Libraries & Classes
Template parser
posted byRog3rinLibraries & Classes
This is a PHP class used for parsing templates. It can resolve different types of tags using a separate resolver class, where each method corresponds to a template tag. Tags can be nested within tags, the innermost tag is resolved first. The tag delimiter characters can be customized.
posted byFractalizeRinLibraries & Classes
Extremly simple to use
Phar package to ease deployment. You just need one 9Kb file to work with library (compressed phar)
Compact (like 400 lines of commented code which you may compress even further)
Optionally supports events, that allow easy profiling and debugging
posted byllagerlofinLibraries & Classes
This class allow programmers to easily write messages to a log file.
Include in your script the file "MyLogPHP.class.php".
Instantiate the object. Optionally you can pass the log file name and the separator as a parameter. Default log file name is "_MyLogPHP-1.2.log.csv" in current folder, and default separator is comma (,).
$log = new MyLogPHP('./log/debug.log.csv');
Make sure the directory where the log will be created is writable.
Call method "info", "warning", "error" or "debug" to write the messages. The first parameter is the message, the optional second parameter is a free tag at your choice to help you filter the log when opened by an spreadsheet software, like OpenOffice Calc or Microsoft Excel.
$log->info('This message will be logged in the file debug.log.csv','TIP');
That's it!
Zebra_Pagination, a generic pagination PHP class
posted bystefangabosinLibraries & Classes
A generic pagination class that automatically generates navigation links given the total number of items and the number of items per page.
Can generate links both in natural as well as in reverse order, can be easily localized, supports page propagation via GET or via URL rewriting, and the appearance can be easily customized through CSS, and is SEO-friendly - uses rel="prev" and rel="next" and solves the problem of duplicate content on the first page without navigation and the first page having the page number in the URL.
Please note that this is a *generic* pagination class, meaning that it does not display any records! It is up to developer to fetch the actual data and displaying it based on the information returned by this class. The advantage is that it can be used to paginate over records coming from any source (arrays, database, etc).
Zebra_Pagination's code is heavily commented and generates no warnings/errors/notices when PHP's error reporting level is set to E_ALL.
posted bymik.linuxinLibraries & Classes
This package implements a template engine based on PHP template scripts.
It includes PHP template scripts so they are executed and the main class captures its output.
The template scripts may use class functions of previously registered helper classes.
ConspireComponents by Conspire Web Services
posted byqjleckeyinLibraries & Classes
Display your application data in an easy to view way and ensure your users see the information you want them to get.
The table component connects to your data source and provides a fully searchable and sortable grid, with a variety of built in themes.
The tab component allows you to easily 'page' your data or user interface to separate the information easily.
The form component powers your forms in an incredibly easy and intuitive way. It includes built in support for saving user data to databases, CSV files or direct to an email. The built in validation methods mean the right data for the job is entered every time.
The tree component allows you to easily display the relationships between your data by utilizing a child/parent system with unlimited recursion. Easily add nodes that are fully searchable, theme aware and can be collapsed and expanded at will.
All components feature powerful theme support and flexible licensing for non-commercial or commercial projects.
PHP Spell Check
posted byL1veSpe11inLibraries & Classes
The PHP Spell Check component from adds fast, reliable spell-checking to web sites and intranets. Installed on either IIS and Apache Servers, it works on all major modern web browsers.
PriceUSD 99.00
posted byNavarrinLibraries & Classes
This class can be used to implement a server to handle TCP requests.
SocketServer is a foundation for allowing a user to easily create a multi-client server. Responses to connections, disconnections, and user input are done using hooks. This class has no true buffer handling, so that it may be used for any number of custom binary and plain text protocols.
PHP Template Class
posted byChrisFitzinLibraries & Classes
With PHP template class you can completely separate your PHP code from your HTML without sacrificing performance or dealing with dozens of additional files to do so.
* Easy to install
* Lightweight single file (8kb)
* PHP 5 OOP makes it easy to extend
* Caches compiled templates until they’re modified
* Supports if, elseif, else, and include from within template
* Supports looped data within template
PriceUSD 12.00
PHP DataRegistry
posted byXPerezinLibraries & Classes
Save any kind of data (string, numeric, array, record, object, files) in namespaces, with or without persistence, and allows to retrieve it anywhere.
Use it to populate data across all your application, and across all user session with optional persistence.
Simple use, easy to use with any framework or standalone.
Can get and set any type of data, also key arrays, class instantiator, and all with optional persistence.
Ext Direct App
posted byj.bruniinLibraries & Classes
ExtDirectApp enables you to call methods from PHP classes using client-side Javascript. This is known as "remoting", or RPC (remote procedure call).
ExtDirectApp is an alternative implementation of the Ext.Direct integration with PHP. It requires PHP 5 and the ExtJS library.
It is much more easy to use than other Ext.Direct PHP implementations. Just extend ExtDirectActions class. Its public methods will be transformed in a ready-to-use API.
ExtDirectApp.php is a single PHP file containing four classes: ExtDirectRequest, ExtDirectResponse, ExtDirectController, and ExtDirectActions.
But you don't need to learn about these classes! The package contains a basic example to quickly show you how to make things happen.
A short TUTORIAL document is included in the package. Happy Coding!
PHP mod_rewrite - Mod Rewrite Simulator
posted bythewolveinLibraries & Classes
This class simulates the work of apache’s mod_rewrite function It could be used for servers where the mod_rewrite function isn’t enabled The .htaccess or another mod_rewrite rules containing file will be parsed by this class usuallly SEO -friendly URLs will return a 404 when mod_rewrite isn’t work – but this class works within the 404 target and simulates the friendly urls, so you don’t have to correct your paths
PriceUSD 4.00
posted bybrickysam26inLibraries & Classes
Ease the selection of DOMElements from an HTML document using CSS selectors instead of XPath.
Gears - Template Engine - v1.8
posted bymilesjinLibraries & Classes
A PHP class that loads template files, binds variables to a single file or globally without the need for custom placeholders/variables, allows for parent-child hierarchy and parses the template structure.
* Loads any type of file into the system
* Binds variables to a single file or to all files globally
* Template files DO NOT need custom markup and placeholders for variables
* Can access and use variables in a template just as you would a PHP file
* Allows for parent-child hierarchy
* Parse a parent template to parse all children, and their children, and so on
* Can destroy template indexes on the fly
* No eval() or security flaws
Hotmail New Message Indicator
posted byironj221inLibraries & Classes
PHP Class that tells you how many new messages are in your inbox. Uses cURL and PHP to grab the number of new messages from any hotmail account when the username and password are supplied.
PriceUSD 19.95
Views1028 AIM Class
posted bymcloideinLibraries & Classes
This class will process the information through payment gateway and process success or error codes.
Simple to use and does not save any information through database, but it can be adapted for that.
KoolComboBox - Advanced PHP Ajax ComboBox
posted bykoolphp.netinLibraries & Classes
KoolComboBox extends the capability of combo box to the max.Easy-to-use, highly customized interface, advanced behavior options are the strongest points that make KoolComboBox better than any other industrial similar controls.
Key Features: (1)Semantic HTML design (2)Simple PHP control interface (3)Featured-rich client-side control (4)Highly cusomized interface with template (5)Many advanced behaviors (6)CSS styles can be fully customized.
KoolAutoComplete - Great PHP Ajax AutoComplete
posted bykoolphp.netinLibraries & Classes
KoolAutoComplete is excellent Ajax Auto Complete for PHP. Flexible rendering, elegant behavior together with Ajax Load On-Demand have made KoolAutoComplete the great choice to replace limited auto-complete provided by browsers.
Key Features: (1)Semantic design with minimal HTML rendering (2)Ajax Load On-Demand (3)Support both JSON and XML data type (4)Customize item element with powerful templates. (5)CSS can be customized easily
PHPCache, a simple, powerful object caching solution
posted byhamidofinLibraries & Classes
If you have a dynamic website, written in PHP and your site is slow then this solution might help you.
Some times you have to have some slow query then process the result afterwards which makes the whole thing even slower.
Mutex Class
posted bythemartyinLibraries & Classes
In situations where multiple processes or applications are sharing a common resource you will have the problem that you will want only one of them accessing / modifying that source at the time. This is also known as a concurrency problem.
A mutex lock solves this problem for you. What it does: it creates a record indicating that for the unique name you passed, a lock has been given. This unique name represents a process or thread or application that can be running multiple times simultaneously. So, during the time it has the lock, no other lock with that name will be given which enforces the exclusivity.
The class comes bundles with a storage-adapter class and a mysql-storage class that implements this adapter. But you can easily integrate a self-built storage class that uses another database or even flat-file system.