Libraries & Classes
Mod Rewrite Made Easy
posted bywebprofessorinLibraries & Classes
Function that makes using mod rewrite easy. Includes examples and full description of use.
PHP Functions for detecting Spiders and Small Screen Devices
posted bywebprofessorinLibraries & Classes
Two PHP functions that allow a developer to test for spiders and small screen devices. Can be used for useragent cloaking, delivering lite content to PDA's and cellphones, or solving any other problem that requires delivering content based on user agent.
F-ystem Support Module
posted bySkorchinLibraries & Classes
The F-ystem Support Module allows you to read or write to a file. It will also copy files if needed. When you read, write or copy a file you must use an existing directory. You will also have to manually chmod your files in order to write to them. Although append mode works if the folder is executable. F-ystem methods return numeric error codes so a PHP script can decide what to do if an error is encountered.
Receive Email Class
posted bymitulkoradiainLibraries & Classes
This class can be used to retrieve and parse e-mail messages from a POP3 or IMAP using the PHP IMAP extension.
It can connect to a mail server, retrieve the total number of messages in a mailbox, retrieve the headers, body and attachment files of a given message, and delete a message.
CSS Briefcase
posted byibdscriptsinLibraries & Classes
Tired of constantly re-writing the same CSS code? Frustrated with searching through old projects to copy and paste code from? CSS Briefcase is a great little program that helps you organize your CSS styles and store them for use in future projects. Just add CSS style code you tend to use in several projects, and from there on adding the code into new projects is as easy as selecting the styles you want and clicking a button.
PHP ExcelExplorer Pro
posted bysalesinLibraries & Classes
This PHP class can import data from an Excel file without using COM, ODBC, etc.
It will be useful in content management systems, for writting various converters (Excel to HTML, Excel to MySQL, etc.).
On-line demo and trial version available for download.
ExcelExplorer will work on any PHP5 platform. Supports Windows and Mac Excel files.
No additional classes, modules are required. No configurations needed.
Just include it in your own script and use it.
With this class you can read such data as used color, fonts, rich text, asian phonetics, etc.
Shapes and images also supported.
What data can be imported: worksheets name, type (ordinal, chart or Visual Basic Module), visibility flag; rows and columns info; cells - type (integer and float numbers, percentage, text, formula, logical, error, date in Windows Excel and Mac Excel formats), empty, blank and merged.
PriceUSD 99.95
posted bymlemosinLibraries & Classes
Tool that generates PHP persistent object classes that perform object-relational mapping (ORM).
The generated code stores and retrieves objects from many types of relational databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL server, SQLite, etc..
Supports own Object Query Language (OQL), generates database schema instalation classes, Web forms classes and report classes.
Provides a Web based and command line interfaces to execute the tool.
posted bymonteinLibraries & Classes
GoogleMapAPI is a PHP library for the Google Map API. Features include auto-geocode lookup, geocode caching, add markers and polylines by address or geocode, enable/disable map features, add map directions, add map sidebar, and many more.
phpInsider's XMLParser
posted bymonteinLibraries & Classes
This library assists in parsing XML documents into generic PHP arrays. Also comes with RSSParser, an extension of XMLParser that creates simple RSS-specific array structures from RSS feeds.
Advanced Graphs and Charts for PHP
posted bypatrickinLibraries & Classes
Add Powerful reporting features to your Web / Intranet pages and applications. With advanced graphing you will be quickly adding impressive and dynamic charting capabilities bringing your data alive ! The PHP graphing scripts provide a very easy way to embed dynamically generated graphs and charts into PHP applications and HTML web pages.Very easy to use and add professional quality graphing to web pages / applications in minutes.
Many new chart styles added to the Extented Collection.
Try for free.
posted bydaifinLibraries & Classes
EasyTemplate is a template engine for PHP. it is easy to use and basic, it is powerfull for any application that need this functions LOOP, INCLUDE, SWITCH and IF ELSE. is also cached the page after compiled finally you don't need to assign variables, it is auto recognized the variables.
SLLists - Scriptaculous Lists with PHP
posted bygreginLibraries & Classes
A PHP-based wrapper around the scriptaculous javascript library that makes it trivial to add drag-and-drop sorting to lists or any other HTML element. Helper functions to take the result of sorting and return it in a simple PHP array to enable easy updating of database records. Perfect for letting users sort a bunch of items - no more listboxes with up and down arrows!
PHP Content Feeder
posted bymonteinLibraries & Classes
ContentFeeder - A library used for assembling content feeds. RSS 2.0 is currently the only format supported, but can easily be extended to handle more.
PHP DocWriter
posted byjmsanchezinLibraries & Classes
PHP DocWriter is a set of PHP classes that generates simple StarOffice/ Writer documents.
It builds the document following the file format specification so you don't need to have installed,
though if installed this class can generate other document formats like MS Word,
PDF, RTF, StarWriter, LaTeX, XHTML, HTML, etc.
Currently supports pages, paragraphs, text styles, images, tables, text boxes, headers, footers and drawings among other things.
XLS Reader Class
posted byPaggardinLibraries & Classes
XLS Reader - PHP class that can read binary XLS files (MS Excel) using PHP only on all platforms. MS Excel or any additional PHP modules are not required.
With this script you will be able to easily present your reports, price lists etc. on your web sites without any additional programming. Or you can extract data from XLS tables into some database like MySQL.
The script is able to convert XLS files created by MS Excel to HTML tables, preserving almost all formatting properties (including date, time, numbers and currencies). This means that you can format the spreadsheet in Excel as you like it � using different font and cells formatting properties and the script will convert your XLS file into HTML as close as possible. The Class is very simple to use, as it has its own built-in excel2html converter, which allows you to convert either whole WorkBook (including all the WorkSheets) at once, or to get HTML code only for needed SpreadSheets only. You can test the script on-line.
PriceUSD 68.00
Code Faster
posted bylvalicsinLibraries & Classes
Code Faster is a PHP Framework, based on Fast Template PHP template engine. Will create all neceassary files to have a project ready and run ... or almost ready :-).
* Create class file
* Create administrator PHP and HTML template file (list,add,modify,delete,activate)
* Create user file
* jQuery UI for administrator
* jQuery Validator for generated forms
* jQuery Colorize for tables
* FCK Editor for administrator
* Configuration pages for administrator
* Additional classes included (Mail, Calendar, FTP, WordCleaner?, Captcha, Pagination etc.)
TXT Generator Class
posted byPaggardinLibraries & Classes
The script is aimed to creation of the plain text files (TXT). Certainly, there is no use to "just create TXT file using PHP" it is simple - so, TXT Generator is powered by additional features in order to make it possible to create complicated layouts using just plain text. TXT Generator has many features which will help you to make your generated TXT files look not as a bunch of lines of text: paragraphs with alignment, custom width, borders and page orientation; ordered and unordered lists; and even tables, with variable width, in-cell text alignment, table orientation on page. For all script features you can consult on-line documentation.
There is a fullyfunctional on-line demo available on the script web-page.
PriceUSD 34.00
XLS Generator
posted byPaggardinLibraries & Classes
XLS Generator is a PHP script, allowing to create binary XLS files using PHP. Using this script you will be able to create spreadsheets on UNIX systems, or on Windows; only PHP 4.x (or later) is required and no additional PHP modules needed.
XLS Generator has many features which will help you to make your generated spreadsheets look individual: font styles, border and color settings, background, foreground and border colors and styles, text orientation and in-cell alignment settings. You can even add formulas and Excel functions. Also supported : paper size, page orientation, printed margins, header and footer which can include page numbers. For all the features you can consult the full documentation which is available on-line.
You can test the work of the script via fully funcional on-line demo, located on the script page.
PriceUSD 98.00
session manager
posted byb3coinLibraries & Classes
This session manager helps you managing your website's sessions, it is really esay to install and even more easy to use. All your session data is stored in MySQL to help you making statistics of your site which are lost when a visitor leaves unles you make another script to store them in db, with this session manager forget about making extra scripts to store session data in a db.
PHP OO Multilevel Template System
posted byestoevinLibraries & Classes
A very fast and powerful object oriented template class with multi-level template parsing. Includes such features as blocks, includes, and loops with or without section for empty lists, fast variable and template substitution, sub-templates and much more.