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File Management

Results 21-40 of 95
File Explorer Class
If you already worked with files and directories in PHP then you will know that the default copy, delete(unlink) functions are ok to use on files but when you want to delete or copy a directory with content in it, it’s an whole other story. This class gives you the ability to easily delete, create, move, copy files and directories with content.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
cFTP (clients-oriented-ftp)
cFTP allows you to creat clients accounts, and then, you can upload as much files as you want, with the benefit of adding a title and description to each one. Log in, select the client, upload the file and then you can send him a link to a web page that contains your logo, and a sortable list of every file uploaded under his name, with description, time, date, and control over their deletion. It also works as a history of "sent" files. They can check the differences between versions, the time that it took to do that, and so on. Some of the features: * Simple and attractive design. Ease of use for both users and clients! * Comes with an installer * User roles (Administrator. Account Manager, Uploader) * Sortable lists of files, users and clients * Options and logo selection pages. Your company logo is seen on the clients lists. A to-do list with future useful features is prepared, as well as a list of bugs and the limitations of the software.
(9 ratings)
BSW Downloads and Uploads Manager
This new version is a very simple downloads and uploads manager which based on PHP and MySQL database. It is more secure and has administration area. The setup is very easy and runs automatically after filling the form with the necessary information. We added a new facility to this version which categories the uploaded files to a specified category.
(6 ratings)
WebNight Commander v2
Webnight Commander is web file manager with interface similar to GNU Midnight Commander. The main difference is that Webnight Commander have only one directory panel. Basically this is a browser version of the good known Midnight commander. Features: * Ability to merge all source code in single PHP file * Browse all server files if thus is configured * Copy / Cut / Paste / Download / Upload files, web clipboard * Compress whitespaces in HTML, CSS and JavaScript output * Fully integrated Ajax engine * Multiple user accounts * User specific home directories
(0 ratings)
Sometimes you find yourself not at your own computer with your FTP client of choice but really have to edit a file. You have access to a computer, but the computer’s master doesn’t want you to install anything. What do you do? You point your browser to your install directory of FTPLess and begin editing!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Sleek Directory Navigator
A simple directory navigator script which is easy to integrate into any PHP file with 3 easy steps or you can use the Quick setup to show your directory instanly. Easy, quick and sleek.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
PHP Directory Handler
2 classes that handle displaying the contents of a given directory. DirectoryHandler is for general directories with any assortment of files. ImageDirectory extends the functionality of DirectoryHandler by displaying directories specifically containing images; also makes use of lightbox. Perfect for displaying directories in a clean way, and an easy way to create an image gallery without the need for a database. Uses standard HTML mark-up for easy styling.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Data/File upload and management
This script will allow you to Upload and manage every kind of file you desire (txt, rar, html, jpeg and many many others, and is also personalisable). There are three options, Uploading, Viewing and Deleting. The script is coded in PHP with JQuery integration for cool effects, and requires a database to work. It’s very simple to customise and to use as you want. Installation is very easy and fast. Here we go: - Coded in PHP, - JQuery integration, - It can be used everywhere, also like a personal data.store, - Many extentions are allowed, and it's still personalisable, - It requires a database because stores all the informations, - It's easy to integrate with your stuff, - It's fully commented to help you in reading the code.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Advanced File Management
Features (v1.1): - Link sharing (copy paste or send by internal mailer) - Multiple file upload (swfuploader plugin) - old single file upload for users with no js enabled. - Admin notifications to email about file delete, upload, update - Easy upgrade file from v1.0 to v1.1 for your convenience Features (v1.0): - Multi user access - Uploads statistics - User permissions ( for admin ) - Bandwidth / space / limits allocation per user ( for admin ) - Activity logs ( for admin ) - Includes install.php file for easy database installation.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
WebFileMan is PHP application installed on your website to provide web based share and protection of a file folder of your web server. WebFileMan features full file access management functions for users and groups. Users either have individual permissions or inherit them from groups they belong to that makes the system way easier to manage for large number of customers or partners with similar rights. WebFileMan works by defining and controlling access permissions on subfolders within your protected file folder. It is ideally suited to control online access to folders with software updates, manuals, e-books, reports, datasheets, or any other downloadable digital products.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 119.00
ServerBrowse allows web masters to browse their servers files graphically in much the same way they would do using an Operating System, the software allows for easy navigation through folders on the server, offering file listings and the ability to navigate to the real HTTP paths of the files and folders being viewed. It also recognises popular files such as PNG, JPG, GIF, PDF (and more) and shows icons beside the files. the layout can also be modified to show lists or tiles, show small icons or large and whether to list folders before files or read alphabetically.
(9 ratings)
Download Directory : Organize your Products & Downloads
Organize your website products and downloads in a professional manor. Create and organize your products into categories. Customize the appearance of each product page. Easy category / product / file browsing for your visitors. Upload photos and a header banner for your products. Quick and easy product / file downloading for your visitors. Intuitive and easy to use!
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.41
php File Manager
A feature-rich web-based file manager with multi-user support. It is easy to configure for a novice yet highly customizable for more experienced users. Using the latest php methodologies, php File Manager delivers advanced encryption to ensure the maximum protection of your files.
(25 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
XQTO File Manager
Upload and delete files from the directory the program is in and any sub directories. It can optionally authenticate the user. It allows you to edit a file. Specify which file extensions can be edited. Add and remove directories.
(1 ratings)
TotalW is a two panel file manager written in PHP. It is ajaxed. TotalW can download file from internet or upload file from your computer. You can mail files on remote server or download them to computer. It can zip files(.tar.gz) or unzip them. TotalW can also view or edit files. It has favorite folders(bookmarks), customisable view (name, size, time, owner, group, permissions), keyboard navigation. TotalW has ftp support.
(6 ratings)
Small script to upload, download and delete files. Languages: English, German. Kept very simple, for private use. I like the design - if you are familiar with css and editing some gif-images, you can change it if you like. Written for private use, that's why there are no restrictions concerning filesize or file-extensions.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 1.00
Simpli Easy File Share
Simpli Easy File Share is a fantastic way to give a link to clients or friends to enable them to be able to download your software, scripts or any file types you want without them being able to see where the file link came from. The Simpli Easy File Share has features such as timed downloads enabling you to set how many days it's available to them and along with some other great features included are maximum file size allowed, download time limits, short or long file name extensions and on top of all this it doesn't even require a database of any kind. The Simpli Easy File Share has a built in username and password to prevent others from being able to upload files to your server, so only you have access to upload files. You can easily disable it if you want and use it for other purposes if you like. Installation is a breeze and was designed for the novice web designer.
(21 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.95
Creative Clans File System
If you use PHP and you don't have access to a database, or if you need to use a flat file in your application, the Creative Clans File System (CCFS) might be just the thing for you. The CCFS is a class written in PHP to manage the access to flat files in a threadsafe way. On top of that, it also allows you to manipulate the data in the files in a much more sophisticated way than the standard PHP filesystem functions. You can create a definition for each file, use autoincremental values, timestamps, select the fields you want to operate on, select/update/delete only the rows you choose, sort the data. It only requires PHP version 5.x or higher, and it's real easy to install. Just get the latest version from the download section and unzip everything in the root directory of your application.
(0 ratings)
CKFinder for PHP
CKFinder for PHP is a powerful and easy to use Ajax file manager for web browsers. Its simple interface makes it intuitive and quick to learn for all kinds of users, from advanced professionals to Internet beginners. Check out some of its features: - Folders tree navigation: intuitive for all users. - Quality image thumbnails, making it quick to find things. - Multi-language support with automatic user language detection. - Sensitive context menus for files and folders. - Full user control: create, rename and delete folders and files. - Full developer control: all features can be precisely configured with a powerful ACL and user roles system. - Lightweight interface. - No page refreshes: quick responses. - Secure file uploads: all uploaded files are checked according to the rules set by the developer. - Full source code included for the server side integration. - Instant integration with FCKeditor
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
This is an interface to Windows networks for PHP. You will be able to access shared resources using URL like 'smb://user:pass@server/s hare/path'.
(3 ratings)
Results 21-40 of 95