Form Processors
Collection of commercial and free PHP Form Processors scripts. Form processors allow you to capture content from forms and post it to a database or email it you.
PHP Contact Form w Dynamic Add/Remove Entry Fields
posted byshurkin18inForm Processors
This is an easy and fully customizable dynamic PHP form, easily embedded to any website, which can be used for customers to be able to list things in a nice dynamic way, where each additional string of entry fields can be added and removed, as needed by the customer. Single page form!
PriceUSD 15.00
PHP Contact form by
posted bymfscriptsinForm Processors
Our new free php contact form script is available with 3 different styles to choose from, has full php validation, and is easily integrated onto your own website. Full instructions are also given within the code and in a README file to give you a better understanding of the code.
The settings are easily changed with the configuration file.
Dimbal Form Processor
posted bydimbalinForm Processors
The Dimbal Form Processor was engineered as a powerful, yet robust form processor. It features a genuine Catch-All design that will process all form elements passed to it. This allows you to setup a form processor within a matter of minutes and be on your way.
The Dimbal Form Processor installs in just a few minutes using an easy to use setup page. It has a long list of features including:
- Unlimited number of processors in the system
- Blacklist for form elements to exclude
- Start/End dates to control when a processor captures data
- Custom forwarding URL (alternate for outside of start/end dates)
- Aggregated response viewer
- Individual response viewer
- Multiple user support
- Powerful administration panel
- Free demo
A free demo can be seen allowing you to test full functionality before downloading.
ApPHP FormBuilder
posted byleumas2sorfinForm Processors
Easy-to-use HTML form builder script that provides simple and flexible way to create HTML forms and also validate different types of fields, using embedded Data Validator. You can easily add text fields, radio buttons, check boxes, single select boxes, text areas, buttons and many other form elements.
Each field type has options which help to setup its view and validate submitted value with wide range of settings. Form checks text fields to be correct emails, URLs, float numbers, passwords and many more. When fields are checked errors are shown to user right beside the fault field. Besides you can send form result as a letter to any email. Form is protected against the cross site scripting attacks.
PriceUSD 14.90
posted bypaulvgibbsinForm Processors
PHP-Register is a PHP / mySQL application that allows you to collect details from a person before they are redirected to a different page.
The web site visitor must enter their details, name, location and so on depending on what you want to collect. Once they have completed the form, they click on the finish button which takes them to the destination page.
The application could be used where you have a trial version of an item of software and you want to collect information from people who are trying it out, or it may be used where you have a free download of a pdf or word file but require information for marketing purposes.
The admin user is able to enter a list of the fields which may be text, textarea, drop down, checkboxes or radio buttons with each having data validation..
PriceUSD 25.00
Fantastic eMail Form Pack
posted byGrigoriuAndreiinForm Processors
Contact forms?
If you ever wanted a website contact form that your visitors can use to send you feedback but you don't have the knowledge to build it from scratch,now you can get it easily for just $10:
8 eMail Forms
Different design to fit your website
Full Documentation & step-by-step tutorials
Because every website needs a contact form;
Just $10!
Clean and modern design;
Fully documented;
Valid PHP,HTML and CSS;
Easy to customize structure and code;
SEO firendly structure and coding;
Step-by-step tutorials;
PriceUSD 10.00
Contact Form Pop-up
posted byjb2386inForm Processors
Contact Form Pop-up is a Wordpress Plugin script designed to add a contact form to your wordpress website. It appears on every page in the bottom of the web visitors screen. When clicked, a contact form will appear.
Features include:
* Pops up when clicked
* Admin settings screen to configure
* Can position bottom right or bottom left
* Message sent to your email
* Social networking links
* Configurable border color
* Configurable label text
PriceUSD 10.00
World Countries/States/Cities (105,000 cities) database in SQL MySQL format + PHP JQuery Ajax Script
posted bymyip.msinForm Processors
We Provide sql Cities / States / Countries database (2013 year) in SQL / Mysql format for use in your applications. All cities / states / countries have their latitude and longitude filled for display on Google map. For example, on user registration page on your website.
Complete Ready to Use Cities Ajax Script for Website (Php/Mysql/Jquery Ajax/Html)
PriceUSD 50.00
Ultimate Contact Page
posted byjb2386inForm Processors
Ultimate Contact Page makes it easy to add a professional contact page to any Wordpress website. Its features include:
An AJAX contact form
* Formats your address to standards, so search engines including Google, Bing and Yahoo! can index your physical address in Google Maps
* Adds a Google Maps map to the page, with the ability for visitors to get directions to your location
* Links to Facebook and Twitter pages
* Displays opening hours in neat table (easily editable, too!), using standards
* Uses a shortcode to add the contact page to any of your pages in wordpress!
You might be wondering… what is Well here it is from the page:
Quote: is a collaboration by Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo! to improve the web by creating a structured data markup schema supported by major search engines.
PriceUSD 10.00
posted byklarkusinForm Processors
This PHP class can be used to display form field values
submitted by POST without additional markup in the HTML form
Question Forms
posted byaleksandrouinForm Processors
Question forms helps you create a set of questions with several answers along with number of points that every answer is valuable of. Results of a specific test can be sent via -email. Every question can be edited or deleted.
Online Form Builder for your website
posted byrishimodiinForm Processors
With Form2go Form Builder you don't need any coding knowledge to create form for your website. Its the simplest way of creating and managing form. Form2go Form Builder is 100% secure and highly reliable.
Key Feature :
(1) No Html or any programming knowledge required.
(2) Our Wizard will create the code and all you need to do is copy and paste to your web page.
(3) Immediate Notification When you receive a form.
(4) Your data is automatically backed up
(5) Additional information is stored in database - Date, Time & IP address of visitor.
(6) Everything works from our site.
(7) Send visitor to webpage of there choice after submission
(8) SSL Secured Submission
(9)Auto responder to reply your visitor immediately
(10) Captcha to avoid spam
- And Hundreds of other features.
PriceUSD 9.99
Contact Form Generator
posted byScriptDirinForm Processors
Create your own contact forms, feedback forms, online surveys or event registrations and get responses via e-mail.
Create Elegant And Beautiful Contact Forms Instantly
Complete Form Customization : every element in the form can be modified
Great Looking Forms : your contact form will match your website’s identity perfectly
Quick Setup : very easy to install, no database needed, upload your contact form and it will be ready to work!
Key Features:
Full Customization Of Your Form Design
Logo And Images : insert images in your contact form (upload available)
Drag And Drop Form Building Interface: create your form in a few minutes
Anti-Spam Protection : captcha system with 3 formats of available
Contact Forms Compatible With Android, iPhone And BlackBerry
PriceUSD 10.00
Simple Form Validator - PHP Class
posted byScriptDirinForm Processors
The main goal of this script is to help developers during form validation, surely one on the most hated operations that a webmaster has to do.
Fast Implementation
Validation process takes only few lines of code. You will validate a field just writing an easy array.
Validate Everything
Simple Form Validator by default can validate a large variety of fields: from the simplest text input to uploads and array.
Common Validations
require a field
Set the maximum and minimum characters allowed
Set the allowed or forbidden values
Match a field with another to (for example) verify a password
PriceUSD 6.00
Form Creator
posted byScriptDirinForm Processors
Completely AJAX driven with a fall back if JavaScript is disabled!
HTML5 and CSS3 valid forms for your website, create the form with the Form Creator and copy the provided code into your site.
Integrated human verification system if you wish so and you can create a form for HTML or PHP files!
jQuery/AJAX based html5/css3 forms
No coding necessary
Create select, radio, input and textarea fields
Individual Email Address for each form
Individual Thank You message for each form
HTML or PHP forms
Human verification system integrated
PHP Mail() for delivering the message
Language file based
PriceUSD 12.00
reForm - The Ajax Contact Form
posted byScriptDirinForm Processors
Plenty of pre-defined examples help you integrate the script the way you want it, whether database storage, csv export or submission to Google Spreadsheet. You can enable/disable any feature like IP inclusion, auto-responder etc in configuration files. Extending the reForm could be done via available plugin files, extend reform without changing core files!
IP Address: Include IP Address of user submitting your form and send it via email or store in the database etc.
Auto-responder: Send an email to the person who submitted the form.
Ban IP: Ban single or multiple IP Addreses.
Block Content: Block words and/or phrases.
Filter Inputs: Filter form input before being sent or stored.
Validation: Only take valid data as input, you can apply multiple validators to single form field.
SMTP or sendmail: Use SMTP Protocol for sending email or default sendmail program. The SMTP Connection testing script is packaged.
And more...
PriceUSD 6.00
Upload Script to create Gallery of Images and Audio files
posted byMarPloinForm Processors
This is a script to Upload images and audio files to create a Gallery of Images and Audio files (MP3), grouped by categories.
It is created with PHP, MySQL (using OOP technology, and PDO), and JavaScript.
Data of the uploaded files are stored in tables in MySQL database.
This script creates automatically Menu list with categories of uploaded files, Thumbails for images, and Gallery of Images and Audio files in accessed category.
In the upload form can be added multiple fields to upload multiple files on the same time.
FB Ajax Contact Form
posted byflashblueinForm Processors
It uses just one file to Validate, Process and Send the completed contact form to your e-mail address and a Direct Message notification to your Twitter account without reloading the page to validate or send the form.
100% valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. Ajax powered (no page reloads). Save your bandwidth!. Instantly notifies you via the Twitter Direct Message API as well as via E-Mail. Uses Javascript jQuery Fade transition. Very easy to integrate into any existing HTML or PHP page on your website.. The form style can be integrated into your existing website Stylesheet or you can use the Default Style. All fields have a validation script so you get the * required info you need. Improved Anti Spam "Captcha", are you human? verification.
PriceUSD 5.00
posted byw3easyinForm Processors
Contact form that can be used by the visitors of your website to send you a message.
The script comes with a clear, minimalistic design that is easily adjustable by revising the stylesheet file, but with the reload block and the security question it comprehends all the features a solid, secure contact form needs. The script comes with English and German language files. It is online configurable and a detailed installation guide helps you to put the script to your site in no time.
Contact Form PHP
posted bynevenovinForm Processors
Contact Form PHP script is very easy to install on your "CONTACTS" page.
- responsive;
- protected admin area;
- any language support;
- full control over fonts, sizes, colors widths and other visual elements;
- one step installation wizard;
- very easy to include into your "contacts" page - just drop a single line of code;
- select only the fields that you want to appear on the contact form;
- ability to set required fields on the contact form;
- sending attachments;
- limiting number of characters in the message text area;
- create a list of banned words, so you can stop unwanted messages;
- 4 types of captcha codes or without captcha verification;
- optional verification question for more security;
- receive messages on more than one email;
- all received messages are stored in database and admin is able to preview/delete them;
- address book included into admin area, so you are able to manage your contacts;
- full source code
PriceUSD 39.99