Phpinfo Script
posted byvigneshwaran0812inUtilities
This blog is a valuable script to know all details about the current information of PHP. Simple phpinfo script allows you to view php information of your server.
Using this script you can get large information about the current information of PHP.
Reply me if you have doubt regarding this script.
Image Manipulator
Using the GD Image Library, it can manipulate all of the major image formats and maintain transparency for png and gif images.
Smart resizing
Stacking methods
Outputting on the fly
Modify quality
PriceUSD 5.00
Fast Image Server
This is the simplest and fastest way to serve images.
The application simply creates the thumbnail at the first call and serves the thumbnails statically at the later calls. This improves your server performance as it does not need PHP executions and image processing at the later calls.
Fast Thumbnail Server uses 404 error handling directive of the web-servers to manage the thumbnail creation of the images. When a browser first request an thumbnail, as it does not exists in the system, the web server redirects the request to 404 page (e404.php should be configured as 404 page). 404 page creates the thumbnail and saves the thumbnail to directory specified in the URL of the request. At later requests of the thumbnail, the thumbnail is served statically from the directory. The later calls does not cause PHP executions.
PriceUSD 9.00
RTF generator
This is a PHP Class which generates files in RTF (Rich Text Format). As the class is instantiated, developer can build their on RTF documents by adding most used text formats (bold, italic, underline), as well as build up ordered and unordered list. Examples can show that it is really quick and easy.
The resulting data can be then output to screen or saved into a file.
Developers can also master a number of additional functions about credentials and authoring (such as author, keywords, subject, ...) This project is under development and more features will be added.
SmartWattermark – watermark all your images only with htacces and php!
The best way to protect your images is to watermark them. But that can be a real problem.
This script will automaticly add a custom watermark on your pictures without modifying the original image. Isn’t that cool?
all extensions avaliable (‘valid_image_extension’ => array(‘jpeg’, ‘jpg’, ‘png’, ‘gif’)
opacity (‘opacity’ => 0,)
watermark logo path (‘watermark_logo_path’ => ‘watermark.logo.png’,)
watermark custom logo position (‘position’ => ‘left_top’,)
select the minimum size of the image to add watermark on -> ‘min_size_for_wattermark’ => 300, // if image is smaller than this value watermark will not appear (if you don’t want to add watermark on your thumbnails & stuff)
repeat xxxyyy watermark extra option!
PriceUSD 8.00
File and Directory explorer class
If you already worked with files and directories in PHP then you will know that the default copy, delete(unlink) functions are ok to use on files but when you want to delete or copy a directory with content in it, it’s an whole other story. This class gives you the ability to easily delete, create, move, copy files and directories with content.
PriceUSD 6.00
Linear Directory
posted bymoustafa_xinUtilities
this is mostly directory to array functions that read a directory, and converted it to an array, that in turn you have to read.
This means looping through a directory's contents, saving it to an array (that takes up memory), then looping through the array again to read the directory contents!
Flat-File SQL
posted byhunterhdolaninUtilities
Flat-File SQL (or fSQL for short) is a way to use SQL queries without having another database (like mySQL) installed. It uses regular files that you store wherever you want. At the moment, there is only a PHP version, but a perl version and possibly other language ports are planned.
Download Protection Script
posted byturnkeyformsinUtilities
Stop thieves from accessing your downloads! This brand new script gives your highest security for your downloads. Have you ever found you download Link on another Unauthorized Web Site? Have you found one of your downloads indexed by Google? If you answered Yes to any of the above questions.. or if your not sure or maybe you don’t know how to protect your downloads……
PriceUSD 7.00
PHP- Grep File Search
posted byweb2crawlerinUtilities
This admin script let you search all files and directories under given path recursively for a case-insensitive string. Default path is script location.
Web based file manager
Omnistar Drive is a web file manager that will allow you to setup a secure file storage repository. Our web based file manager gives you the ability to create unlimited user accounts and give users custom permissions to various folders and files. Users permissions can also be customized in such as way as to allow them to have view, edit, delete or full rights to the file and folders that they upload. Our php file manager solution is entirely web based and can be used as an alternative to an FTP program.
The web file manager solution is also a private label software allowing webmasters to brand the product as their own and resell to their customers. Other features of Omnistar Drive private label web file manager include a built in java upload tool that will allow you to upload files of any size, an advanced document search feature and a document email feature allowing you to email a link to a document to anyone.
PriceUSD 187.00
WebExplore 1.0
posted byanirban76binUtilities
This script displays files and folders in a windows explorer kind of view. The package is developed in PHP 5.0 and has implemented observer-observable design pattern.
dirLIST - PHP Directory Lister
dirLIST displays files and folders in a given HTTP/FTP directory. It has a wonderful interface with choice of Thumbnail or List view along with gorgeous icons for different file types. Includes a sleek gallery, web based mp3 player, file admin + more. Very simple to setup!
Some of dirLIST's key features:
- List all the files and folders in a given HTTP or FTP directory
- Image gallery for viewing image files
- Media player for playing MP3 files in your browser
- Thumbnail or classic list view of files and folders
- Admin feature to enable file and folder deletion and renaming
- 4 interface languages; English, French, German and Spanish
- File icons
- Force download speed limit
- File uploads (file type banning and auto file rename)
- Show the sizes of folders and files
- Sort content based on name, size or upload date (users can choose aswell)
- Ability to hide certain files and folders (and specific extensions)
- User customizable
Freedomeditor is a web based (web) development environment / texteditor that aims to provide high customization options for each file extension, and already is highly customized regarding opening and modifying of php/html/js/css files. Modular AJAX File system browser included.
CssHighlight is a php function, that highlights css code. Design options can be given in Stylesheet.
This provides the ability to browse your local hard drives and select a file. This module is "included" in your program and returns the full path of the selected file. I searched around for a module to do this and I couldn't find one so this little utility module was born. It's pretty simple and straight-forward. Unfortunately, you don't consistently get the full path returned when you try to do this with an html form (input type=file...).A sample calling module is included.If you want to keep this in a separate directory from the calling program, then you need to change th path for the icons so they will display correctly.
Chris Sep 28-06
Advanced Find and Replace with Batch Processing
posted bywizscriptsinUtilities
This server-side find and replace script is perfect for people that need to edit a lot of files on a web server. Never again will you have to download files and reupload them after editing. This script cuts out all that extra work by residing on your server and performing to job. This scripts also does batch procession so there are no execution timeouts when editing a massive amout of files.
There are also many things that can be controlled while using this script. Below is a small list of things that can be done.
Turn thumbnail images on and off
Define the start directory
Turn folder views on and off
Turn file uploads on and off
Allow file overwrites control
File mask
Customized icons for file types
PriceUSD 19.95
BSoftEditor v1.0
BSoft Editor is an "online http editor" for web site, when you can not use any ftp program, or wanna quickly edit some online's files.
Once logged on, you can view,browse,create/delete /rename files/folders. Of course,also edit files and view them with highlighted syntax too.
New in V1.0, major redesign!!
DirektorGUI resembles to WindowsXP command-line util `tree�, as it gegenerates tree like filelist. But it dosen't generate just plain ascii list (although this is one option) but expandable DHTML menutree too. Script uses WinBinder extension and contains nice GUI.
Win2Nix Filename Case Converter
Win2Nix Filename Case Converter is a utility used to convert a website from a Windows server to a Linux or Unix server.
Any file extension is supported. Default extensions are .HTML .HTM .PHP .ASP .TXT. Changes references in HREF and SRC tags to lowercase. Leaves references to remote locations intact (http://, ftp://, etc). Renames all files and folders to lowercase. Reports any problems encountered during the conversion process.