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Form Processors

Collection of commercial and free PHP Form Processors scripts. Form processors allow you to capture content from forms and post it to a database or email it you.
Results 41-60 of 243
Creative Feedback Form with Voting System
We have included 4 different color styles, although you can change them to suit your own website. The form was made so you can easily embed into any web page in a matter of minutes – even a user without knowledge of programming language will easily setup it on their own! FEATURES Lightweight inobtrusive script. Does not require any external library – even jQuery. You can use it on any site! 4 color sets to fit any design. Intuitive and firendly user interface. Extremely easy configurator – no need to edit any files to get it ready. Easy installation – just add line of code from configurator to head section of your file and you are set! No dependancy on any database – it works with plain files as a storage. Built-in captcha – anti-spam system. Detailed and designed installation instructions
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Unlimited Form Builder & Manager
Supports an unlimited number of form fields including File Uploads and HTML Emails. All configured within the feature packed administration program using jQuery, jQuery UI & AJAX features. Preview entered form information before submission. Form output including Preview & Completed pages are template based and are 100% customizable using a WYSIWYG editor. Unlimited Form Builder & Manager is your end solution for administrating and quick deployment for all your form needs. Features: Create Unlimited Forms Create Unlimited Outgoing HTML formatted Emails Unlimited File Upload Fields w/ Files Attached to Email(s) Drag & Drop Sort Order of Form Fields Form output from Templates. Create new Templates to Give Unique Design per Form Supports all Form Field Types + Custom Field Types (Email / Date Picker) WYSIWYG editor to easily customize Form Preview & Completed Pages ... and more!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.00
Quick Form Processing - CodeCanyon
With this script all you will need to do is provide some information relating to the form in the admin dashboard and then copy 2 line of markup to the page that has the form you want to process. It is that simple. This script would be ideal for a web design with very little programming knowledge or a developer that just wants to save time and effort. Features: Process and view data collected using forms without the need to write a single line of PHP code. The backend has its own user authentication system (login, logout, change password, and forgot password) for quick installation and to manage the forms’ processing. The forms are submitted using AJAX , so other than adding 2 lines of markup there is nothing else you need to change. Processing a form involves nothing more that copying and pasting a few lines of markup to the page. You can manage as many forms are you want from the one admin dashboard.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
Visual Form Builder - Beautiful Forms In Seconds
Each form has integrated client side and server side validation, and is compatible with all browsers (even IE6 ). Features: A beautiful and simple interface – Add fields with one click. Two built in themes – Easily add your own additional themes to the application. All major field type including HTML5 fields – Text, Text Area, Select, Radio, Checkbox, Password, File, Email, Number, URL , Date, and Range Client + Server Side Validation – Each form you create has client side and server side validation built in Powerful and simple validation options – The script will automatically validate HTML5 fields based on their type. And more!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
It saves you a lot of time building your RSVP forms. No design restriction, totally up to your own design. Feature: Add a few lines of codes to your page to turn any form to be a working RSVP form Build-in validation rules.(able to add your own validation rule too) Customizable error message layout Customizable success message View panel: Sortable columns View panel: Live(ajax) search on every feild View panel: Pagination
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
iPhorm - Simple yet Powerful Ajax contact form - CodeCanyon
If you need a simple contact form to put on your website iPhorm is sure to suit your requirements. It does everything without reloading the page which makes for a sleek user experience that is sure to make a positive impression when your visitors contact you.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Form Validation - made easy
The script can with ease be plugged in with existing HTML form code without drastically changing the HTML code. Or be implemented from scratch. The script also handles the population of input values for input fields, textareas, checkboxes, radio buttons and select lists if a default value has been specified and when a form is posted and returned to the user. This means the user never has to type in the same information twice when a form is invalid! The script comes with a bunch of predefined rules but how you want to validate each and every input in your form is all up to you. With custom functions you are able to hook up with the script and supply your own validation rules and error messages.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
It has four standard fields: name, email, phone number and message field and two other custom fields for your own purpose. These fields can be labeled in the way you want set, make fields required or optional and also remove any these fields that you don’t want to show. Also you can set up auto responder email, that automatically will send an email with desired message based on your purpose of contact form.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Webform Generator
Create secure HTML5 Webforms by drag and drop for free! Just drag and drop all kind of elements, rename and reorder them. You can even set individual validation for every element. Done! Download the complete sript for free. You will find the instruction for adding your email address in the source code.
(9 ratings)
Auto form class
This class can be used to generate HTML forms to manipulate MySQL table records. It can take a list of MySQL table fields and generate HTML for forms to select, insert, update, delete table records. The class can also perform given validations of specified fields and invoke given callback functions on certain form processing events.
(9 ratings)
Main features: saving data at fixed time interval, saving data before form submit, storing data in manageable queue, clear all saved data, read last saved data on form load, export and import forms data, display queue as a list of saved records, full integration with the uploadify jQuery plugin.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.00
ApPHP DataForm
It was especially designed for web developers, who do not want to spend excessive time on creating Forms in HTML or through PHP , but want to use a first-class OOP backend. Expandable structure, wise usage of common PHP -Patterns and continuous support make this a must for your PHP -swissarmy-knife. The PHP DataForm is an excellent tool for web developers who: Look for a small, smart and powerful form-creating tool Want to improve existing web applications Plan to use the power of OOP in new projects
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Easyforms - Generate Forms from DB
Forms and tables generated with Easyforms are flexible, allowing you to change field names and remove fields that you don’t need. They are also protected from SQL Injection attacks, allowing you to use Easyforms for any kind of form in any kind of web site. Features: Displays different form elements according to the MySQL data type – Text fields, Textareas and Drop-down lists. Allows you to remove fields you don’t need. Allows you to set custom labels on form elements. Protected from SQL Injection. Can be used to output databases as paginated HTML tables.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
PHP Contact Form with Captcha and jQuery Validation
This tool allows you to add a contact form with a captcha protection to keep the spam away and validates the form before submission. It's an AJAX contact form so you won't leave the page on submit.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
FormBuilder is a beautiful script for building self-validating AJAX web forms. It has a powerful configuration file, which allows you to create everything from a simple contact form to a huge customer survey without writing a line of HTML!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.98
Quick Form Processing
There are time when you might need a form that will primarily be used to collect data that will be saved for nothing more than viewing. This script provides you with a framework where you will not need to write any PHP code for processing such forms. With this script all you will need to do is provide some information relating to the form in the admin dashboard and then copy 2 line of markup to the page that has the form you want to process. It is that simple. This script would be ideal for a web design with very little programming knowledge or a developer that just wants to save time and effort.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
Basic PHP Contact Form Script
Collect User information from your website with this simple and straight forward contact form that uses PHP to process the form data and send as text to your email. Unlimited usage on unlimited sites. A great starter form script to get you up and running in no time. - Fully Customizable and Heavily Commented - Integrate Into Any Design or Theme WIth Simple CSS Changes - Full Support and 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
HTML-PHP-jQuery ContactForm v2
We are using jQuery to validate and submit the contact form. We used simple PHP and jQuery to create the captcha security image instead of the typical php script that uses gd library. You can now create a contact form in seconds with just few clicks.
(9 ratings)
iPhorm - Simple yet Powerful Ajax contact form
iPhorm is a simple yet powerful ajax contact form that you can easily embed into any web page in a matter of minutes. If you need a simple contact form to put on your website iPhorm is sure to suit your requirements. It does everything without reloading the page which makes for a sleek user experience that is sure to make a positive impression when your visitors contact you.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Contact Robot - Easy to use customizable form with captcha
A very easy to use customizable contact form with captcha code verification agasinst spam, you can easy place it on your site by pasting one line of javascript. Some features are: Captcha code verification against automatic spam Pre-scheduled autoresponders (afternoon, weekends, etc) Unlimited custom fields (Name, Phone, etc) Sender can pick receiver departments (support, sales, etc) Easy to be placed on your site, no programming skills needed Same form can be used on all your sites Update all contact settings without editing code on your site.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 2.99
Results 41-60 of 243