Clone Scripts
Clone scripts are web scripts that mimic the functionalities of a given web site or web application in terms of design, features, or both. In this section, you can find clones of many popular sites, from Facebook and YouTube to Twitter.
Flippa Clone Script
posted byFlippaCloneinClone Scripts
Flippa Clone Script is a website auction marketplace script that allows users to sign up and sell anything from websites, templates, domains, scripts and software.
PriceUSD 29.95
Free Download Fancy Clone Script From Prystino
posted byprystinoinClone Scripts
Start your own social commerce website with Go Adore, The Fancy Clone script in PHP. The best " The Fancy Clone Script " that enables you to curate your own personal shopping catalog and get you steady cash flow!
airBnb Clone - Vacation Rental Script
posted bynemo7inClone Scripts
BnbClone is a Peer to Peer - Vacation Rental / Booking Script designed to create new businesses and help our customers generate whole new revenue streams.
We created one of the most functional and user-friendly airbnb clones on the web, and want you to succeed with it! We can also customize the design of our script to your liking and even add or delete features to meet your requirements! There is no limit to how you could use our script to be the powerful engine behind your booking business!
For more information visit our website:
PriceUSD 499.00
Meme Maker PHP Script
posted byHralikpinClone Scripts
Powerfull Administration Panel
Easy to use administration panel gives you total control over your Meme Maker Script. Allows you to fully manage your website.
Rage Comic Editor + Image Creator Included
Allow your visitors to make a meme or rage comis directly on your site. Easy menu, fast publishing, great paint tools and much more..!
1000+ Meme and Troll Faces Images
You will receive more than 1000 meme and troll faces images for your new site. Easy start for your new page!
Comment Using Facebook
Users can comment on all uploaded pictures and videos easily via their facebook account.
SEO Friendly URLs
Attract even more visitors to your site with Search Engine Friendly URLs on all pages, automatically generated and easy to change.
Facebook Connect
Your visitors cas easily login via Facebook.
Social Media Sharing
Easy sharing built in enables your visitors to share your pages directly to their social application.
PriceUSD 49.00
Craigslist Clone Gold
posted bybuxton161inClone Scripts
Craigslist Clone Gold is a powerful, feature rich, easy to use, turn key classifieds solution. Developed in PHP and MySQL, This classifieds works similar to the most popular sites out there like Craigslist, BackPage, Kijiji or GumTree. With quick and easy installation, configurable and streamlined user interface, and a powerful admin area it has got everything that you wanted from a script of its kind.
Too many features to list, please see site for details.
PriceUSD 79.00
TaskGenie - Taskrabbit Clone Script | Marketplace Script
posted byprystinoinClone Scripts
Start your own Taskrabbit Clone or a micro job board website with TaskGenie, a premium Taskrabbit clone script in the market.
PriceUSD 199.00
Social Swapper Script
posted bybuxton161inClone Scripts
Social Swapper is the best Social Media Exchange script currently available. Packed full of features and security its a foolproof website capable of generating substantial monthly revenue.
Anti-Cheating! (minimal unlikes/unfollows!)
Server Security!
Control everything from the Admin Panel!
1.Facebook Fanpage Likes
2.Facebook Website Likes
3.Facebook Website Shares
4.Youtube Video Views
5.Youtube Video Likes
6.Youtube Subscribers
7.Twitter Followers
8.Twitter ReTweets
9.Twitter Favorites
10.Twitter Tweets
11.Pinterest Followers
12.Google +1's
13.Linkedin Shares
14.Stumbleupon Followers
15.Delicious Followers
16.Delicious Website Saves
17.Reverbnation Fans
18.Soundcloud Followers
19.Soundcloud Track Player
And More .....
PriceUSD 45.00
Fiverr Like
posted bybuxton161inClone Scripts
•EXTREMELY easy even for PHP beginners to modify !
•Multiple price option: Choose whatever price range you want.
•Multi Lingual: Add and remove languages from the admin panel.
•Autotweet: Choose to have new jobs posted straight to your twitter account.
•Facebook login.
•Twitter login.
•Feedback ratings.
+ More
•cURL enabled
•1 mysql database
•mod_rewrite enabled
•Linux os with apache support
•Single or New Domain
PriceUSD 20.00
ViewShark - YouTube Clone Script / Twitch Clone Script
posted byMediaScriptProinClone Scripts
ViewShark is a powerful and reliable content management system for creating and running profitable video website portals. Key features:
- Live Streaming & Chatting
- Upload Videos, Embed Videos, Grab Videos
- Monetization Features: Premium Memberships, Paid Channel Subscriptions, Revenue Sharing, Affiliate Members, Banner Advertising, Video Advertising, Targeted Advertising
- Responsive Layout
- Dashboard Charts & Graphs
- Multi Server / Amazon S3 CDN
- Facebook / Google OAuth2
- HTML5 / CSS3 Compatibility
- Enhanced Security
- Search Engine Optimized
PriceUSD 99.00
GC HYIP Manager Script 2013
posted byshophyipinClone Scripts
HYIP Manager script is a package for investment sites. This software helps you to create and manage your own HYIP with ease. The combination of price, features, performance and security are the best on the current market. Automatic withdrawal, instant payment and mass payment included.
PriceUSD 70.00
Premium HYIP Lister 2013
posted byshophyipinClone Scripts
HYIP Lister Surf is a package for HYIP listings and monitoring sites. This software helps you to create and manage your own HYIP Listing site with ease. The combination of price, features, performance and security are the best on the current market. HYIP/autosurf listing rating and monitoring system. Has an automated banner and text ads purchase system and also a New listing addition automated process. Visitors can easily purchase a rotating/non rotatng banner ads, text ads. Improved design. .Automated, decoded, TESTED. After purchase support guarantee.
PriceUSD 100.00
Coupon Site Script
posted byScripteeninClone Scripts
- Web 2.0 Design
- jQuery based submission form
- Search coupons by site
- Search coupons by tags
- Auto-thumbnail generation powered by
- Single \"click to copy\" feature for coupons
- Facebook Comments
- SEO Friendly URLs
PriceUSD 49.00
9gag Clone Scripts
posted byScripteeninClone Scripts
- Facebook based Membership registration
- Hot!, Trending & Vote Sections separated by the number of the "likes"
- Pagination (adjustable in admin)
- Submit Funny Picture (ajax based, no page refresh)
- Auto Image Resize at upload to fit the website dimensions and loading time efficient
- Facebook comments ready
- Social ready for each post (Share on Facebook, Twitter etc.)
- Advertisements (sticky) on the sidebar controllable from admin area
- Uses mod_rewrite to generate friendly URL's
- Search funny pics by title
- Auto-post to the uploader's facebook (if he agrees)
PriceUSD 59.00
Scripteen Themeforest Clone
posted byScripteeninClone Scripts
Earn BIG MONEY by charging script sellers a commission from their price
Automatically generates paypal mass-pay file for the selected period
PayPal IPN ready, just setup your paypal email and start earning
User registration, login, password reset
Submit files for sell powered by ajax with nice no-refresh page validation
Categories & Subcategories - dropdown support
Search (based on title/tag and item description
Pagination on each 20 items
Ajax newsletter form
STAR RATING system (only those which purchased an item can rate)
Comments system
Iframe based item demo preview (when available)
Upload multiple screenshots via zip archive
View best-sell on homepage
View latest 40 items on homepage
Random 10 items on homepage
...and plenty more
PriceUSD 59.00
Flippa Clone
posted byScripteeninClone Scripts
- Based on twitter bootstrap & Codeigniter
- Membership system
- Automatically integrated with PayPal IPN so you just sit and earn
- Statistics sets on homepage showing site activity
- Advanced filtering system for the listings (just sold, active, featured, domain only, etc)
- Bidding system
- Commenting system
- Adding listings with percentage completion. Ajax based & modal forms
- User private messaging system
- User profiles system
- Easy to translate in your own language system using PoEdit (just like wordpress).
- And plenty, plenty more just see the demo to find out. We like working not talking.
PriceUSD 99.00
Shopify or Volusion Multistore with Prestashop
posted byvirtuapiinClone Scripts
This script allows you to have your own "Volusion" or "Shopify" store with all the advantages of Prestashop!
Create Online Prestashop Stores automatically with easy steps. The script uses Prestashop's native webservices and multistore functionality to provide a user friendly front end to create virtual stores.
Some features included are:
Multilanguage Support,
AJAX Existing user and store validation,
One Click installation,
Online Settings page (no config file),
Paypal integration,
Mobile responsive,
Log viewer (debugging mode),
Standard Prestashop Webservices and functions,
One click installation!
PriceUSD 17.00
Pinnect Clone
posted bybuxton161inClone Scripts
100% Unencrypted Source Code
With Pinnect you get full control over the functionality and possibilities of your site.
Full source code enables you to modify
absolutely every aspect of your site including design and programming.
It is possible to add new features, modify existing funtionality to turn your Pinnect into something truly unique!
Amazing Modular Structure
The greatest thing about Pinnect is its modular structure. There is a core - essential package with default functionality - and it can be “extended” by modules.
This approach makes the level of customization that can be applied to Pinnect nearly unlimited
PriceUSD 55.00
Ebay Clone website
posted bybuxton161inClone Scripts
Complete instructions come with the scripts for easy installation
Edit, modify, delete categories
Edit, modify, delete listing fees (Listing, photos, bold, highlight, etc)
Edit, modify, delete final value fees (Depending on value of item sold)
Edit, modify, delete users
Edit, modify, delete auctions
Edit, modify how much new sign ups will receive to get them started with their listings (Encourages new sellers)
Charge for banner advertising
Charge for Stores
The script is written in PHP
Paypal integrated
This just a sample of the modifications you can do in the admin section
PriceUSD 24.99
Clone Scripts Directory
posted bybuxton161inClone Scripts
Clone Scripts Directory allows you to run a web applications directory and earn money out of it, just like ScriptCopy.
Designed for A Clone scripts Directory with pre-populated categories, all are editable via admin to change/ add/ edit/ delete to your choosing.
Front End
- scripts by categories listings
- search between all scripts
- submit script with captcha to prevent spam submissions
- featured, premium, banners scripts to enable money making. All automated with PayPal
- newsletter subscribing/unsubscribing
- commenting on scripts listings powered by Disqus
- contact form to email
- about/services pages updatable via admin panel
- view/approve/remove scripts
- add/delete categories
- view newsletters subscribers
- send mass newsletters
- manage about/services pages with WYSIWYG editor
- manage advertising prices
- view/delete/approve adverts
- update paypal email and contact form email
PriceUSD 65.00
Kickstarter Clone
posted byfundraisingcloneinClone Scripts
Kickstarter is very popular platform to collect fund from crowd and you also want same site then we will make your dream true. is providing a clone script for kickstarter, indiegogo, gofundme.
PriceUSD 450.00