Real Estate
EMO Realty Manager
posted byemophpinReal Estate
EMO Realty Manager is a full PHP/MySQL content management system for property companies, real estate agents or FSBO site. Built using PHP and MySQL, this real estate website management tool allows for easy updates of properties with image upload, category management, listing management, custom usage statistics, mailing list management, easy to use advanced PHP template system and much more...
PriceUSD 199.00
Real Estate (Realtors) Classified Ads Software
posted byscr22inReal Estate
Real estate classifieds website allows home buyers to browse available properties for free. The property listings are detailed with features, photos, agent/individual information and driving directions linked to MapQuest. Agents and individuals can also list their properties. After a new seller has registered, they are able to select and buy a package depending on how many offers they would like to to post and for the length of time they would like to post them. Payment can be done via PayPal or 2Checkout. We guarantee the QUALITY product + Installation + Support service for the best possible price. Visit Us for more details.
PriceUSD 29.00
PhpRealEstate :: Listings Management made Easy
posted bylistenmirndtinReal Estate
An open real estate listings directory. Customize locations, property type categories, listing features. Includes Google map integration. PhpRealEstate is an open directory where your visitors can register and list their own properties. You can charge these visitors to upgrade their listings, you can also customize the upgrade packages, including such things as additional photo's or listing rank priority (and more). Sales & earnings reports, feature rich user control panel, advanced and easy to use property search features, listing view & visit counter, search engine friendly page titles. Check us out!
PriceUSD 49.41
Real Estate (Realtors) Classified Ads Software
posted byscr22inReal Estate
Real estate classifieds website allows home buyers to browse available properties for free. The property listings are detailed with features, photos, agent/individual information and driving directions linked to MapQuest.
Agents and individuals can also list their properties. After a new seller has registered, they are able to select and buy a package depending on how many offers they would like to to post and for the length of time they would like to post them. Payment can be done via PayPal or 2Checkout. We guarantee the QUALITY product + Installation + Support service for the best possible price. Visit Us for more details.
PriceUSD 29.00
Real Estate Software for Realtors
posted byscr22inReal Estate
Scriptsfeed Realtor Website allows real estate agents to create their own sales platform. Home buyers can browse available properties for free. The property listings are detailed with features, photos, and driving directions linked to MapQuest. Currently we are offering features rich website + Installation + Support service for the best possible price.
PriceUSD 29.00
Real Estate Listing/Classifieds Software
posted byscr22inReal Estate
Real estate classifieds website allows home buyers to browse available properties for free. The property listings are detailed with features, photos, agent/individual information and driving directions linked to MapQuest.
Agents and individuals can also list their properties. After a new seller has registered, they are able to select and buy a package depending on how many offers they would like to to post and for the length of time they would like to post them. Payment can be done via PayPal or 2Checkout. We guarantee the QUALITY product + Installation + Support service for the best possible price. Visit Us for more details.
PriceUSD 29.00
PHP Store Real Estate
posted byphpstore123inReal Estate
The PHP Store Real Estate classifieds website allows home buyers to browse available properties for free. Listings are detailed through photos, features, agent/individual information and driving directions.
Agents and individuals can also list their properties. After a new seller has registered, S/he is able to select and buy a package depending on the number of offers they would like to post and on the duration their ad will be listed. The site comes pre-set with paypal and 2 checkout payment processors.
The user features include the Free or Paid Ad Options, Multiple Currency Options, Site Statistics Display, Freshly Formated Ad Pages and a few more.
The admin features include the Polls & Surveys addition, Google Adsense Integration, News Addition and a lot more.
PriceUSD 59.99
Holiday Booking Software
posted byZaffa7inReal Estate
This is a management tool for holiday letting businesses. Holiday Booking Software allows you to promote your facility on the internet, offering customers an online booking service via your own website which you can easily control yourself.
With Holiday Booking Software you will be able to, Manage your own bookings, Allow customers to book and pay online, Take deposits online, Automatically generate invoices, Add pictures and amend text without the need to involve a web designer, Allow customers to view available booking dates, Encourage customers to contact you with an online response form, Track your customers, Export your holiday bookings data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
With the Holiday Booking Software you can create a great website, adding cottages, apartments, villas or caravans.
You have full control and payments can be processed instantly via Paypal or by post via cheque.
PriceGBP 2,000.00
Ez Real Estate
posted bymali75850inReal Estate
A fully featured, professional real estate website, main features include: Easily editable template. User email verification system. Upto four pictures with each listing. Search engine to perform search for listing. Users can add and modify there listings. Listings require verificarion from admin to be listed. Listings can be easily added, edited and removed from the admin panel. Easy to use admin panel. Message box where users can contact the agent. It requires Mysql database. And much more!
PriceUSD 24.00
Detailed PHP Realty Pro
posted byalexcasinReal Estate
In this PHP site, every user can register and post an ad for free. The ad remains pending until the admin approves it.
The performance of a real estate site will clearely be bad if a user uploads images of big sizes (2 megs or more).
Our script will use ImageMagick to render the uploaded images and reduce their sizes up to 50% during the upload phase!
An ad can have up to 150 characteristics that the user specifies in the form of drop down menus, check boxes and text areas; this generates a detailed description of Ads that will give your site visitors an exact idea about how the real estate they are looking for look like. In addition, the admin area features the approve/dispprove ads option that can be performed in a click.
PriceUSD 49.95
Virtual Real Estate Agency
posted bysaribyteinReal Estate
This script runs an automated Real Estate site with all functions needed to the success of a money making business. The front end has functions to let Real Estate Agents or private sellers login to post ads and edit them if they need to be corrected. Also agents will get a mail notification to remind them that their ad will expire after or before a couple of days. The admin area manages the site fully. Through it, categories, agents and other properties can be directly controlled by the site administrator. This script uses IPN so the members will instantly get credited after they purchase a certain number of ads, thus, they can start posting ads instantly after payment.
PriceUSD 9.95
iRealty PHP Real Estate Script
posted bytelpizovinReal Estate
iRealty Real Estate script is a SEO-friendly PHP realty classifieds software with multi-language interface by WorksForWeb.
Spotlight features: videos, highlights and slideshows for listings, multiple listing types (houses, apartments, businesses, for sale, for rent); flexible membership plans and payment packages, customizable templates; built-in advanced CMS.
Editable source, solid website revenues make iRealty a perfect foundation for ANY realty classified project, agent or FSBO. Comprehensive multi-language interface (w/ RTL capability) turn iRealty into a powerful multilingual website for those thriving worldwide presence, as well as a perfect local realty classified website.
Whether you are a Web developer looking for a powerful script to build your customer s project; or a real estate agent replacing your current nonperforming website, you are right on the money with iRealty as your only choice of a perfect classified solution for your next successful project.
Real Estate Portal (responsive multi-agent real estate script)
posted bynetartmediainReal Estate
Real Estate Portal allows you to launch powerful, responsive, SEO optimized and professional looking real estate portal websites, offering plenty of features for the users to post properties, make searches, create their own micro sites etc. and administrators to manage the website, its content and settings.
The software offers flexible functionality to the administrator / site owner to monetize the website and charge the users by creating subscriptions, charge them also based on credits, to charge for featured ads, banners and others.
Some of the other key features include Facebook login integration, Google Maps integration, micro sites for the property agencies, multi language support (with different available translations like Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, French etc.), mobile friendly layout, share the listings on the social networks and many others.
The script is provided with the full not encrypted source codes, free installation and support and free powered by removal.
PriceUSD 299.00
PHP Vacation Rental - Vacation Rental/Real Estate Software
posted bythe-best-carsinReal Estate
PHP Vacation Rental is a professional solution for a vacation rental website with online booking engine allows customers to book on your website.Although you only need ten minutes to install, it is both easy to use and rich in the features you need.The right choice for your business! Keep it simple, keep it productive, keep it focused!Please check the online demo and the limited price offer!PHP Vacation Rental is easy-to-use vacation property management with powerful personalization and customization features: import/export system, manage banners, google map search, multiple language support, create your home page, send email to admin/agent, wysiwyg editor added for textarea, sponsored listing, and much more.New in version 5.0 - seo settings
- payment system for bookings
- add up to 10 custom fields for vacation form
PriceEUR 153.00
cptRealty Real Estate Listing Site
posted bydotlaunchinReal Estate
CostaPacific Realty Version 1.1 is an income-generating Real Estate Listing Software with the ability to charge listers.
Perfect for Real Estate Agencies, Private Agents or City & Community Websites. Not only can you use it to publish your own listings, it has a complete member system so other agents can list as well.
It inludes a great admin area, banner advertising and membership fee collection via multiple gateways already set up. Add featured properties, allow agents to get email alerts of searches and more.
You can use the script stand alone or included in your existing website.
PriceUSD 199.00
Real Estate Listing Software - Free
posted byweb-toolinReal Estate
Real-Estate-Management-So ftware is the perfect real estate management solution for real estate professionals. Get all your listings on the web with free, easy to use web-based real estate management software. Create your areas, school districts and property types and even upload images. Full featured searching available. 100% free license. Uses PHP and MySQL.
Mosets Hot Property - Real Estate Management System
posted bydknightinReal Estate
Stop Looking! Hot Property provides you the most comprehensive Real Estate Management System that works with Joomla. This powerful combination enables you to run a real estate website and use the most user friendly open source Web Content Management System (CMS) available today. Features includes Advanced Searching, Custom Fields (Extra Fields), SEO Friendly, Report Generating Tools, Approval System, Agent & Company management, Multi-Language support, Featured Property, PDF, Print, Send to Friend, Unlimited number of photos and much more.
PriceUSD 119.00
Acc Real Estate v5.0 - php real estate script
posted bythe-best-carsinReal Estate
Acc Real Estate
5.0 is a professional solution for a real estate website. Although you only need ten minutes to install, it is both easy to use and rich in the features you need. The right choice for your business! Keep it simple, keep it productive, keep it focused! Please check the online demo and the limited price offer! New in version 5.0
- new design
- google map search
- owner page in front end
- seo settings (you can choose and customize now the sitetitle, metakeywords and metadescription for every page)
- select the add/modify listing form fields order
- add up to 10 custom fields for listing form
PriceEUR 119.00
Real Estate Script PHP Script Made Easy !
posted byinfoinReal Estate
Easy to install, customize, real estate listing manager, for real estate listings. Using PHP to drive a MySql back end, thus creating a tool which is fast and flexible. Listing Agent allows non-technical users to easily create and maintain real estate listings on their site using a web browser. Easily keep your property listings updated -- no HTML coding required to add, delete, or modify listings. Template system -- produce a sophisticated site without any knowledge of PHP. Multiple Agents supported, Developer License for Unlimited Installations, PDF Feature Sheets, Mapping System, Stylish Photo Fade Features ! Beginners and Advanced Developers Alike will find this easy to customize ! AUTOMATED PHOTO RESIZER !
PriceUSD 35.00
Esvon Classifieds - Realty Listings Edition
posted byhawkinReal Estate
Edition of program which was already used in different ways: as classifieds script, web-based inventory management software, business/community portal or even light CMS. Responsive HTML5 template, SEO friendly. Just review some URLs of our customers, it may help you to make a decision.
In general, it is complete realty listing management solution, customized and ready to go for your real estate site, rentals web site, independent agent site, or the listings section of your brokerage or agency web site. Easy to use, anyone can upload images, add, delete and edit listings and create their own agent homepage on the fly. Automates selling process with tools to manage real estate listings and prospects easily and efficiently. Allows to charge agents and homebuyers to list their home(s)
PriceUSD 549.00