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Upload Systems

Results 41-49 of 49
1 FTP Regulator
Want to give FTP access to your customers/staff but worry that they might mess up with the whole website? Now you can let your users managing files in a confined environment and with limited control. This script is perfect for web designing companies.
(12 ratings)
MyUploader is a Java Applet for uploading multiple files to an ASP.NET, Perl/CGI, PHP, or Java web server via HTTP. The easy to use uploader has advanced features from drag and drop to folder upload. Even uploading files of 2 GB is possible. During file tranfer a progress bar is visible.
(42 ratings)
PriceUSD 119.00
Put Method File Upload.
Thin File Putter is an HTTP PUT method file uploader. Though HTTP's PUT method is superior to the POST method when it comes to file uploading, it is not widely supported by browsers. By using Thin File Putter you can easily overcome this limitation of the browser and carry out very large file uploads over an HTTP connection.
(24 ratings)
PriceUSD 75.00
w2box - Web 2.0 File Repository for PHP
A simple and free php script to use as a file repository. Easy upload with progress bar functionality and clean file listing for downloading files. Just check out the online demo!
(23 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Simplicity oF Upload
This simple system is easy to configure and is safe to use. some of the features it has: Multiple files upload, Extensions check, Extensions attributes, Max file size control, ability to change mode of uploaded files, Email notification of upload attemps, Universal password protection, action logging and of course FREE ;) the script is very simple (as its name says) and is heavily commented! so modifying it would be easy.. comes with readme file that will guide you in installing the script.
(22 ratings)
Class PHP Upload
It is the ideal class to quickly integrate file upload and image manipulation in your site. That's all you need for a gallery script for instance. It manages the uploaded file and allows you to do whatever you want with the file as many times as you want. If the file is an image, you can convert and resize it, rotate it, crop it in many ways; You can also add borders, frames, bevels, add of text labels and watermarks or apply graphic filters such as unsharp mask, contrast or brightness correction, colorization, negative, greyscale, reflections and more. Security features and file management functions are provided. XMLHttpRequest is supported. The class can also work on local files, useful for batch processing, and can circumvent open_basedir restrictions. Files can be output directly to the browser. The error messages are internationalized, and translations provided. The class is mature and well documented, already widely used around the world. It is compatible with PHP 4 and 5.
(186 ratings)
- Simple in both installation and usage. - Upload one or many files at the same time. - Sort your upload files by filenames, size or last update time either ascendingly or descendingly. - Automatically renames the file if it has the same name as an existing file. - Customizable interface. - Customizable maximum upload size allowed. - Check all option for delete checkboxs (see demo) - Customizable number of files listed per page. - You may choose if you want to list the files by pages or show them all. - Delete confirmation - Upload to the directory you specify - Allow you to indicate whether you wish to overwrite the old file or not
(71 ratings)
Easy PHP Upload
This PHP upload class (the old name) can be used to upload files with a client browser to a remote web server location. The features in the first release are: file-extension check, maximum file- size limitation and a flexible error reporting system. The class is extremely easy to use and comes together with full working examples. Since the second version is it possible to upload multiple files. Check the class file for all update information. The version 2.22 (and higher) is compatible with the PHP directive "register_globals=off". NEW functions for the multiple upload function: rename files and filename validation. With the updated (version 2.25) photo upload extension it's possible to upload photos (logos) and resize them to the maximum X and Y size. The last version supports ImageMagick command line tools as an option (works faster then functions of the GD library). Note the database example since the last version.
(43 ratings)
Mega Upload - Progress Bar
Mega Upload is a progress bar for php uploads. Even though PHP provides an easy to use built in file uploader it does not provide support for the display of a progress monitor while the file is being uploaded. Version 1.45 is easier to install and includes an important bug fix.
(2042 ratings)
Results 41-49 of 49