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Content Management

Collection of commercial, free and open source PHP Content Management Systems (CMS). CMS scripts allow you to manage the content of your Web Site by providing an interface to add, edit and delete content easily. Some CMS are database-driven while others will store content in plain text file or in XML format.
Results 161-180 of 490
Meta Tag Management System
If you have worked as a webmaster , then you must have faced some difficulty while changing the Target keyword for individual web page. So in this post i plan to share a easy built MMS i.e Meta Tags Management System for Webmaster.
(0 ratings)
BLMT Article Directory Script
Run Your Own Powerful And Easy-To-Use Article Directory Website,stand aloneor as an addition to an existing site. Instantly Generates Search Engine Friendly Pages, Explode Your Adsense Revenue ,using other People's Content! BLMT Article Directory Script is a powerful web site news and article content management system. Specially designed for the busy marketer, it was created to increase your website Traffic by adding constantly updated news, articles, press releases and any other type of content to your web site as easy and convenient as possible.Allows for HTML downloads and copy of Articles. Also recieve Article Submissions from a Top Rated Article Distrubition Service FREE. Installation offered or buy just script will complete customization. One site License.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
S40 CMS is flat file content management system Easy to install and use Requirements: PHP 5, GD2, PHP ZIP Feautures: User friendly administration, Valid HTML, Valid RSS, Sitemap, Code editor, Rich text editor, Backup system Available in English, German, Bulgarian, Greek and Estonian language
(9 ratings)
Free Simple CMS
Free Simple CMS is content management software (CMS). Designing websites with Free Simple CMS is easy. You can use our template generator or choose a pre-made template. Integrating Free Simple CMS into an existing design is also very easy.
(0 ratings)
Fast Edit v1.0
An in-page, WYSIWYG, HTML editor and CMS. For small-medium websites, Fast Edit uses flat (text) files to store information. No database needed! Fast Edit: Quickly edit and save web page content using a simple, point-and-click toolbar. Bundled features; File Manager: Structure, upload, rename, move and delete files. And view, zip and download resources via a File Browser. Template Manager: Edit a custom CSS stylesheet to quickly alter the look of your site. Page Manager: Create, backup, restore and delete the pages of your site, arrange the menu, set custom button text, and toggle button visibility. Metadata Manager: Set global and page-specific keywords and descriptions to help people find your site via search engines. Other notable features: Disk space quota (limit total uploads), web page quota (limit total page count), zip and download page content for offline storage, page protect (disallow destructive actions on custom pages), and automatic menu.
(6 ratings)
Pligg is an open source Content Management System (CMS) that you can download and use for free. Pligg CMS provides social networking software that encourages visitors to register on your website so that they can submit content and connect with other users. Our software creates websites where stories are created and voted on by members, not website editors. Use Pligg content management system to start your own social networking community in minutes.
(6 ratings)
SEO Article Directory Script
SEO Article Directory Script) is a Most Downloaded PHP script that makes article publishing very very easy. Our Software helps you easily launch your Search engine Friendly (SEO) article site. Its features include 1) Front end Language translatability 2) Multiple ad slots 3) Inbuilt Ad management system 4) Discussion board with each article 5) Quick article search and Advanced search 6)Unlimited level of article sub categories 7) Unlimited Color Schemes and Icon Sets 8) Predefined color schemes 9) MD5 Encrypted passwords 10) Authors section 11) Article rating system 12) SEO optimized urls for articles and each article category 13) URL Rewriting to improve search engine visibility of articles 14) And of course great earning potential 15) And lots more. FREE Demo, FREE installation + FREE Support.
(0 ratings)
CM Simple
CMSimple is one of the smallest, smartest and most simple Content Management Systems under the GPL or AGPL licence. CMSimple is distributed under the GPL3 licence as Open Source to use, modify and distribute under the given licence.
(0 ratings)
Pointter PHP CMS Content Management System
Pointter PHP Content Management System Version 1.6 is an advanced, fast and user friendly CMS Software that can be used to build simple websites or professional websites with product categorization, product blogs, member login and AJAX live search modules. Beside the new Web 2.0 sleek design, the script has been validated as perfect by The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)'s XHTML 1.0 and CSS Level 2.1 standards. The script provides the user to create unlimited static page boxes, static pages, main categories, sub categories and product pages. The system is very flexible and every box, category, static page and product page can be edited, moved, deleted and their page position can be changed. The script uses modular system and category box module, most viewed box module, newly added box module, member box module, today box module and AJAX live search module can be turned on/off and edited.
(3 ratings)
A cake based PHP semantic content management framework. that enables you to create and manage content, and organize it by semantic rules. BEdita may generate several web sites simultaneously, organize libraries and archives, implement advanced services like e-commerce or e-learning.
(6 ratings)
ClipBucket V2 - Ultimate & Free Video Sharing & Social Networking Script,Free Youtube Clone Script.
ClipBucket is a very Powerful Video sharing & Media Management Script. With a Huge Variety of Features. which include Proper Video Uploading & Conversion, Customizable Channels, Play lists, Quick Lists, SQL injection free, Fully loaded Admin Panel with control From frond end. Plug-in System,Complete stats and conversion logs. Easy & Fast template system with built in editor. Complete Video Rating system with Comments & Reply. Comment Rating. Complete User management system with internal messaging system & subscriptions and much much More. Just download it and see the power of this ultimate video sharing script.
(23 ratings)
txtCMS is an ridiculously simple CMS that you can use to quickly publish content without being bogged down by a ton of features you don't need. txtCMS uses Textile to convert textfiles into HTML pages.
(0 ratings)
Deploy your site faster! Skip web development, and concentrate more on design & contents. From simple sites such as personal web sites, blogs, to more complex ones, such as company portals. qEngine (qE) is a CMS script to help you building your site quickly. It's using template engine to separate the php codes from the design. So that you don't need to touch the php codes to create your site. qE is also expandable by using modules. qEngine is not only lightweight, it's also feature packed: menu editor, page manager, custom design for specific pages, SEO URL, WYSIWYG editor, easy to use admin, ntofication center, responsive web design & mobile only version supported.
(18 ratings)
Evo Articles CMS
evoArticles makes article management easy so you can focus on adding content. Install the software (or ask us for free) and you are ready to publish on the web! evoArticles makes running a content website easy and simple. No need to go out and hire expensive programmers or fiddle around with programming. evoArticles makes running a content website easy.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.95
Wolf CMS
Wolf CMS simplifies content management by offering an elegant user interface, flexible templating per page, simple user management and permissions, as well as the tools necessary for file management. Wolf requires PHP5, a MySQL database or SQLite 3 with PDO, and a web server (Apache with mod_rewrite is highly recommended). It is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3. The source is available from Wolf’s Google Code project page.
(0 ratings)
Web Education System
Web Education System (Web Tutor) script is a revolutionary new piece of software which helps improving your visitors knowledge or improve employees qualifications. The script can be used for for different purposes but it's made for companies and general public to improve qualification and their knowledge Some of the features include: - Convenient Tools for Content Management - Intuitive working environment through the usage of icons and buttons - Create tests - Check, evaluate test results - E-tutor - Educational materials, sorted by topic, containing text photo and video materials. The new staff can be fast and easilyintroduced to their job. - Questions and Issues - File Storage - Events Calendar - Personal Notes - Events History - Goals and Tasks There are a lot more features but unfortunately the space for description here is limited. Please visit the author's website for more information, demo and screenshots.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 199.00
phpFox - Social Network Script
phpFox is a feature packed social networking script. Our goal is to provide your community with features found on major social networking sites. The platform gives you full control with your websites layout giving you the ability to easily create a unique look direct from the comfort of your Admin Control Panel. Try the new phpFox2 with the brand new engine; our fastest, coolest and most feature packed version ever! Start tomorrows next big thing today with phpFox!
(11 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
AJ Article Directory Software
AJ Article script is the professional Article Directory software and Content generator. Run your own PHP article submission site with our Article directory script and content management software.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 999.00
GetSimple CMS
GetSimple is an XML based lite Content Management System. To go along with it's best-in-class user interface, we have loaded it with features that every website needs, but with nothing it doesn't. GetSimple is truly the simplest way to manage a small-business website. GetSimple is an open-source project licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. FEATURE LIST XML based data storage Best-in-Class User Interface Protection from yourself Easy to theme Great documentation
(7 ratings)
ecoCMS - Meet the easiest, Free CMS on Earth :)
EcoCMS is FREE and easy to install - just upload files to your server, and it's ready to go - no MySQL database setup required! EcoCMS is also easy to manage, with our famous Admin Interface!
(13 ratings)
Results 161-180 of 490