Content Management
Collection of commercial, free and open source PHP Content Management Systems (CMS). CMS scripts allow you to manage the content of your Web Site by providing an interface to add, edit and delete content easily. Some CMS are database-driven while others will store content in plain text file or in XML format.
posted bywolframinContent Management
This is a template engine for PHP, to easier and faster create and better structure web pages/applications. SimpleTemplate additionally can easily translate the templates, compiles them, builds blocks using the indention (python-like), and has a TagLib which makes some things easier, like repeat, trim, etc.
webpad: the web-based text editor
posted bywebpadinContent Management
webpad is a web-based text editor which gives you access to files from: your computer, the server it's installed on, any remote FTP server, the most popular blogging tools and even the source code of webpages. It is easy to install and includes a powerful administration interface to control the access and usage of the program.
AppGini PHP Generator For MySQL
posted bysupportinContent Management
Instantly create mobile-friendly, responsive, multi-user web and intranet database applications (no programming needed) that let users submit, view, search and edit data of your database easily. Define user groups with separate access permissions. Support for master/detail views, aka parent/children views, embedded Google maps and YouTube videos, web/email links, zoomable images, file uploads and downloads, date and time pickers, check-boxes, rich text, drop-downs and more. Create multi-level lookup fields to link data from multiple tables (for example to select customer name in a receipt). Users can download data as CSV files to edit in Excel. When you modify the database design in AppGini, the actual database is automatically updated without re-setup. Fully customize the look of the generated files using jQuery and Bootstrap 3. You can also add more functionality using the well-documented hook functions. Try it free now.
PriceUSD 79.90
The HTML template class
posted byayuinContent Management
The HTML template class is a neat, fast and reliable class for separating HTML views from PHP logic. It helps you to develop a large complicated web site rapidly.
posted Management
Php-Revista is a complete system for publishing online magazines written in php and SQL. The magazine can be categorized by subjects and all the administration is done via Web. It supports postgresql and mysql. Php-Revista is developed in Spanish.
N/X 2002 Professional Edition Web Content Management System
posted bysveninContent Management
N/X is a Web Content Management System written with php4 and mySQL. N/X is intend to be used by professional developers only. Features: flexible user-managment based on roles and groups, assign functions to roles, extensibilty of content-types with plugins, support of variations (sevaral languages, devices.), versioning (development and live-version), content-reuse, business partner homepages and login, integrated support for news-pages, catalouges etc. Static and dynamic Caching of created pages, authoring on layouts (WYSIWYG), Site statistics, different backend languages, extensible API. Templates are developed with plain php and the HTML.
Note: N/X is also good for flash-based webpages and pages with complex layout.
AES: AlberT-EasySite
posted byAlberTinContent Management
A PHP-based easy site generation system that pays particular attention to the graphical aspect and the complete separation from the PHP and HTML code. It is a plug-in based system and all its functionalities are handled by a plug-in. Also template "objects" are handled by a plug-in; it is very easy to add your own custom object in the template. It includes multiple themes and users can switch between them. From version 0.8.9 it includes AlberT-cache caching system. It requires PHP 4.1.0+ (for security). Version 0.8.12 includes a configuration module for site wide configuration settings and MetaBase as DB abstraction layer.
posted byinfoinContent Management
Contenido. is a Content Management System based on PHP and MySQL. Architecture and Structure of Contenido. are very modular, allowing a broad range of customization.
posted bywebmasterinContent Management
XOOPS is a dynamic OO (Object Oriented) based open source portal script written in PHP. XOOPS is the ideal tool for developing small to large dynamic community websites, intra company portals, corporate portals, weblogs and much more. Current modules: news, polls, thread/flat view enabled forum, phpBB style comments system, weblinks, downloads, faq, polls, stats, etc.
APC ActionApps Content Management System
posted byhonza.malikinContent Management
The APC's ActionApp content management platform allows non-programmers to easily create dynamic web pages and online databases. A web interface is used to manage: Creation of new applications; editing fields; users and groups; HTML output formatting; content sharing. The Action Apps include advanced content syndication functions. These tools make it easy to share content between Action App enables sites, or other sites that can import content in the APC-RSS XML schema. The Action Apps are not a cookie cutter portal in a box. Rather, they are oriented toward the creation of individaul dynamic pages. Each 'App' represents a single page such as an events calender or a bibliography. Dynamic content is integrated into indidual HTML pages using and SSI or Java call.
posted byfilecmsinContent Management
FileCMS is a file-based content management system. Features: create topic (directory) named by date; create topic.bez (with full description) in each directory; create item with title and body; put the item in the topic you are in, creating a unique name for each new topic; list all topics, looking for a topic.bez file and display a description of a topic; main page for each topic - list all items in selected topic, display a description of each item using an item title; edititg and deleting of existing items and topics; multi-language support (languare.lang contains the translation); and sitemap showing all topics and items thre inside.
posted bymurahachibuinContent Management
AvanTemplate is a template engine for PHP. It is multi-byte safe and consumes little computing resource. It supports variable replacement, block that can be set to hidden or shown, loop, multple-depth loop, and inclusion of external template file.
posted byrovelinContent Management
TemplatePower is a fast, easy to use and powerful PHP4 template class. TemplatePower is a lot faster than FastTemplate. Main features are: nested dynamic block support, block/file include support, show/hide unassigned variables, save/use parsed template on/from disk, PHP-file include tag, global/local variable assign, multiple variable assign using an associative array, database/php-variable stored template support and a re-use tag for blocks (test state).
Portunity Portalsuite
posted byinfoinContent Management
Portalsuite allows you to build websites or mini portals with a complete Content Management System. Alternatively you could use the Portalsuite to migrate existing websites step by step. The Portalsuite 2001 Light consists of three applications: Content Manager, Admin Center, Reseller Center. The Content Manager allows you to administer articles, pictures, video and sounds easily with your web browser. No trainings or programming skills are needed. This real time application enables anybody to put the content on his/her website or portal, and all changes are updated immediately. In the Admin Center you define structural, layout and design parameters, etc. The Reseller Center is used to administer several portals. With special portal templates you can create complete portals based on style sheets, automatically.
posted byachavaninContent Management
An open source web-based system for managing dynamic web content. Suitable for publishing articles, announcements, events, etc. Provides an administration interface for content managers. Front-end pages can be customized. Uses PHP and MySQL
posted byrfksolutionsinContent Management
RFKmap for PHP is a free code which joins FastTemplate and PHPlib's class (DB_Sql) to create an object system for a content management and viewer. A easy syntax to create one instance to access a complex queries and mapping the results to a set of templates.
posted bymjtinContent Management
JPETo (James's Publishing & Editing Tool) is an object oriented content management and community enabling system, built from august 2000 until now as a simple publishing tool for people without vast computer knowledge. It's used for several projects until now and growing from week to week. While developing JPETo we were always looking to keep JPETo flexible, but just as complex as necessary. Some other strengths of JPETo are the various content scheduling functions and the short time-to-market term. Free 30-days evaluation copy available.
php-js-webedit HTML editor
posted bygabiinContent Management
The php-js-webedit editor is a tool for editing and building HTML pages (relatively complex) from a browser. It allows you to edit the HTML code in a textarea field, and includes a variety of JavaScript functions to assist you for creating links, tables, lists, inserting images, etc. Once you are finished you can easily submit the content to a CGI and store it in a Database. You can use the application as a module itself or embedded in another application (the application can be configured to adapt it to your applications). You can also choose the language: emglish, spanish and cathalan. The php-js-webedit editor is written in HTML and Javascript, and it uses PHP as a server-side language.
posted bymlyczbainContent Management
ezContents is a Web site content management system in the form of a Drupal distribution. The default theme is fully responsive. Its features include maintaining menus, adding authors that write contents, permissions, workflow, and layout possibilities for the entire look of the site by simple use of settings. A @font-your-face module with Google Web Fonts is added by default. It offers great flexibility for the Web site developer and a user-friendly interface for the editor. You can extend it yourself using existing Drupal modules or themes.
EasyArticle allows you to publish print and online versions of your texts using just one script. Two new "tags" help you to split texts into chapters, the needed links are automatically created by the script.