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Results 41-60 of 66
PBoptimize - Website Code Optimizer
posted bybiegelinUtilities
PBoptimize is a web application which can optimize PHP, HTML, CSS, and Javascript code. It removes the unnecessary spaces linefeeds, tabulators and comments. You can customize the script configuration to fit your individual needs. The optimized files will be up to 60% smaller and therefore faster to load. You can optimize whole folders with subfolders and specify which fileendings have to be optimized - default: php, html, css, js. The files which not meet the criteria will be copied to the destination folder without any modification. The optimizing result can be displayed so you can check which lines were modified/removed. There is a Trial Version available and also an online demo !
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.00
FilTpl - Filnet Template
The script process recursively a template (given as a string) and a data structure (given as a tree of array of arrays). Syntax is the same as phplib , but behaves better on loops or optional blocks embedded. I developped it because I was tired of bug limitations of phplib or phpbb. A little brain-gym is required to build the tree array of datas, but the standarts php-array tools make it really flexibles. so, what is missing in this 30 lines script ? : -the ELSE part : maybe V2 -a less strict syntax : sorry -the class ornementation : useless -formatting modifiers on html side : I disagree with this features, the html file belongs to artist designer non-tech, php file belongs to developper tech. -little interface functions (load file, set_var..) : useless, just keep to the core The open structure conception make it easy to read and to adapt to any strange needs.
(0 ratings)
PHP Quick Class Creator
Creating standard classes can be a bind, having to add duplicate code to get your various get/set methods, and sorting out the constructor. I therefore wrote this utility that does most of the grunt work for you. It's intended to be used with PHP 5's new OO capabilities, and should make life a little less painful. Especially for those who have to create multiple class stubs. This should speed up the process considerably.
(0 ratings)
posted bybinduckinUtilities
PHPSPELLBOOK is a suite of tools for Websites promotion, diagnosis and improvement. It provides to webmasters tools as: advertisiment submission, mass mailer, fake hits generators, broken link checker, link exchange checker, fake click generators, anonymizer tools, calendar, e-mail handling and parsing tools, url generators, ...
(6 ratings)
Genesis 2
Genesis new version is a standalone, bugless, stable PHP script that allows users to create thousands of search-engine friendly and optimized pages directly on your server (no ftp required). No MySql required, works with templates. Html output. Each pages are unique.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.90
php Multi Syntax Highlighter
posted byparmajainUtilities
php Multi Syntax Highlighter v1.1.0 will "beautify" PHP, Pascal, Delphi and Applescript and others source code. It is not implemented like other beautifiers, as it does not use pcre function or ereg functions, and allows syntax code continually line by line to reduce memory usage. using css file for color and style, and compatible with XHTML.
(18 ratings)
Universal Configurator
Universal configuration tool for any program that use a .ini or other text file to store the options including PHP. A configuration set with list of values is included for PHP.
(0 ratings)
phpOBrowser is a dynamic object browser that allows you to browse through all available folders, files, sections, and objects in your php application and see their classes, properties, methods and constants that are available.
(6 ratings)
phpJobScheduler - your simple PHP replacement to cron jobs
PHP scheduler - a replacement for cron jobs on Unix or scheduled tasks using Microsoft Scheduler. phpJobScheduler is a scheduler that runs using PHP and MySQL, other databases should now be compatible as all code now uses PHP/PDO for database connectivity (no root/admin access is required). Now using phpJobScheduler you can easily set times when a PHP script should run; automating tedious tasks such as trimming a database table, or emailing a member when their membership fee is due. Schedule a task to run hourly, daily or weekly - scheduled data is stored in a MySQL database via PHP. Some of the features: - easy setup - runs silently (no screen output) - saves run logs to database - saves error messages to database - runs remote scripts in a secure folder - schedule PHP scripts to run: 1-59 minutes hourly daily weekly - add scheduled tasks - modify existing scheduled tasks - delete existing scheduled tasks
(244 ratings)
PHP Code Twsiter
posted byakazikinUtilities
This tool loads all files required by a project (including binaries) into one file. All unused functions will be removed, all function and variable names will be replaced by shorter (and unreadable) ones, all not needed whitespaces will be removed, debugging code will be removed, ... You'll get informed when a global or local variable is not used. The resulting file is still a regular php-file. (No extra softeate is required!)
(9 ratings)
Obie Config Admin
posted byobieinUtilities
Config Admin is a script's control panel that can be included in any PHP scripts. It is a useful tool for PHP scripters to allow their users to edit their script's variables online.
(24 ratings)
posted bymonteinUtilities
pmatch is an alternative to grep. It has most of the same functionality, but coupled with the power of PCRE engine in PHP. By default, pmatch shows only the portion of the line that matched, unlike grep that always shows the entire line.
(0 ratings)
PHP Source Code Utility
Highlight PHP syntax and optionally add line numbers to PHP source code or files, with several output options. Files to highlight are chosen in a form and temporarily uploaded to the remote server, or you can use this script on your local server to aid PHP development.
(84 ratings)
Beautify PHP
This program tries to reformat and beautify given PHP source code files automatically. Basic features: automatic indentation of PHP source code according to given number of spaces; automatic newlines, if required; includes settings for braces according to C or PEARL style; can make use of PHPs integrated code highlight option; can limit number of chars per line.
(3 ratings)
PHP Screw
posted bykuniinUtilities
PHP Screw is a PHP script encryption tool. When you are developing a commercial package using PHP, the script can be distributed as encrypted up until just before execution, preserving your intellectual property.
(3 ratings)
KLOC Calculator
posted bymayankinUtilities
Calculates the line of code (LOC/KLOC) of your programs. Option to include and exclude file extensions from the count. Can calculate from N number of directories at one go. UPDATE: Now takes all information via interface, also new option for automatic sub-folder scanning.
(3 ratings)
Caract�res Sp�ciaux
posted byvedereinUtilities
This is a module for translating special characters: Of ASCII in HTML, Or HTML in encoding URL. French: Module de traduction des caract�res sp�ciaux. De ASCII en HTML, Ou de HTML en encodage URL.
(3 ratings)
STPhp is a PHP-based string translation suite designed as a simple internationalization tool to work without requiring non-standard dependencies; only the core of php3 is required, which means STPhp can be easily used in places where you, the code creator or installer, do not have control over the php binaries or configuration. STPhp is designed with a simple architecture, allowing you to store your translations in the manner you choose, so as to provide the highest possible performance with the lowest possible maintenance overhead. STPhp functions by externalizing the messages from your application, storing them until your application requests them.
(0 ratings)
Inline PHP API Documentation
The purpose of this tool is to parse PHP source files and generate API documentation in HTML. It allows you to scan the specified PHP source files (given directories are searched recursively) and writes HTML files to the specified output path.
(3 ratings)
posted byjohaninUtilities
Ide.php is a web-based editor for PHP, and any server-side scripting like SSI, ASP, JSP, SSJS, even CGI. It offers a rapid prototyping environment, letting the user test and save snippets of code with minimal overhead. Whether an experienced programmer or a novice, there is often a need to try out smaller pieces of code during program development. Ide.php makes this very easy. Ide.php eliminates the need to use several separate programs (text editor, FTP program and web browser) for PHP development, since all work is done directly through the browser. This helps to shorten development time, and is also very helpful when learning to program with PHP. Ide.php requires PHP version 4 or higher.
(3 ratings)
Results 41-60 of 66