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Results 1-20 of 23
RTDownloadCounter - Ajax Php Download Counter - Cover Image
RTDownloadCounter - Ajax Php Download Counter
posted byAlecosinReal-Time
RTDownloadCounter scripts counts how many times your files are downloaded in your website and allow you to know the results in real time using jquery ajax call. This script uses SQLite database. A minimum of php technical knowledge is required. This software requires Apache & PHP 7.4+, Mod Rewrite & SQLite enabled. Now supports resume downloads, large files and Download Manager.
(5 ratings)
Visitor Counter
Count the visitors to your site. Will show the date, total page hits, total visitors, visitors online, most online, most visitors in a day, visitors today, visitors yesterday, visitors two days ago and visitors three days ago. Uses a flat file database, no mysql needed.
(9 ratings)
Google Analytics Clone Script
Are you looking for an analytics system like google analytics. Please check out analytics scripts and you will definitely like it.
(3 ratings)
posted byMykSoftinReal-Time
Count hits for not only every page in your website but also file or document downloads. See the number of hits in real time, zero them when required. See how people navigate around your site, check which pages are popular and therefore worth keeping on the site, work out which are not attracting visitors and therefore need more promotion.
(3 ratings)
PriceGBP 2.95
DigiOz Who Is Online
posted bydigiozinReal-Time
The DigiOz Who Is Online Script is a very simple PHP / MySQL Driven script that shows how many visitors your site has at any given time and what their IP Address is. To use this script, you will have to include it on every PHP page your site is using, to allow the code to update the database whoisonline table with new visitor count.
(15 ratings)
Haqbahu Users Online & Most Users Online
This script shows users online and most users online on your web, Its very easy to install and easy to add in any web page, it counts all users on your web & most users online and you can display users online and most users online on your web, in any your required fount style
(27 ratings)
PHP UsersOnline
By calling one function, the script gets the visitors IP address and in turn adds the user to the database (increasing the user count by one) checks and deletes any old database entries (cleans up) and echos the result instantly, a simple but extremely useful script! Implementation is easy (within 3 steps your up and running!) and requires very little previous MySQL or PHP knowledge.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
PHP Users online counter
The script identifies users by their IP address which is stored in the database, using a one way hash, for a set time out. Once this time out is exceeded the entry is removed and the user no longer counted as “online”. A count of the rows in the database at any one time reveals the amount of users online.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
Atrise Realtime Stat
posted byinccmsinReal-Time
Atrise Realtime Stat is a fast visitor statistics PHP script. It allows you to monitor your site visitors in realtime. No MySQL and other database access is required. This script shows you HTTP referrers, visitor path, web browser information and another information in realtime. It is useful for small and personal websites to check SEO and promotion actions.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
SW Users online counter
posted byspykawginReal-Time
This is a lightweight users online counter addon for your website! Together with the amount of the users currently browsing your website, the script will also keep a record of the most users ever online at once. Complete with installer and admin panel!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Simpli Easy Counters Script
Simpli Easy Counters Script provides a valuable counter service and top 100 ranking directory that brings you additional traffic. The Simpli Easy Counters Script will let you offer your clients a service by offering them counters for their website. Offer your clients a free counter for their website, then when visitor's click on the counter's image, they get a higher rating in the Hot Top 100 directory within your chosen category on your Counters Site. Your client(s) can view their stats through their account. Client(s) can also view and edit their profile. Another great feature is an email is sent to the new user upon registration. You can add or edit categories and much more. Get this great script today and start driving traffic to YOUR SITE AND KEEP THEM COMING BACK! Complete with ADMIN CONTROL PANEL and full installation instructions.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.95
php easy :: online visitors counter scripts set
Online Visitors Counter Scripts Set is intended to count and display the number of unique visitors currently viewing your site by checking the referer IP addresses. It contains 3 ready-to-use online visitor counters using 3 different methods of displaying data: 1. php include() directive 2. html iframe widget 3. javascript widget While php include() directive can be used only within php scripts, two other methods can be called from html files as well.
(9 ratings)
pq Visitor Counter and Tracker
posted bypq_pftqinReal-Time
This was originally created for personal use, but was requested by a number of people. The install is simple as the script does all the work creating the tables; you just have to create the database and user. I've made the counter and tracker itself extremely configurable - all through one file. 4 files total. 1.07 also features cross-domain tracking. Use one counter and track visitors/counts from multiple domains. An active demo along with more description can be found at: www.pftq.com/pqcounter/ Current Version: 1.07 (Feb. 3 2007) (Released exactly 1 year from 1.0! Yay!)
(4 ratings)
posted byalexinReal-Time
Very easy to install counter script, uses PHP & MySQL. It counts visits per day/month/year, referer, color depth, os, browser, screen resolution, top 10 days, last ip's, whois information. blacklist (do not count your own ip...) password protection for statistic page
(9 ratings)
Stat Flex
posted byilyalyuinReal-Time
The script tracks more than 10 types of stats (pageloads, unique & returning visitors; visitor path; system statistics; etc). You can view the stats for a given timeframe and subset of users, which allows, in addition to general stats, creating precise queries that can really help in making a decision. For example, you are paying for an ad at some site (say, at ads.com) and you want to check its efficiency. You can query the script how many visitors who come from ads.com visit your order page later. You can create, store, edit queries, and add favorite queries to main menu. Other features: graphic and table data representation; compact database format (one entry per visitor). Also, the script will block your own visits to your websites from being counted. To add a web page to statistics you need to add a short JavaScript code.
(34 ratings)
Xceog WhoIsOnline
This script allows you to display a real-time number of people currently on your website. It makes use of the unique ip addresses assigned to the computer. A 1 minute refresh is set as default although it could be changed later. It is easy to use and fast to install. Just a few configuration and it will be good to go!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Chipmunk Live
A simple real-time tracker that shows how many visitors have been on your site within the last 15 minutes.
(9 ratings)
EOnline PRO
posted byericinReal-Time
EOnline PRO is an interesting and attractive system allowing you to display real-time website traffic. It counts the number of visitors currently browsing your website, meanwhile displays those statistic and visitors' IP within the status bar of the browser (Optional IP Masking). It will make your website much more eye-catchy and unique. It is also very easy to setup. All you need is simply adding a line of code into your web page.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 18.00
How many online counter
A small php script that counts how many visitors are currently on your site. It works without any database, requires no configuration and has auto referesh system.
(36 ratings)
NS Sessions
posted bysupportinReal-Time
NS Sessions is a simple script with mySQL backend, which shows you how many users are active within a number of minutes (specified by you in config file). Example is included.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-20 of 23