Link Exchange
Reciprocal Link Pro
posted byPhineas1inLink Exchange
Reciprocal Link Pro is a fast, powerful, easy-to-use PHP/MySQL reciprocal link exchange web application that will help increase your website's search engine popularity by increasing the number of quality back links, resulting in getting a higher Google PageRank and more targeted traffic!
Text Link Exchange
posted byconectarnosinLink Exchange
This is a great easy to install php Text Link Exchange Script.
This script will allow websites to exchange links with another one and for users to buy credits into the system, you keep 100% of the profits and it has a wonderful online control panel to administer the website.
PriceUSD 2.99
Google Ranking Booster
posted byphpluginLink Exchange
Differ from the traditional link exchange system, Google Ranking Booster help webmasters to list their site at the top of Major search engines using their decided keywords ## Generate Stable Revenue ## Template Driven ## Signup Report ## Web Based Control ## Members Control Center ## Generate Relevant Link ## Web Based Email Communication System ## Affiliate Management System
PriceUSD 69.00
posted bypaolisinLink Exchange
This script allows you to automate links exchange and to increase visitors on your website.
Your visitors can suggest a link from a form. You can set to receive an e-mail when a visitor suggests a link.
The administrator can approve, edit and delete link entries in admin area the suggested link before pubblishing.
Multilanguage - You can set your language. Available: english, italian, but it's very easy traslated in your language a siple text file. You can set to receive an e-mail when a visitor leaves a new entry on the link area. Full customizable colors of pages and other options about layout.
No database required.
PhpLinkExchange : Link exchange directory
posted bylistenmirndtinLink Exchange
Automated link exchange directory. Our system makes exchanging reciprocal links easy (and highly organized with unlimited link category depth!). Link exchange is a great way to boost your website search result rankings. Our easy installation will have most users up and running quickly. Customization is also quite easy, even for the non-programmer. Many additional features are yours as well with PhpLinkExchange, please come check them out at our website. Live demonstrations available.
PriceUSD 29.41
Five Star Admin Link System
posted bymouselinLink Exchange
Problem: To get listed on another websites link page you often need to trade links. It can be a problem if the person submitting links doesn't have your ftp server information to update your links page.
Solution: With this simple, but powerful links script you can give the username and password to the admin panel so that someone on your team can update the page with links. Allows deletion and editing of links also.
PriceUSD 14.95
LES: Link Exchange Scripts
posted bylesscriptsinLink Exchange
LES (Link Exchange Script) provides the ability to build your own custom search engine friendly standard and/or triangular link exchange system, search directory (similar to Yahoo and DMOZ), affiliate shopping malls, merchant product catalogs or even a regional specific search engine - the possibilities are only limited by your imagination!
LES has the functionality to generate your search engine or links directory pages on the fly or as static HTML pages ensuring a stable and less resource hungry search engine friendly directory.
LES is an extremely versatile link management script that can be used for any number of purposes where you require an easy to build, easy to manage searchable links directory.
PriceUSD 79.95
Link Exchange System Free
posted bycilikaninLink Exchange
Reciprocal link exchange management software that makes it easy to find and contact quality link partners, generate custom link pages that match your site, and keep track of reciprocal links. LinkMachine automatically updates your link pages the instant they're changed - no uploading required. Link exchanges increase a site's targeted traffic, search engine ranking, and sales.
PriceUSD 69.95
Top Link Exchange Script
posted bysbsolsinLink Exchange
This Top Reciprocal link exchange script can be very easily embedded into your web site. It helps increase Link popularity & hence search engine standing. It is fully automatic. It includes automatic link checker, which verifies all submitted sites to ensure that reciprocal link to your site exists on the submitted sites before adding them. You can Add/Edit/Delete links or configure settings via admin area. See your link popularity grow!! DEMO available. EXPERIENCE the power before you buy! Fully evaluate the power of this script before you pay a penny.
PriceUSD 25.00
PHP reciprocal links manager
posted bykstirninLink Exchange
LinkMan will completely automate your reciprocal links exchange. It will require webmasters to place a link to your website on their site before they can add their link to your links page. In the LinkMan admin panel you have a special tool, that will crawl all URLs where your reciprocal link should be - if the reciprocal link wasn't found it will automatically remove link to that site from your links page. LinkMan doesn't need a SQL database to operate, it works with simple text files.
Features include an admin panel, website thumbnails, Google PageRank check and display, featured links, blocking "rel" noindex and nofollow tags, blocking duplicate website submissions, powerful SPAM filter and many more!
AlstraSoft Text Link Exchange Pro
posted bydtraxinLink Exchange
Text Link Exchange Pro is a complete traffic exchange system which allows you to start your own text link exchange program by rotating small textual links similar to Google Adwords. Features include selling paid advertising using Paypal, full admin control panel, dynamic counted ratio, targeted link categories, 100% template driven system, 5 level referral program and many more. Webmasters can now build free traffic to their site without the need of banner images or popup ads.
Price 110.00
Ultimate Reciprocal link exchange script
posted bysoftbizinLink Exchange
A COMPLETE tool to fully automates your reciprocal linking process. It offers two major benefits 1) Build your site rank really fast 2) and saves you hours of hard work by automating the reciprocal link process. HOW IT WORKS: It automatically checks for your link on link partners site and then accepts the link. It sets the software on auto pilot to build your website pagerank and increase its link popularity over time. They say link building is time consuming. With this tool you do not need to any time to build links. It is 100% automatic. In terms of time same and search engine ranking gain this software is worth hundreds of dollars. Explore all features NOW. FULL FREE ONLINE DEMO. Free installation and support. Get the script now!
posted bythirteeninLink Exchange
This script creates a small table on your webpage where other webmasters can plug their websites. It displays their site name as a hyperlink pointing to their URL. You can edit every attribute including how many plugs to show at one time and much much more. Only 2 files total and 1 chmoding needed. A live demo available on the author's homepage.
Text Exchange Pro
posted byinfoinLink Exchange
Fully featured text ads exchange system. Create your own Google ads system fast and easily. Multiple predefined styles of ads, multiple predefined color styles. Graphical, real time detailed statistic for each hour, day, month. Unlimited number of ad types and sizes, unlimited number of categories in each of them. All pages editable by templates, easy translation to any language. Each user can have an unlimited number of banners. Advanced anti-cheat protection. Support HTML ads. Free and paid ads. Log of coutries and URL's. Ads can be targeted by countries, time zones, days in week. Public toplists and statistics. High amount of administration options and configurations. Database backup, easy installation and many more. No. 1 class support.
PriceUSD 99.00