Flash & PHP
Chameleon PHP+Flash+MySQL Social Networking Script
posted byDimarick007inFlash & PHP
Tired of social and dating scripts which only create more and more clones all over the web? You think that a free solution downloaded by everyone on the web can create a unique site, interesting for your site members? They complain that your site is dull and uninteresting? And what is even more sad they do not want to pay for the membership? Well they will have, no, they will be happy to pay for the membership from now on. Try Chameleon!
It has no analogs. It is being created for 9 years. It is unique and it can be yours within several clicks of the mouse!
Music, Flash Profile, Places, Geo Social Networking, Blogs, Videos, Games, Voip Phone, Video Chat, Second Life 3D City, 3D Chat, Instant Messenger, Flash Chat, RSS Feeds, Profile Comments, Pics, Forum, Friend Listing Module, Flash Postcards, and about 3000 other unique features!
Chameleon is just a community and dating site software like Ferrari is just a car for driving to work.
Change colors! Try Chameleon!
PriceUSD 597.00
Finance Ticker Applets
posted bysoft99inFlash & PHP
of the Flash 2004 Professional source code, with all .fla and .as
(Actionscript) files are included. The stock indices that you wish to
display, and the order of display, are easily set in an XML
configuration file. You should use a good text editor, like Textpad
(www.textpad.com) to edit the XML files. Several interface colors and
options are configurable using the XML settings file. All appletsinclude a built-in Flash preloader.
PriceUSD 5.00
SlideCrab flash slideshow generator
posted bypropagatorinFlash & PHP
SlideCrab is a flash slideshow generator to make animated photo rotation for website.It can transforms your photo collection to Macromedia Flash file format(SWF) which you can share your memorial moments with your family or friends on your own homepage or website.With SlideCrab,you can easily add a group of still images into stunning Flash slideshow with linkages,alternate text, watermark,navigation button and special transition effects. SlideCrab has the same features as IMGOWL.It provides image protection for website, for those used to display portfolios of artworks and photographs in quality high resolution or some important photographs. It enables complete protection against image theft and the unauthorized linking of images from other websites. It transfers internal data with encryption, all stealing attempts are impossible. SlideCrab fully supports Smarty template engine and enhances more functions on Smarty.
Flash/PHP Image Gallery
posted byalessandroinFlash & PHP
Completely free and high customizable image gallery.
All the backend is made in PHP with a simple administration interface which allows you to create categories and albums (Albums can also contains panoramic images)
It uses amfphp (Flash remoting for PHP), the GD library for resizing images and PEAR::Mail for sending e-cards.
Made with Flash 8 it has tons of features:
- panoramic images support
- thumbinails view
- possibility to sort thumbs
- auto update display on stage resizing
- send e-cards, download images
- commenting images
- album description
- rating images
Ticker Applets
posted bytufat_scriptsinFlash & PHP
Highly configurable Flash 7 ticker tape applets for your website. Set over a dozen options via an external XML file, with no limit on the number of links possible in the ticker.
Ticker links are easily configurable using an external XML file. There is no limit to the number of links that you can add.
Each ticker applet has several configuration options available, like color and font properties. These can be changed quite easily with any good text editor.
PriceUSD 5.00
Stock Applets
posted bytufat_scriptsinFlash & PHP
A set of stock and finance applets, inspired by stockapplets.com, including: Currency Converter, Two Tickers, Live Stock Quote Feed, Forex Cross Rates, and Stock Indicator Watcher.
PriceUSD 5.00
Image Rotators by Andrei
posted bytufat_scriptsinFlash & PHP
5 Flash image rotators. These are great if you want to quickly display your images with some cool transition effects, but don't need a full-fledged gallery system. All images are externally linkable to the URL and URL target of your choice.
PriceUSD 5.00
RSS Readers
posted bytufat_scriptsinFlash & PHP
A set of simple RSS readers with fresh designs and animation. These will read RSS 2.0-compliant XML feeds. 100% of the Flash source code is included.
PriceUSD 5.00
posted bytufat_scriptsinFlash & PHP
This isn't exactly an Advanced Flash System, but it's a bit more complex than the other applets available on TUFaT.com. It operates in much the same way as the applets, however... a simple XML file controls the display and behavior of the Flash SWF.
PriceUSD 5.00
Charting Applets
posted bytufat_scriptsinFlash & PHP
5 Advanced Flash charting applets. These applets can be used to present your data with a sleek, professional design.
PriceUSD 5.00
Menu Applets
posted bytufat_scriptsinFlash & PHP
Flash menu applets for your website. Three simple menu applets, and two advanced Flash menus.
PriceUSD 5.00
Menu Applets Set 2
posted bytufat_scriptsinFlash & PHP
5 Advanced, XML-based Flash menus. 100% of the Flash 2004 Pro source code included, DTD files available for all XML files. Two of these menus are two-tiered (main category + sub-category).
PriceUSD 5.00
posted bytufatscriptsinFlash & PHP
FlashReport's powerful layout builder provides drag-and-drop report creation. Anyone who can use a mouse can create powerful PDF reports from their MySQL data.
The relationships section of FlashReport enables you to create reports of more than 1 table. For example, if you have two tables in your MySQL database, employees and departments, with the relationship employees.dept_id = departments.id, the realationships tool would allow you to create a report of all employees, grouped by department.
Several size options are available in FlashReport, allowing you to view reports in several PDF sizes, including landscape or portrait orientation. If none of the pre-defined sizes are what you're looking for, just input your own size into the "W" and "H" boxes.
Save your report structure to the database, for later viewing and editing. There is also a "share" option so that other registered users can use your report as a template.
Password-protect reports via a registration page. All employees in your company or organization can have their own private set of reports, as well as shared reports that all users can use.
PriceUSD 5.00
Develooping Flash Chat
posted bywebmasterinFlash & PHP
This is a PHP4 (server side)/Flash 5 (client side) chat room program. It is easy to setup and customize. It features: private messages, review messages, IP banning, user kicking, filter for bad words, sound, etc. Available in Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Hungarian.... The latest version includes user list in the same window and a better method to send private messages. All settings and complete translation from a single file. You can select text order, hour displaying and automatic deletion when room is empty. Chat works with IP or password. Last update fix bugs and add smilies.
Flashblocks V2 Flash content management
posted byfrdmsuninFlash & PHP
Flashblocks Flash CMS is a Flash content management system that is powerful yet simple to use. Edit content directly in your Flash website from any browser. Resize and Crop Images, multilingual Rich Text Text Editor, Many Modules: Flash Gallery, Flash Mp3 Player, Email forms, PayPal buy now, and more.
Just drag & drop - Areas are filled with dynamic content.
Train your clients to manage flash content effortlessly. Flashblocks CMS requires literally no client training.
Flashblocks CMS works on practically all servers without alteration. No Database is required making setup and backup effortless.
Simple for our clients
powerful for us!
PriceUSD 30.00
CXP Flash Newsletter System
posted bytoby26inFlash & PHP
This is a newsletter system based on flash and PHP. It includes two main files. 1 - for users to submit their email addresses. 2 - for administrator to send mail to the subscribers in plain text format or rich text format.
The file is stored inside a flat text file and hence no database is required. In addition, all background, border and font color are externally customizable and hence it will fit easily to your website environment.
Price 5.99
posted bytufat_scriptsinFlash & PHP
FlashCard is new to TUFaT.com, added on June 29, 2004. We've all seen greeting card systems, but usually such systems save the greeting card on the server, and only send the user a link. With FlashCard, the card that you draw is actually e-mailed to the recipient as an image embedded in an email!
FlashCard accomplishes this by using the GD Extension of PHP. Since it comes with 100% of the source code, and it highly customizable using a set of XML files that reside on your server, you can make FlashCard look just about any way imaginable! Please note that since this is very new software, it has only been tested under a few server configurations (essentially, the most common PHP/Apache configurations, with PHP 4.3). This will probably work for 90%+ of web servers out there, but possbily not all.
Price 5.00
Dynamic Flash Photo Gallery ( Plasmado Gallery)
posted byplasmadoinFlash & PHP
This program uses PHP and mySQL to create a dynamic online Flash Photo Gallery. The flash display area re-sizes smoothly giving a nice transition to the next image. A "simple-to-use" menu system allows you to drill down into different levels within your gallery. Setup is simple.
flash center block for a presentation
posted byluvkycool1inFlash & PHP
I was looking over the internet for finding a way to show my themes to the users without them needed to be registered but also just screenshots in a gallery dont really attracted me so i found this image loader on the net ,i sticked it in a block and the block had born.
It works with xml and you can set untill 9 different effects for it or leave it as it is for random effects.
Vision.To Dynamic Photo Gallery
posted byfeha2inFlash & PHP
This is our first Swishmax product for sale.
This is Dynamic Photo Gallery In Flash.
Everything is automatically updated.
You just have to put all images in to images dir they must be jpg (jpeg)
format. The max Pic Size 500 x 374 pixels.
(image will be well centered at this size)
Pictures have to be named picture1.jpg,picture2.jpg etc ...