Database Backup & Restore
Collection of PHP scripts for database backup and restore. These scripts will allow you to dump your database either as offline dumps or store them on another server.
DB Backup Tool
posted bynetartmediainDatabase Backup & Restore
The DB Backup Tool is a free and easy to install script, which allows to create easily backups and generate dumps of MySQL databases. It can also compress the database backups and create zip files and also send them by email.
DB Backup Tool has a responsive and password protected administration panel with an easy to use interface for managing the settings and creating a backup with just clicking on the database name.
It's written in PHP and it's provided with the full not encrypted sources, so it can be possible to modify it or include it in your web projects.
Simple Backup MySQL Database
posted byMarPloinDatabase Backup & Restore
This script creates the backup of the MySQL tables in SQL format and saves it into a ZIP file on server. Also, it can restore the MySQL tables in your database from the SQL backup stored in ZIP archive.
Supports both PDO and MySQLi for accessing MySQL databases in PHP.
It has options to Download or Delete the back-up files from server.
posted by1.kridinDatabase Backup & Restore
phpMyBackupPro is a web-based MySQL backup application in PHP. You can schedule backups, download, email or upload them with FTP and backup whole file directories. Zip and gzip compression, easy interface and installation. Many languages and online help!
Advanced World Database
posted bypinginfotechinDatabase Backup & Restore
Your search will end now, since you have reached the right place. We have Ajax based Database for all country, state and city. It’s comes with Excel and Mysql.
It update per year with free of cost and our script is suitable for all kind of website like Job portal, Dating script, B2B script and etc.
Our product have Country 237 countries , States and Cities 272551 Cities.
PriceUSD 25.00
Database Dump Utility
posted bykakhawwwinDatabase Backup & Restore
Sql dump utility for MySQL and PostgreSQL Databases
posted byScriptDirinDatabase Backup & Restore
All you need to do is to follow three simple steps, CSV2MySQL will do all backend stuff for you.
User friendly three steps wizard.
Auto detect available tables in your database, zero coding knowledge is required.
Easy setup, simply drop the folder to a directory on your server.
PriceUSD 6.00
posted byOlleinDatabase Backup & Restore
A PHP5 class to simplify backing up databases remotely.
XCloner - Backup and Restore made easy
posted byxclonerinDatabase Backup & Restore
XCloner is a Backup and Restore component designed for PHP/Mysql websites, it can work as a native plugin for WordPress and Joomla!.
XCloner design was specifically created to Generate custom backups of any LAMP website through custom admin inputs, and to be able to Restore the clone on any other location with the help of the automatic Restore script we provide, independent from the main package!
XCloner Backup tool uses Open Source standards like TAR and Mysql formats so you can rest assured your backups can be restored in a variety of ways, giving you more flexibility and full control.
* Backup and Restore any PHP/Mysql application
* Create custom backups
* Generate automatic backups based on cronjobs
* Restore your backups anywhere
* Share your custom backups with your clients
Sypex Dumper 2
posted byzapimirinDatabase Backup & Restore
Sypex Dumper is a PHP-script, which can help you create a backup (dump) of a MySQL database, and also restore the database from the backup if needed.
Unlike many similar programs (scripts), is optimized for maximum performance, as well as for working with large databases of hundreds or thousands of megabytes.
Key features, briefly
- backup and restore of MySQL database without using third-party programs, just pure PHP;
- impressive performance;
- support for two formats, file compression (Gzip and Bzip2);
- friendly Web 2.0 interface with AJAX;
- work in several stages (to bypass the restrictions about time);
- special file format with the meta-information;
- MySQL service functions (check, optimize, repair);
- smart backup with post-processing;
MCM Backup
posted byjcmcmurrinDatabase Backup & Restore
MCM Backup is a free PHP/MySQL website backup software. It allows you to backup your files and database and save them to your PC.
posted byZakirhyderinDatabase Backup & Restore
This class can be used to create a backup of a MySQL database using the mysqldump command.
It invokes the mysqldump command to generate a backup file of a given database on behalf of a given authenticated MySQL database user.
The generated backup file is copied to another file with the name based on the current date.
PostgreSQL Backup n' Restore
posted bymik85inDatabase Backup & Restore
This class can be used to generate backups of PostgreSQL.
It accesses a given database and generates SQL statements that can be used to recreate the database tables and the values stored on their rows. The generated SQL is stored in a given file.
The class can also restore a database from a previously generated backup by executing the SQL statements stored in a backup file.
Free PHP MySQL Backup Script
posted byadibrebaninDatabase Backup & Restore
The main difference between this script and other backup solutions is that the current script are splitting the backup process into more than one sub processes and each sub process is saving a small part of your database.
Large Database Backup
posted bynadir1915inDatabase Backup & Restore
This class can be used to backup large MySQL databases into multiple files.
It can list the tables of a given MySQL database and generate SQL statements to create and insert records with the current values of the table rows, as if it was creating a new database. The class stores the generated SQL statements in files.
A full backup process can be split in multiple iterations to not exceed PHP default script execution time limit. Each iteration dumps a limited number of table rows. An iteration can be executed by a script that redirects the page request to itself at the end to proceed to the next iteration.
JR-BACKUP - Backsup your data automatically
posted byjrscriptinginDatabase Backup & Restore
JR-Backup is a php script written to automatically backup your database for you
It will backup all the tables for you and send it to you via email daily , weekly or monthly as desired
Easy to setup yet powerful
Free Installation
PriceUSD 30.00
posted byesmi_qinDatabase Backup & Restore
Backup outputs a copy of a MySQL database in sql format directly to your web browser.
You can either backup all tables within the database or chose to just backup specific tables. Simply run this script, copy the output, paste it into plain text file and save it for future use.
If you have access to cron or would prefer store zipped backup files on your server for later download via FTP, see the BackupZip scriptlet.
posted byesmi_qinDatabase Backup & Restore
BackupZip creates a .gz zipped backup of a MySQL database on demand. You can either backup all tables within the database or chose to just backup specific tables.
Used with cron and an automated ftp download, you can completely automate database backups! If you don't have access to cron, setup a reminder or scheduler to run this script daily or weekly via your web browser and download the zipped files via FTP when convenient.
If you don't have access to cron or would prefer to output the backup file directly to your web browser, see the Backup scriptlet.
mySQL Backup Script
posted bymattUTSNinDatabase Backup & Restore
This is a simple script that will create a mysqldump of your database and upload it to a ftp server.
This can be configured to determine which database (or all) you want to backup, where you stock it locally and where you upload it.
phpMySQLAutoBackup - automate your MySQL backup using php
posted bywebmasterinDatabase Backup & Restore
Now includes detailed reporting - phpMySQLAutoBackup the simple way to backup MySQL databases - automates the backup of your MySQL databases. Exports your database (data and structures), compresses it into gzip format and emails it to you. Schedule it to run every day/week by adding it to a cron job, or use phpJobScheduler.
New features include the ability to select separate tables for backup, and limit the backup to start and stop at pre-set table row numbers, this will now allow a section of a large table (with millions of records) to be selected for backup.
* option to ftp backup file to remote server
* email zipped database to your specified address
* option to save to backup folder
* backup limited to once per hour (easily changed) prevents malicious attempts at bringing down your server
* specify specific tables to include or exclude, or backup the whole database
* set ranges to backup - from start row number to last specified row number
MySQL database backup
posted byawolfinDatabase Backup & Restore
Designed to create a daily snapshot of the dynamic data on your website. (e.g. content management systems, forums, guestbooks etc.)
Some of the features include:
- Backup multiple databases and servers with different users and passwords.
- Backups can be scheduled using cron (on UNIX systems) or AT (on Windows systems).
- Create daily, weekly and monthly snpashots of your database.
- Keep the daily, weekly and monthly backups for a user-specified time.
- Archive and compress the SQL files (*.tar.gz).
- Creates a detailed report of everything that has been done.
- Reports can be mailed to you or any other user-specified email-address, saved to disk or displayed in browser.
- Generated SQL files can be mailed to you or any other user-specified email-address.
- Generated SQL files can be uploaded by FTP to any user-specified FTP server.
- Choose to create SQL files for each table or one for each database
- No system calls, everything in 100% pure PHP.