Content Management
Collection of commercial, free and open source PHP Content Management Systems (CMS). CMS scripts allow you to manage the content of your Web Site by providing an interface to add, edit and delete content easily. Some CMS are database-driven while others will store content in plain text file or in XML format.
Template CMS
posted byAwiluminContent Management
Template CMS — fast and lightweight content management system written in PHP, which allows you to easily create a promo site, satellite, personal page of a person who has no experience in php or html.
Web Pro Manager Content Management System
posted bymichaelrod77inContent Management
With Web Pro Manager, you can build a full working website under your own domain in minutes. The software lets you intuitively drop content components onto your pages and move them around effortlessly to setup your pages anyway you like. There are no complicated settings or configuration; just create your pages and drop in your content. Web Pro Manager is visual & fun to use, intuitive with component-based page editing, powerful for single website management, completely templateable on the front-end, has support multiple front-end languages, brandable in the back-end, allows easy creation of your own content components, and installs in minutes. Web Pro Manager is a perfect content management system for web designers to build completely customized sites for their clients. Build a mobile version of each page of your website easily with a mobile template. Administration area available in English or Spanish. New downloadable themes and components now available!
Free CMS
posted bypml78inContent Management
Free CMS is a simple PHP Content Management. With Free CMS, you create your own CMS in minutes.
You can easily embedded Free CMS in your template, it is just necessary to copy/past some line of codes
It does not use any database, simply the file system.
Free CMS is multilingual, Simple translation with a separate language file
Ajaxel CMS - for all kind of online projects!
posted byajaxelinContent Management
Ajaxel - (AJAX element) is the fast and convenient desktop user friendly CMS. With this CMS you will be able to create website, CRM, intranet or another big or small online project. Why is it so good? The answer lies in a rapid change in the site through the windows desktop, double click on the shortcut menu and enable the web master to add or edit content quickly and conveniently. Contains a lot of modules and convenient structure, user-friendly links, not only looks beautiful on the outside but inside that makes the system pleasant for programmers.
PriceEUR 25.00
Vesthelm Engine
posted byVesthelminContent Management
Vesthelm Engine is a unique in its capabilities site engine. Vesthelm EE is easy to use and can be customized by your needs. In Vesthelm EE successfully introduced many improvements for your convenience and rapid development. Vesthelm EE has unlimited functionality and can be used to create an entirely new unique Web applications.
Tugux CMS
posted byangelsunny25inContent Management
Tugux CMS is a free, open-source content management system (CMS) and application powers entire web. With a vibrant backend, user-friendly features and plenty of power, Tugux CMS is perfect for your site! Learn more about 1.2. Tugux CMS is released know you can download it form our downloads section and installtion instruction are included in every pack. You can also get help by contacting us.
posted byilyalyuinContent Management
Create multi-level structure for your website: add pages/subpages, create multi-level dropdown/tree menus with unlimited level of nesting. Maintain multi-language website (multi-language interface, translation panel for dynamic content). Multi-skin interface. Create FAQ pages. Create forums. Create hint system (popup hints, apply complex hint targeting rules). Create online store. Add other types of items: articles, blogs, locations (Google map), media files (gallery), partner links and more. Manage items: sort (for manually sorted items), pin (sample usage: pin forum topics, pin best seller products), show selected items on a separate webpage (sample usage: create "special offers" page for products with discount), show recent/random items on the homepage/in the side columns. PHPDevel CMS includes membership system: personal blogs, personal albums, internal mail, friends, groups and other.
MiniSiteMaker - Make Simple Sites Fast
posted bytheIMgeekinContent Management
Stop using bloated blogging software to manage your simple websites. MiniSiteMaker is streamlined for fast and efficient creation and editing of basic content-driven websites. Write new pages quickly with a full what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) editor, so no need to write HTML code to make your pages look good.
gp|Easy CMS
posted byoyejorgeinContent Management
gpEasy CMS was built to make website creation and management easy, for anyone. gpEasy is the perfect content management system (cms) for personal and commercial web sites that require fast page loading and search engine friendly structure.
posted byoverdieselinContent Management
StayCMS is a lightweight web content management framework.
It does not use any database, simply the file system.
It uses themes, which are straightforward to create or modify existing ones.
Using it is nearly as easy as creating a single html page.
It is portable and easy to deploy in PHP, and can be extended to incorporate other frameworks as well (such as ecommerce, etc).
posted byhsbotinContent Management
ProcessWire is an open source content management system (CMS) and web application framework aimed at the needs of designers, developers and their clients. ProcessWire gives you more control over your fields, templates and markup than other platforms, and provides a powerful template system that works the way you do. Not to mention, ProcessWire's API makes working with your content easy and enjoyable. Managing and developing a site in ProcessWire is shockingly simple compared to what you may be used to.
Demo Manager
posted byreeddesignsinContent Management
Tired of those pesky clients messing up your demo? With Demo Manager you can fix that problem with an automated solution to reinstall that demo for you. This way your potential clients can mess it up, stop it from working, etc… and it will automatically reinstall when you choose using a cron job. Demo Manager will reinstall all of the website files along with your mysql database to give you a fresh clean slate for your clients to look at.
PriceUSD 9.00
Fruml CMS
posted byFrumlCMSinContent Management
Fruml is a modern and powerful content management system that utilises file-caching, APC and XCache to quickly and efficiently deliver your content to your users. It supports plugins and widgets and gives users and developers alike, access to a rich API.
The admin dashboard has been designed to cater for users of all experience levels, and provides both WYSIWYG editing and text-area editing. A built-in media manager helps you organise your media content, while image transformations give you almost limitless ways to customise your images.
Open Enterprise Drupal
posted bywebmasterinContent Management
Open Enterprise is a free open source Content Management System designed to enable organizations to build the Web 2.0 website. It is an extended distribution of the world’s most popular advanced open source CMS, Drupal.
The systems is highly expendable with over 6,500 modules. The standard installation features:
- Blog
- Events calendar
- News room
- Custom content types w/ dynamic fields
- Views (custom list builder for page lists, blocks, feeds and more)
- Panels (allows you to custom layout content blocks)
- WYSIWYG editor
- Taxonomy
- Tagging
- Commenting
- Rantings
- Image & file management
- Site search
- Webform builder
- Roles based permissions
- Advanced search engine optimization tools
- Spam control
- Themeing engine with custom themes
- Enhanced admin
- Developer tools
- Google Analytics integration
posted bymodcoveinContent Management
A professional solution for your CMS needs; SimplisCMS is for both personal and professional websites. Packed into one robust system, you can experience the power of the many modules included such as events, blogs, note management, statistics, account and administrator management and even manage multiple schemes that control how your website looks. If you are on a tight budget and need a solution that fits your needs; Modcove also has setup payment plans on a 'Lease To Own' basis that allow you to make small payments, and once the application cost is paid in total; you own the software for life. Integrated with CSScaffold and Smarty Template Engine; you are in complete control of how your website is presented and functions. All areas are Ajax and jQuery rich, and many more modules have gone unexplained here that are available.
PriceUSD 24.99
CMSsystem - full in AJAX easy and fast desktop alike content management system.
posted bycmssysteminContent Management
This system is very easy to use, and it has everything for any website and portal creation. Administrator can easily add/edit/delete the content/menu/module from public area with mouse right click using ajax and rich text editor. Please follow the url ( to see all the screenshots of admin panel and website. Also it has an instant messenger as in facebook, different languages, admin panel is fully customizable, mass emailing, form generator, log with revert possibility, users with their profiles and etc.. Best thing is that you can put any desired module content row by row on the page under menu without programming and html knowledge!
PriceUSD 300.00
Article Friendly Pro
posted byhiredgunzinContent Management
Article Friendly Pro is our top rated, feature packed and inexpensive article publishing script. With it, you can create your own article publishing empire in minutes. Easy to install and use for both you and your authors. SEF (Search Engine Friendly) URLS so your important pages look like plain html pages! Requires Php & Mysql.
PriceUSD 29.99
Ripe website manager
posted bypaaaaaaaaaainContent Management
A powerful and super-easy-to-use open source content management system. Used by many businesses, big and small for managing their website and online shop.
(Baar3) Content Management
posted bymajedbizinContent Management
Content management system, an Arab, multi-language, is characterized by the benefits of ease of content management and powers of members and supervisors and add custom content for each group and the possibility of multiple templates
PriceUSD 800.00
Content pages plugin
posted byScriptDirinContent Management
This plugin implements the creation and management of content pages of the project. As well as managing the meta data of these pages.
PriceUSD 12.00