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Content Management

Collection of commercial, free and open source PHP Content Management Systems (CMS). CMS scripts allow you to manage the content of your Web Site by providing an interface to add, edit and delete content easily. Some CMS are database-driven while others will store content in plain text file or in XML format.
Results 381-400 of 490
Article Manager 2.0 - interactivetools.com
Designed for YOU, the overworked webmaster! With more features than any other solution, Article Manager gives you absolutely everything you need to manage your very own article driven website. *** Create thousands - or HUNDREDS of thousands - of articles. *** No Limitations. Make a headlines file to include in your other pages, create extra RSS feeds, publish an entire duplicate version of your site for hand-held devices, display your articles in text-only formats...it's up to you! *** Upload an unlimited number of images or file attachments to each of your articles. *** Looks exactly like YOUR website. *** No limitations on data. Create hundreds of thousands of articles, tons of categories, and hundreds of users. *** Cross Browser WYSIWYG. *** The world's best supported software. Unlimited Free Support. Free Upgrades. Incomparable 90-day, no hassle, money back guarantee. *** TRY THE FREE ONLINE DEMO NOW!
(36 ratings)
PriceUSD 349.00
EgO News, Blog and General CMS
EgO is a PHP script that makes easier the set up and administration of a website. EgO supports customizable skins and modules that would be designed to fit specific needs. EgO features a WYSIWYG editor (HTMLArea), dynamic RSS 2.0 Syndication, etc...
(0 ratings)
Ultimate Jokes and Funny Pictures Script
Our Most Downloaded Jokes Script with features to enable you easily run a top quality jobs script. Run a free site and still earn great as well. This makes this jokes script special. Get great returns for your investment in this script by automatic interface to run unlimited number of affiliate ads like Google Adsense. Jokes Script features include browsing through categorized set of jokes. Our jokes script also supports funny pictures/cartoons as well. Outstanding features in clude 1) Quick keyword search 2) Category browsing 3) Fully manage content from admin panel 4) Fest script with nice layout 5) Joke Rating system 6) Most popular jokes selection 7) Subscribe to jokes 8) Suggest new jokes 9) And lots more makes this jokes script special. Free installation and support. FULL FREE ONLINE DEMO. Download the script now!
(10 ratings)
Bitrix Site Manager - Enterprise Edition
Bitrix Site Manager is the industry's most secure website management and e-marketing solution delivering extreme value in performance, functionality, and ease-of-use. This is the best fit for a variety of application including corporate and community sites, eCommerce and news services. API and source code allow for easy integration with third-party software. The product does not require in-depth knowledge: orchestrate online business from A to Z with a browser using a user-friendly interface.
(9 ratings)
Presto Web
Presto Web is a Content Management System with a special point: you can build your website as you want. Only with a few steps of a install wizard, you will have your website with JUST that you want. It is based on a packages system, and everybody is invited to code a package to the system.
(15 ratings)
Connect Software Suite
Connect Software Suite features easy to use interfaces that allow for complete control of any website with built in SEO and enhanced user experiences. The Connect suite includes MailConnect for e-newsletter blasts with tracking, MemberConnect for membership management, ClientConnect for a client area with files, messaging and more, RecruitConnect for HR management, EventConnect provides event and event registration management and ConnectTrack that tracks and anaylizes your entire system to understand your users and customers better.
(6 ratings)
Modules: D++CMS is an open source web content management framework by D++. It consists of separate modules for WYSIWYG editor (IE + Mozilla), navigation, styles, media, database backup management, caching, etc. Multiple languages are supported. Extensibility: For maximum flexibility D++CMS can be easily integrated or combined with other static/dynamic HTML pages. Templates creation requires some PHP skills. But so own or 3rd party PHP code can be added to the templates. It's even possible to enter PHP code as dynamic content, if needed. D++CMS supports webgrab to integrate content form other scripts or servers during runtime. D++CMS is based on PEAR::DB (code is included).
(63 ratings)
Absolut Engine
Absolut Engine is an advanced news publishing system. It features 3 layer access (admin/chief/editor), article posting, editing and deleting. Absolut Engine includes a powerful image managing tool, file manager and related articles manager are also included. Rich text editing is provided via built-in WYSIWYG editor that produces XHTML 1.0 Strict compliant code. Absolut Engine is easy to extend via module functionality - any required addons/plugins can be created and added to the system. It is fully configurable and easy-to-use for unexperienced users, too. Modules include Discussions, Surveys, RSS Feed, Search Engine Optimization and message system for better communication between users. Absolut Engine produces webstandards compliant valid XHTML 1.0 Strict & CSS semantically correct code in PHP & MySQL with WYSIWYG editor. It is accessible, usable, complies to W3C web standards - built with accessibility, usability, correct XHTML semantics, XHTML valid code in mind. News publishing system = Content management system (CMS) = News script = News publishing software = News publishing script = Blogging software = Blog software - PHP/MySQL content management system with WYSIWYG and valid XHTML Strict support.
(8 ratings)
The Program is a programme part for internet shop with possibility of the data (goods) import from excel (through txt). The Final total is an extract of the bill or receipts by buyer. The Exterior of internet shop changes at will owner of the shop. The product is free. Media-Art
(3 ratings)
LogiCampus Classroom CMS
LogiCampus is a web-based classroom management system. Developed in conjunction with educators, the system provides a rich set of functionality for students, teachers and administrators, including forums, gradebook, content management and more.
(243 ratings)
CMS Master is a complete website builder, the most powerful and easy-to-use site editor with web-based interface. It allows you and your clients to update site content in a matter of minutes. Features include WYSIWYG editor, full control over design via template files, easy image and file management, customizable site navigation, module integration, and flexible licensing policy. Free demo trial also available!
(10 ratings)
PriceEUR 129.95
This script facilitates translation of web pages on your website using Google's Language Tools.
(3 ratings)
EchoArticles is an easy to use, powerful, and feature rich article management system. It is fully template driven, easily customized and well supported. It includes a WYSIWYG editor, multiple pictures per article, polls, unlimited sub categories, advanced user comments, and more!
(6 ratings)
Bitrix Site Manager - Start Edition
Bitrix Site Manager is the industry's most secure website management and e-marketing solution delivering extreme value in performance, functionality, and ease-of-use. This is the best fit for a variety of application including corporate and community sites, eCommerce and news services. API and source code allow for easy integration with third-party software. The product does not require in-depth knowledge: orchestrate online business from A to Z with a browser using a user-friendly interface.
(15 ratings)
PriceUSD 249.00
aneVe.ECMS allows you to modify and run all aspects of your ecommerce web site from the news and headlines to the products listed on your order form, you have full control! PHP / MySQL driven order form, contact form and news management. You can start accepting payments via PayPal instantly, and modify products, news, and various details. The administration control panel is wonderfuly designed and extremely user-friendly allowing you to have multiple users, and easy 24/7 access to your core ecommerce functions! � User-friendly Admin Control Panel � Order Taking System � PayPal-Ready Payment Acceptance � Contact / Feedback Form � Headline / News Integration & Management � Multiple Users for Administration � PHP / MySQL Driven � Code Snippets for easy integration � Email / Detail Configuration � Extremely easy to implement into your current design
(0 ratings)
The WebPosts system will allow non-html savy people the ability to post formatted information to a website without the need for HTML knowledge. This is in very early beta, but is very usable.
(9 ratings)
Personal CMS - BCWB 2.0 (XSL, FileFlat)
PERSONAL CMS, THE WAY IT SHOULD BE: SIMPLE, FLEXIBLE, RELIABLE. The program represents a WYSIWYG content management system (CMS) for web � visit cards, personal sites, promo-sites, VIP - sites and other small web - projects. BCWB does not require database presence. Website assembled in BCWB, can be given any representation form with the help of XSLT full functionalities including vector-graphical representation in SVG format and Macromedia Flash. BCWB included some new features: GuestBook, Gallery etc.
(108 ratings)
WEBInsta� provides a individual or a small business or organization to put up a professional looking website up in minutes . It does not require on the users part to know any HTML ( experience will be helpful ) or PHP . It tries to provide a clean cut separation between the programming logic and the design logic using a fast and efficient template engine . It was built because we wanted to provide a simple but effective CMS for people who were just looking to put up a web presence or a simple website and do no want to use a full blown portal management system. With lots of templates availible at the WEBInsta website and simple to use interface with minimal configuration , it provides the perfect platform to start your website on .
(535 ratings)
fastpublish CMS
PHP Content management system which enables easy design adjustment, fast publishing and easy to use. A crossbrowser Wysiwyg editor is integrated. The sponsored edition (fastpublish CMS light) is free of costs and you can use it for commercial purposes as well. Professional users can take part of the fastpublish advertising network. Try out the 60 seconds check of the demo.
(24 ratings)
Fast Template
We find Fast Template very usefull in our projects, even if now is on the market other template systems, like Smarty. Most PHP projects today use Smarty for this, but we won't. Smarty puts too much logic into the template itself. To avoid confusing or upsetting the web designer, the core template must look as much like a regular HTML page as possible. That means no strange looking iteration code and such. Instead, we'll use FastTemplate. FastTemplate may not be as advanced and featureful as Smarty, but its syntax is definitely better suited for this problem. But because it was not developed since 2002, we tried to add some new functionalities to it and make it reusable. Templates are very useful for CGI programming, because adding HTML to your PHP code clutters your code and forces you to do any HTML modifications. By putting all of your HTML in seperate template files, you can let a graphic or interface designer change the look of your application without having to bug you, or let
(15 ratings)
Results 381-400 of 490