Performance Enhancement
Scrapbook PHP cache
posted bymatthiasmullieinPerformance Enhancement
Scrapbook is a caching environment for PHP, with adapters for e.g. Memcached, Redis, Couchbase, APC, SQL and additional capabilities (e.g. transactions, stampede protection) built on top.
New Relic App Performance
posted bynewrelichsinPerformance Enhancement
New Relic helps you build better performing apps by capturing real-time metrics from your production software and giving you code-level visibility. Build faster apps spot bottlenecks and get rid of bugs before they affect your users.
Developers use to New Relic to improve their web and mobile app performance by getting real-time insights and code-level visibility into their software running in production. Come build better performance with New Relic.
CSS Compression Tool
posted byphp_seoinPerformance Enhancement
This tool allows you to enter any CSS code and it returns the compress version of that CSS code. This script helps in minimizing the file size and decreasing the web page load time. The script removes the CSS comments, line breaks, extra spaces, etc from the CSS code.
PriceUSD 15.00
Little Software Stats
posted bylittle-appsinPerformance Enhancement
Little Software Stats is the first runtime intelligence software released as open source and free. It is designed and developed through MySQL and PHP which will allow most web servers to run it. Little Software Stats allows users to collect information including executions, installations, exceptions, and geographical location.
Box Cache
posted bytripbrinPerformance Enhancement
BoxCache is a pure PHP engine that allow the cache of informations, variables, arrays and any binary data in a file whit an expire time. Whit BoxCache you can return this values when you wand, saving CPU and memory usage from your server. Your web aplications sure can be quicker whit BoxCache.
posted byScriptDirinPerformance Enhancement
Easily and safely cache files to Memcache, APC , or your file system with CacheManager. Adapters making it easily to add onto it and expand it’s capabilities.
PriceUSD 7.00
Console Log
posted byScriptDirinPerformance Enhancement
Instead of using echo and print_r to show debug information you can now write information to the Javascript console window of your favorite browser. It supports normal variables like strings and integer but also arrays and objects.
PriceUSD 6.00
Multi-process PHP execution script
posted byjestepinPerformance Enhancement
This script provides the framework for processing multiple php scripts asynchronously from Apache PHP. It uses sqlite as an interim caching system.
Micro Cache
posted byphptoys2inPerformance Enhancement
Micro Cache is a small, simple and very easy to use cache framework. With this script you can speed up your page rendering time as during a specified interval the page content will be read from the cache. Depending on code complexity and DB usage the improvement can go up to 10x.
CSS AutoLoad
posted byqeorgeinPerformance Enhancement
CSS AutoLoad processes the @import keyword server-side instead of client-side. In this manner, website authors can easily create and load a CSS framework into all pages with a single stylesheet include, no matter how many .css files are in use.
In English: You can use as many stylesheets as you want without having to include each one in your HTML document and without creating extra HTTP requests.
Also, compression of the aggregate file save bandwidth by shrinking the size of the aggregated file.
Installation takes a matter of seconds and requires no changes to your existing CSS code.
Multi-thread Simulation
posted byalex101inPerformance Enhancement
This class can emulate the execution of program threads using separate HTTP requests to the same script.
It establishes an HTTP connection to the same Web server to execute the same PHP script. It sends a request passing the name a function to execute and an argument to be passed to that function.
The requested script executes some code that detects the thread execution request and calls the specified function.
When the thread request script ends, the return values of the called function is returned as a serialized string.
The calling script can execute other tasks while the thread script runs. The results may be collected later when the thread script ends.
posted bymorecacheinPerformance Enhancement
Morecache allows you to easily cache parts or all of your script's output. This is useful if you have slow database queries on data that is viewed more often than it is changed. Morecache works by using output buffering to capture the output when it is first generated, and storing it in files from which it is retrieved afterwards. This can result in a huge speed increase.
PHP Accelerator
posted byfurballinPerformance Enhancement
The PHP Accelerator provides a high performance caching/optimising solution capable of accelerating PHP scripts by typically 2 to 4 times, although over 9 times has been reported on some large sites, and rivals the best alternatives. In addition PHPA can be very effective at reducing load average and reducing file I/O because cached scripts executed from a specially designed shared memory cache. A simple code optimiser is also built in, gaining some extra performance and reducing code size. The new release is free of activation keys.
posted byrfksolutionsinPerformance Enhancement
RFKcache is a easy, efficient and simple class which implements a cache system for use in PHP scripting.