Categorized collection of PHP Calendar and Event Management scripts.
GuestCal is an occupancy calendar for websites of holiday apartments. In administration panel you can enter up to date reservations and bookings. Your visitors then know immediately if their favored date is still free.
Max's Calendar
Max's Calendar is an object oriented calendar script written in PHP. Installation and setup is very easy. You only need to upload the relevant files and insert some lines of code into your own script to display a calendar on your own page. You can display as many months at once as you want. The look of the calendar is easily changeable using CSS. An example code is attached to the installation package.
Reservation Calendar
Reservation Calendar is an advanced calendar fields for reservation forms that allows to select partial or complete dates. This calendar can be inserted directly from the Dreamweaver menu (it's distributed as a Dreamweaver extension) and it has a visual administration interface that allows to block single dates or a range of dates to avoid reservations on reserved or special dates. This extension does not require database, the calendar's data is stored in plain text files. It's built using Ajax/ JavaScript with PHP on the server side. The public calendar can be inserted in a page with any extension, even into a static HTML or an ASP web page (the PHP script is reached through Ajax).
PriceUSD 29.99
Intellogy Calendar Manager
The Intellogy Calendar Manager is web calendar software for ASP,, PHP, XML and Flash sites. Now you can design interactive event calendars that even novice Internet users can maintain.
PriceUSD 19.00
Booking Calendar
This is multi room/property reservation calendar, flexible, customizable and with a range of features. Suite to multiple properties listing and reservation. Based on Oscommerce cart. Include also land lord area. This is advance versions with range of features. This script is based on well known OsCommerce v2.2. This is additional advantage for you, because as you know osCommerce has thousands of free plugins.
Kubelabs Calendar
A free and easy to use PHP Calendar. You may choose whether to let people post comments or add them yourself.
Availability Booking Calendar
AGTC PHP Availability Calendar Script Do you rent out a holiday home, flat or villa?
Do you have a website advertising your property for let?
How would you like to be able to show your website visitors when your property is available.
Simple & easy to update availabilty and bookings calendar for your existing website. Download the PHP script yourself or we can install it for you.
Installs on your own website, not someone elses
This calendar can be installed on any website that allows the PHP script language and only requires one database to store your information to.
Safer, more secure and more reliable.
Its so much easier to be able to show your visitors when your property is available at the click of a button, than having to answer dozens of emails requesting availabilty of your holiday home, save yourself time and money by installing the AGTC Availability Calendar Script on your site today.
PriceGBP 25.00
Joe Calendar
Tired of bloated calendar programs? Too many features your never going to use? Try this simple calendar system, packed together with simplicity in mind, you can stylize the way the calendar feeds the content using CSS. Along with a slick backend utilizing AJAX technologies. It doesn't get any easier than this, and the best part its FREE!
Meeting Room Scheduler System
Meeting Room Scheduler System is a free open-source application that provide you a easy way to book/schedule meetings, rooms, video conferences, all via WEB. Multi-language support: English, Portuguese, German, Spanish and Catalan.
Calendar Script
posted byMidgard_TurkeyinCalendars
This is my free php calendar script. For event management. This is a free calendar script. You can create new events for your web site or blog.
Micro Calendar
This small and simple calendar script displays the current month with the actual day highlighted. It is easy to extend and integrate into your own website. Using CSS it is very easy to change the look and feel.
PHP Calendar
This class (once instantiated), displays a calendar on a web page, its highly customizable via CSS, can be used as a control on a form, or simply as part of a navigation system.
Rendering firstly happens server-side, but during navigation rendering of the calendar happens without postbacks (if Javascript is enabled else the server takes over)
Multiple calendars can be placed on a single page (refer to documentation)
PHP Clean Calandar
posted bytimandalliinCalendars
PHP Clean Calendar is a very intuitive feature packed calendar. Are you tired of calendar scripts that are big, clunky and difficult to modify. Then this is the solution you've been looking for. PHP Clean Calendar is easy to use, easy to install and easy to modify calendar script using PHP, MySQL, and a little JavaScript. But do not worry, absolutely no programming knowledge is necessary.
PriceUSD 9.95
CalendarTechnique is a sleek, highly customizable, standards compliant web-based calendaring and scheduling application. Its main features include: displaying calendar entries in customizable day, week, month, year or list layouts, extensive search and filtering . CalendarTechnique supports the event, to-do/task, journal and alarm components specified in the iCalendar specification and has a theme based interface that allows the user to preview and select any of the available themes. CalendarTechnique also features mini calendars that can be displayed in four different orientations (top, bottom, left and right) as well as the ability to generate and embed a remote calendar in external web pages. CalendarTechnique also includes many convenience features such as tab based forms, a legend that makes it easy to identify different entry types, a date picker for easy selection of date values, a color picker for easy selection of colors and user level as well as group level directory pages.
iCal Events
iCal Events is a PHP script to fetch an iCal-formatted calendar from anywhere online, parse it, and display the events on a website. This can be used to display events from your Google Calendar on your website. It's great for groups or organizations who want to keep an updated events page on their website, but don't want to update a static page or CMS every time an event is added/deleted/changed. Google Calendar (or another iCal-creating application) provides a nice interface for managing events, and the script just does the displaying.
SuperCali Event Calendar
SuperCali is a free event calendar script that supports nested categories of events and multiple moderators, making it a good choice for organizations managing a large number of activities. SuperCali is designed to make data entry as easy and error-free as possible as well as provide a flexible, modular framework for displaying event information. SuperCali works with PHP and MySQL and is "open source" software released under the GNU General Public License.
Winged Calendar
Features inclue Data is stored in a text file. Time zone adjustment. Supports multiple events on the same day. Recurrent event support (monthly and yearly).
- Displays multiple calendars. Customizable templates.
MapCal is a mapping event calendar. It has the ability to add/modify/delete events and show them on a list like other event calendars. The difference with MapCal is that it also shows your events on an embeded Google Map. This works great for things like a motorcycle club, or a craft show exibitor. Any place you want to show events and their locations. MapCal uses PHP and MySQL. PHP 5+ is required.
posted bywebinventorinCalendars
VCalendar (Virtual Calendar) is an open source Web calendar application with related tools, for posting and maintaining events and schedules online, in calendar format. Unlike any other online calendars, VCalendar comes with source code in PHP, ASP and ASP.NET (C# and VB.NET); with potential for adding more technologies in the future. Key Features:
- Localization features, with initial Internationalization in English and Russian, with language selectable by end-users - Dynamic CCS (stylesheet) styles, selectable by end-users - Annual, monthly, weekly and daily calendar views - Multiple categories for classifying calendar events - Recurring and all-day events - Role-based user permissions and calendar configuration
CMAPP Calendar
The new version 2 now supports MySQL event management (there is a sample database included in the tarball) and all the functions of version one. As well as this, the configuration now exists in its own file for easier management.
Eric Bosrup's super overLib now makes navigating and displaying events simple - mouse over an event and a description will be displayed in a pop-up window!
Thus, CMapp Calendar is now a super fast, object orientated calendar with native support for MySQL based event management. Users can use the config file to change colours, links, backgrounds and scaling easily. The design can also fit with any existing site design and CSS works beautifully too. Coming up next is XML based event management and RSS exports. Developers welcome to give a hand!
cmappCalendar now has its own Sourceforge project page - http://cmappcalendar.sour