Text Based
SV's Simple Counter
posted by-SecondV-inText Based
A simple PHP counter that counts your website visitors. It now has the ability to either show the count as plain text, or images; and whether or not to count only unique hits, or all hits (IP based).
Hits, Clicks and Downloads Counter
posted byMartinIvanovinText Based
AcidJs.ClicksCounter is HTML5, JavaScript and PHP-driven hits, clicks and downloads counter, with amazing, fully ajax admin panel and tons of great features such as data comparison, data export in JSON and CSV format, instant backup in zip format, etc.
AcidJs.ClicksCounter is fully localizable and utilizes some of the greatest features of HTML5 (Blob, FileReader, etc) and its most important functionality runs on the client. It is easy to deploy, does not use SQL, but flat JSON files for databases and it is a matter of simple couple-of-minutes configuration before having it up and running!
- See more at: http://acidjs.wemakesites.net/clicks-counter.html#sthash.eYpDWECE.dpuf
PriceUSD 30.00
Simple PHP Hit Counter Script
posted byBangerukinText Based
Have you ever wanted to place a hit counter into a web page, you can now by using this simple hit counter script. You can add the script to any web page within just a few seconds, this script stores all of the hits within a basic text file.
IPv6 Logger
posted byTechBloginText Based
IPv6 Logger is a special counter script written in PHP, that allows you to count the number of IPv4 and IPv6 accesses to your website, and displays the results as a bar chart.
IPv6 Logger gives you an overview, how many visitors access your pages via IPv6. The script use cookies to count only unique visitors, cookie lifetime can be changed to any value you need.
IPv6 Logger can easily be combined with existing counters.
PHP SQLite Hit Counter Script
posted bysaudiqbalinText Based
PHP and SQLite script for counting website hits.
First run setup.php once to create a database on your server then use the code inside index.php to display hit counter.
Hit counter - Free
posted byagrizinText Based
This is text based hit counter. Unlike displaying images with number, you can display text which can be easily modified and styled using CSS
Haqbahu Hit Counter
posted byahmadtrcoinText Based
This script shows numbers of hits on your web, Its very easy to install and easy to add in any web page, it counts infinite hits on web and you can display numbers of hits on your web, in any your required fount style
Simple DownloadCounter
posted byScriptDirinText Based
Simply specify your downloads directory, a directory for the counter files to be placed in and the list of files you are allowing for download (any filetype permitted) and the script takes care of the rest. Every file that gets downloaded will automatically get a counter file created for it, this file then counts the number of times a file has been downloaded.
All of the code is extensively commented and should (i hope!) be easy enough to modify. It is styled entirely by CSS which should make it easy to style to fit your website design.
PriceUSD 5.00
php easy :: total visits counter scripts set
posted byaaleksanyantsinText Based
Total Visits Counter Scripts Set is intended to count the total number of unique visitors of your site by checking the referer IP addresses and display it as text. It contains 3 ready-to-use total visits counters using 3 different methods of displaying data:
1. php include() directive;
2. html iframe widget;
3. javascript widget.
While php include() directive can be used only within php scripts, two other methods can be called from html files as well.
mysql-based php counter
posted bypvdb82inText Based
easy to install php counter (containing well documented installation guide). the counter supports current, today, yesterday, week, month, year and total visitors. in addition you will have a visitor record. the counter is available in different language packs.
textfile-based php counter
posted bypvdb82inText Based
Very easy to install and no databases needed. it shows online, today, yesterday, week, month, year and total users, furthermore it has an user record. the counter is available in different languages packs.
Tcounter - a counter with graph and trends
posted byaterzinText Based
a simple hitcounter based on PHP and MySQL with the following features:
1. Visibile and invisible
2. Manages different counters with different names in order to follow trend of different pages
3. Records data per month over MySQL database
4. Show trend in graphical way
5. Download excel files with all the data in order to permit user to do off-line analysis
6. Shows all the counters in one page
7. Makes forecast of actual month and compares it with previous month
Simple text counter
posted byspykawginText Based
This is a very small PHP script (7 lines of code) which outputs the number of pageviews by a simple include. Data stored in txt file.
PHP MyCounter v1.0
posted byadrian.motinText Based
MyCounter is a free script that stores hits and visits in one flat file. Script is fully customizable, You can choose the output style and the delay between two visits. It also uses a cookie to know the difference between visit and hit. You can choose to have only hits displayed, or to have only visits... or both.
posted bydrb072378inText Based
DRBCounter is a simple PHP hit counter script that doesn't require a database. It allows you to put a text-based hit counter on virtually any page on your web site. You may customize the colors and fonts using standard CSS styles. Data is stored in flat files, therefore no database is required. Cookies are used to prevent duplicate hits. This script does not use any JavaScript code. Counters on multiple pages can utilize the same instance of the script. Includes an example page demonstrating how to add a counter to virtually any page on your website.
Hazard Hit Counter
posted byJoe a.k.a. SpitzinText Based
I began searching for simple scripts that are not available widely but are needed by webmasters. Well, there are hit counters available out there but most of them require databases. This one doesn't. It also supports display of hits with 5 or more/less like 00001 instead of just 1.
Flat File Hit Counter
posted bysvivianinText Based
This script will allow you to track the number of (non-unique) visitors to your site. It keeps track of the number of hits to each page separately and displays the hit counts in order of popularity.
PG Counter - Text Based
posted byPG_WebDesigninText Based
This small PHP Script counts hits to a page or an entire site. Comes with example page. Very easy to set up and requires no updating or editing of the scripts.
Statistics2Flash 1.0
posted bySimonStenhouseinText Based
Show your Statistics in Flash! - Easy Installation
- Display visitor data as text - Flat file system (no database needed)
- Show the number of users currently online - Show unique IP counts for Today, Yesterday and Total
- Optional email notification upon reaching milestones
- NOTE: This is an addon and requires Statistics 1.1
Statistics 1.1
posted bySimonStenhouseinText Based
Easy Installation - Flat file system (no database needed) - Display visitor data as text or images
- Show the number of users currently online - Show unique IP counts for Today, Yesterday and Total - Optional email notification upon reaching milestones