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Discussion Boards

Results 21-40 of 105
UBBThreads Discussion Board / Forum & Virtual Community System
Unlimited forums/categories. Search engine friendly URL's (ending in *.html). Highly customizable, frequent updates, great support, Topic/user Ratings, custom islands, polls, category and forum specific settings, Image gallery forums with image uploader. Enable one or two side columns, allowing users to turn either off if preferred. Search, file attachments (multiple), Who's Online, Newest Members, Public and Private Calendar, AJAX Shoutbox, Top Posts, Forum Statistics, CAPTCHA option. AJAX Quick Reply, Preview and Quick Quote. Create your own virtual community!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 139.00
Simple Forum PHP - Cover Image
Simple Forum PHP
You need a simple forum or discussion board on your website - Simple Forum PHP is very easy for install and administration. Visitors to your website will be able to create threads or discuss other topics. The administration of the script is so simple, so anyone with minimum knowledge of websites can work on it. Here are some important features: * Search for topics; * Sticky topics(stay above the other topics); * CSS could be controlled via admin area or css file; * Any language support; * Options to choose from four types of captcha verifications for topic/reply form; * Set default time zone in case your web server is on different time zone; * RSS feed; * Latest PHP/HTML code standards; * Open source code, so anyone with code knowledge will be able to modify the script; * FREE INSTALLATION ON YOUR WEBSITE
(234 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.99
Discuzz - Forum Software
You can set up Discuzz to be a regular forum or a state of the art crowdsourced support system for your company. People can post questions and others can respond with the best solutions. Designed to build your community and with basic social networking built in, Discuzz is so flexible it can be used to power your fansite forum or your corporate support desk.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 147.00
Simple Bulletin Board
â– Protecting forum from non-registered users â– Topics can be made to sticky ones â– Threads can bed locked (closed) â– enable/disable CAPTCHA -protection for registration â– GD-CAPTCHA alternative â– enable/disable/set number of topics per page â– Avatars can be uploaded by users to their profiles â– Signatures can be defined by users â– Own templates can be defined â– PNG -sources for the buttons are integrated â– Administrators can make users to Administrators, Moderators and Default users â– Moderators are able to delete posts, delete complete topics, activate/deactivate/edit/delete users â– Users can enable/disable board and user notifications â– Users can contact other users via the board â– Users will be notified if one of their active topics got a new post â– BB-Code for topics and posts is implemented â– English and German language support
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Ask and Answer Website Script
This script can be used to easily create a Questions and Answers site pretty much like Yahoo Answers. The real advantage of a Questions and Answers site is users themselves create all the content by asking questions and answering them and you can make a lot out of site adds.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
SBB - Simple Bulletin Board
An easy to implement bulletin board for your homepage. Just add a view lines to one of your php-sites (e.g. myforum.php) and you have the board integrated to your website. Features Multiple Forums, Protecting forum from non-registered users Protecting from doubleposts Topics can be made to sticky ones since Threads can bed locked (closed) since CAPTCHA -protection for registration enable/disable/set number of topics per page Signatures and Avatars can be defined by users Own templates can be defined Administrators, Moderators and regular Users Moderators are able to manage posts and users Users can be notified by board or other users (if notification enabled) BB-Code for topics and posts is implemented Ready to add more languages ...
(7 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
With AdaptBB, you can get a basic forum going in no time. Although previously a whole script and now a plugin, AdaptBB will be one of the most active and updated plugins of AdaptCMS.
(33 ratings)
AnoBBS 3DES encrypted forum and communication repository
The purpose of AnoBBS was to provide a simple BBS for online encrypted debate. A list of the basic functionality: user authentication | topic list and topic view | three userlevels; admin, moderator and user | post threads | post and edit replies | print or save threads | edit, delete and lock threads (mod) | edit forumdata and users (admin) | save BBS (admin) | delete BBS (admin). The debate is encrypted pre-submit and decrypted after load, using a key that is never transmitted over the net. It uses Ajax and PHP, forums stored as XML. The AnoBBS comes with 10 different skins.
(12 ratings)
Users register on your site and get a piece of HTML code to paste on their websites. The HTML code contains pre-defined FAQ and a contact form. This site is equipped with a banners system to enhance advertising and generate revenue. Users can also upload their banners for a fee. Banners are rotated in random order, and displayed on all homepages and FAQ member service pages.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.99
FUDforum is web based forum software designed in PHP, utilizing MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite back-end, released under the GPL Open Source license. It is designed to work on any web server that supports PHP, which makes it usable on virtually very OS. The forum includes i18n and templating support allowing for a complete customization of it's output as well as a very capably group based permission system. FUDforum is a highly customizable forum package, with a large feature set. The easy to use administration control panel allows the administrator to easily configure and control the many features available. The forum also includes an interactive help package, which helps to familiarize users with the full potential of FUDforum.
(0 ratings)
Hyper PHP Board
A simple, lightweight, and great looking PHP/MySQL driven forum software with all basic forum functions. Efficiency and speed is what Hyper PHP Board is all about.
(0 ratings)
Do you need to accept, store and display visitors' comments on your personal blog or commercial storefront? Enabling communication with potential customers or fans of your online journal is no longer a problem with DoComments, a single PHP file that, nevertheless, offers a wide range of popular features. With just one line of PHP: 1) Make comments appear anywhere you want, 2) Let your visitors rate your content and then display that rating anywhere you want and 3) Show the number of comments on any topic anywhere you want. Allow your visitors to rate the comments themselves: is a particular comment helpful or unhelpful? Receive an email alert whenever a visitor posts a comment to your website or rates a comment as helpful or unhelpful. Impress your visitors when they see their comments post instantly---without refreshing the page. Look good with a smart user interface that touts smooth animations alongside big, bold names and distinctive text. DoComments is professional-grade software.
(13 ratings)
AiD Forum -x
Very easy setup. No SQL. Uses a logical, simple flatfile system. User-user mail. Guest view and/or post, or visitors view only or registered users only. Email notification, stickies, banning, languages, skins, search (posts and members). Secure admin access with full editing options. Full user profile editing. Last post, view last, number of posts, number of views... etc. Most of the usual forum features. Check it out.
(3 ratings)
Spam Board
Spam Board is a clean, fully-featured and easy-to-use discussion forum written in PHP5. It supports various SQL database backends and easily translatable into any language. Producing valid XHTML output, it works in any browser, and it's themable using CSS. A fine-grained configurable permission system helps to give or take away rights from users and groups, enabling the board administrator to define private forums, enable or disable guest posting or make the board 'invitation only', for example. The web-based installation script makes setup a breeze, all administrative tasks are committed using a web-based frontend, and members can set their preferences similarly through the User Panel.
(12 ratings)
Burning Board
You are looking for a modern, professional and easy-to-use forum system? Look no further! Burning Board offers all features you can expect from a professional discussion board, packed in a beautiful CSS-based design. It is highly optimized to run fast on a MySQL database and its clean and object-oriented programming is highly reliable, thanks to German engineering. It is build on top of the WoltLab Community Framework so it is really just one mouse click away to extend it by add-ons (such as galleries, blogs or other social networking tools). It has never been so easy to install a web app: Simply upload 2 files and let guide you through installation process. The software can be used with different languages: GUI translations for more than eight languages are already provided, more to come. Support is also included in the license fee, so you will never be left alone when you need some help. WoltLab provides data importing tools for all major discussion board solutions.
(40 ratings)
Instadigi - Automatic Forum Content Generator
Instadigi is an instant community/forum content generator which generates discussion topics for forums. Topics generated are 'human generated' (not by bots) and are obtained via various sources around the web (yahoo answers, live.com, answers.com). Topics are relevant and simulate an actual realistic discussion environment. This is a very useful tool when attempting to 'kick-start' a new forum or revive an inactive forum.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 70.00
FusionBB Forum Software
FusionBB is quickly proving to be the most feature rich community product on the market. FusionBB 2.2 has added many great features including: Post Moderation, Admin Configurable Particle Boxes and a built in Language Editor to our lineup of features that already included fully functional Portal, a PayPal payment module, a fully featured photo gallery, multi-person private topics and more. We have importers for most major forum packages to make your migration even easier. Try FusionBB today and find out why so many users love to log onto their favorite FusionBB site. FusionBB is written in PHP and uses MySQL for the database making it an easy to launch piece of software that can be run on most platforms. Furthermore FusionBB was written from the ground up to be very efficient and is an excellent choice for small and large communities alike.
(29 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
Advanced Electron Forums (AEF)
The full name of AEF is Advanced Electron Forum. This bulletin board software is free software. It is written in PHP and MySQL. Some great feautures that users speak of : 1) WYSIWYG Editors 2) JS DOCK for easy navigation(A first from AEF) 3) Customizable Themes 4) News System with articles 5) ShoutBox 6) Calendar 7) Report Posts 8) Suggest Framework 9) Threaded Mode for topics 10) Preview Posts 11) Users who have read a topic 12) RSS Feeds 13) Smart Redirects 14) Group Legends 15) Domdrag for reordering Categories, Forums, emoticons (A new feature included for the first time ever in a forum software.) These are just some of the features. 16) Database and file backup from within the Admin CP. 17) Multiple Languages 18) UTF-8 Supported 19) Search Engine Optimization Tools 20) IP Ban 21) W3C Validated AEF has a very simple and easy to use Administration Panel and installing this software is a piece of cake! You can install new themes, customize themes the way you want.
(155 ratings)
Fast Track Sites Simply AJAX Forum System (SAFS)
The Fast Track Sites Simply AJAX Forum System(SAFS for short) is a simple to use, extremely powerful, and secure forum system. This system is full of eye catching AJAX features and is based on our popular SSFORUM application. This new version includes a completely rewritten backend, a new admin panel, better theme capabilities, more options, and is even more secure than its predecessor. It would be impossible to list all of its features, but below are a few: * AJAX used for posting, deleting, locking and unlocking topics * Word Filter - Can be used to block unwanted words from showing up in posts or instant messages * Topic Icons - Comes with several free icons and more can be easily added * Announcements - You can now create forum-wide announcements that will show up at the top of each page. * Progress Spinners - We have added progress spinners to most of the AJAX sections so that you will know that your request is being done * And Much Much More!!
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
This is the BB used by the Random-seed.net server. It is based off of the old Easy Forum 2.5 BB. It has had a complete renovation, 90% more code, 100% more features. It uses a flatfile database, so no need for any sql database. Its fast and flexible.
(0 ratings)
Results 21-40 of 105