CMS for weblogs/blogs, build with the goal of being easy and simple to install and to use. Thought for start a weblog/webnews in two seconds. It has comments, filing in categories, multiple users posting if you want, filing by calendar, posts summary, topics edit and clear, permalinks, pings, trackbacks, image generator, pingbacks, statistics, search engine, blogroll, drafts and much more...
This is a simple blog system for BolinOS. Fast, simple, straightforward and looks great. Use standard HTML coding in your blog to display Links, Images, Other contents even an other blog system.
blog editor
This script is the alpha version of a blogger that I am working on for It assumes that there is a MySQL table with user information determinning if a user is logged in or not. It also assumes that every user has a folder in the root of the website.
phpBB Blog
This is a blog system for phpBB. It features an RSS feed, trackbacks, permalinks, support for BBCode and smileys, monthly archives (MySQL only), preliminary support for PostgreSQL and MS SQL, 7 optional stylesheets, integration with the phpBB Podcast mod, and GEO meta tags. Version 2.2.1 added a nice calendar. Version 2.3 added bugfixes, compatibility with phpBB 2.0.18+, and optional comment integration (so readers don't have to go into the forums to view comments).
WordPress is a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. It supports multiple users, categories, comments, bookmarklets, RSS syndication, several APIs, ping, and more!
posted byphunkphorceinBlog
LifeType (formerly known as pLog) is an open-source blogging platform with enticing features for both big blogging communities and casual bloggers alike. LifeType is multi-blog and multi-user out of the box, and end users will enjoy its friendly user interface, the generation of clean XHTML code and the powerful file management area for managing resources and attaching them to our posts. Other exciting features include a customizable template system with caching support, native support for subdomains with custom URLs, a powerful plugin framework, fully localizable from the ground up, generation and syndication of RSS feeds, support trackbacks and the metaWeblog XMLRPC API, and many more! LifeType is extensible via plugins, that will add new exciting features such as moblogging, integration with Flickr and Gallery2, shoutbox, and many morel.
Features of BlogHelper
* Simple, no-frills web log starter kit * Password-protected interface for adding new blog entries * CSS-friendly! Make the look-and-feel yours with a few stylesheet changes * Dynamically creates links to archived blog entries * Easily configured to display a certain number of blog entries per page * Open source, so you may tweak it to better serve your needs
* Includes help file and database initialization script.