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FAQ & Knowledgebase

Collection of commercial and free PHP FAQ & Knowledgebase scripts. These scripts allow you to offer your visitor with a Q&A section whereby they can search and submit pre-defined answers. In this category, you will also find Yahoo Answers clone scripts.
Results 61-65 of 65
A glossary program written in PHP (4.2.1) that utilizes PostgreSQL and Smarty Templates. It allows you to add, edit and delete terms. The database can be searched by the term field, the definition field or both, as well as by character (A-Z, 0-9). Visitors can suggest words, and they won't be published until you approve them. Has add/edit/delete functions for words, definitions, and users. Users can be sepereated from "Admins" so they don't get full priviledges.
(9 ratings)
piFAQ Lite
Fast, simple, easy in configuration script that allows you create and manage FAQ page on your site. It is based on PHP and MySQL. It is easy to install and administrate. And it is very easy to put it into your design because of templates (FastTemplate).
(33 ratings)
AmyQ FAQ Manager
AmyQ stands for Ask Me Your Question and is a unique FAQ manager that displays question in order from most asked to least asked. This ensures that the real most frequently asked questions come to the top.
(6 ratings)
Faqforge is a web based document creation and management tool. It can be used to create FAQs, manuals, guides, HOWTOs, and other web based documents requiring a hierarchical structure.
(7 ratings)
The Knowledgebase
This is a tool to help you build a knowledgebase on your Web site. The knowledgebase is organized into various topics. Users ask questions pertaining to certain topics. The questions/answers are browsable by keywords. The data is stored in a relational database - MySQL. It requires Apache with PHP3 and MySQL to use this tool. Different users have different privileges: Certain users can only ask questions and browse answers, Some can answer questions and The administrators can delete irrelevant questions, assign privileges to users etc.
(9 ratings)
Results 61-65 of 65