Form Processors
Collection of commercial and free PHP Form Processors scripts. Form processors allow you to capture content from forms and post it to a database or email it you.
Complete PHP Contact Form Package Bundle
posted byIntrigueDesigninForm Processors
Simple, contact form that uses PHP to process the form data and send as text to your email. Complete package to get all 8 scripts and save $50.00 as a bundle package deal PLUS customization and installation of any one script of your choice. Unlimited usage on unlimited sites. Includes ...
* Simple PHP Contact Form
* Flash + PHP Contact Form
* Form with Image Verification
* Form with Multiple File Uploads
* Contact Form with HTML Output
* Simple Send To Friend Script
* Save Data To Text File
* Subscribe & Sign Up Form
PriceUSD 29.95
Quick and Simple Subscriber / Sign Up Form Script
posted byIntrigueDesigninForm Processors
Need to collect names and email addresses in a quick and easy form from your website? Well now you can with this simple little php form script. Basically a stripped down version of the basic contact form script above, gives you just what you need to get a subscriber form on your website in minutes.
PriceUSD 9.95
Contact Form That Saves Data To File
posted byIntrigueDesigninForm Processors
Finally a quick and simple way to write form data to a file on your server to keep track of any and all form fields directly in a text file or excel database for mailing lists, contact lists or anything else you can think of. Perfect for one click importing to 3rd party newsletter email sending programs as well.
PriceUSD 9.95
Contact Form that Sends in HTML
posted byIntrigueDesigninForm Processors
Collect User information from your website with this simple and straight forward contact form that uses PHP to process the form data and send as HTML to your email and display html layout of user submitted information on the thank you page. Unlimited usage on unlimited sites. Download the standard script, or buy all 8 for only $30.00.
PriceUSD 9.95
PHP Contact Form With File Uploads
posted byIntrigueDesigninForm Processors
Need to collect file uploads form users to your site? This is the perfect small and easy to use form that allows for multiple files uploads to be saved to your server, and then emails you the links to those files with the rest of the user submitted information. User can upload up to 9 files at a time. Unlimited usage on unlimited sites.
PriceUSD 9.95
PHP Contact Form With Captcha
posted byIntrigueDesigninForm Processors
Simple, contact form that uses PHP to process the form data and send as text to your email. Complete with Image Verification "Captcha" to prevent spam. Users must correctly fill out the random verification number to send the form. Unlimited usage on unlimited sites.
PriceUSD 9.95
PHP Contact Form With HTML Output to Email
posted byIntrigueDesigninForm Processors
Collect User information from your website with this simple and straight forward contact form that uses PHP to process the form data and send as HTML to your email and display html layout of user submitted information on the thank you page. Unlimited usage on unlimited sites.
PriceUSD 9.95
Basic PHP Contact Form
posted byIntrigueDesigninForm Processors
Collect User information from your website with this simple and straight forward contact form that uses PHP to process the form data and send as text to your email. Unlimited usage on unlimited sites.
PriceUSD 9.95
Easy Form
posted bySitebaseinForm Processors
One of the most time consuming and hated jobs in webdevelopment is without doubt, creating forms.
Think about the many hours you spend creating contact forms that validated the email address or that upload form that only needs to accept jpg images that are smaller then 300 by 300 pixels.
With EasyForms we make an end to this. EasyForms is a PHP library that helps you create forms on a fast and easy way including input validation.
Together with the EasyForm library, you get 4 examples forms that are created
using this library:
PriceUSD 10.00
Simple Form Builder
posted byMattLowdeninForm Processors
If you’ve worked with forms before you’ll know that it’s a pretty mundane task from laying out elements to validating user input.
Form Builder allows you to create rich, robust forms easily. You can either build your forms from scratch using the detailed documentation or base them on the pre-built examples, provided.
Forms are created using simple arrays which define all aspects of both the form and your fields. Although you can create generic forms with just a few lines of code there is also the scope, for more advanced users, to delve deeper into configuring the form settings.
PriceUSD 8.00
International Online Form Manager
posted bychinkuinForm Processors
With this Online FORM-MANAGER you can manage and upload all the forms in your site with a single click.Add, Edit,and Delete fields dynamically.Create forms in multiple languages you want. Mail will be sent to the specified maid-id when the form is submitted.You can also enable any international languages you desire. This script of formmail is written in PHP with AJAX support.
PriceUSD 60.00
Contacular - dynamic PHP contact form script
posted byDivineOmegainForm Processors
Contacular is an open-source, object orientated contact form creation system for web developers. Contacular is pretty simple too, but also quite powerful. It allows you to quickly and easily make e-mail contact forms for your dynamic websites.
Get PHP Form mail Script for FREE
posted bysithuseoinForm Processors
Free PHP web based mail or email form scriptis a free utility software that is developed using php and javascript.With this utility you can provide a Mailing page in your web site. Web Based Form Mail script. Configurable Look and Feel - you can change the colors of background, text, form. Validation of user input for name and message. Admin option to create filters/block spam mails. You have option to change username and password.
Form Mailer Script PHP
posted bygeethaa26inForm Processors
PHP Form Mailer Script is the free web based mail or email form script. This a free utility software is developed using php and javascript. With this utility you can provide a Mailing page in your web site.
DFD Mailer
posted bytaoteh1221inForm Processors
DFD Mailer is an ajax-driven PHP form mailer, which allows you to add form mail to any static html file or otherwise, with only minimal code integration required. Major features include email and required fields validation, and CAPTCHA spam protection.
Secure PHP Form To Email
posted byAndrewsPHPinForm Processors
This is a Secure PHP Form which uses the latest PHP filters and validation. By default this script sends the form by email but it can be easily changed to input into a database. Version 1.1 also supports captcha technology.
posted byScriptDirinForm Processors
It’s very easy to integrate, you only need to load the form_builder folder to your site and it’s ready to be used. Just choose the fields that you want in your form, give it a name, a receiver email address, save it and that’s it.
PriceUSD 6.00
PHP Form Builder Class
posted byajporterfieldinForm Processors
Unlike the 2.x branch, version 3.x doesn't represent a complete rewrite from its previous version. In fact, most of the PHP code for creating and validating forms has remained unchanged in this new major version release. So, what's different?
The most significant enhancement is the integration with Bootstrap - a front-end framework from Twitter. Bootstrap incorporates responsive CSS, which means your forms not only look and behave great in the latest desktop browser, but in tablet and smartphone browsers as well.
Another enhancement in version 3.x is the addition of 13 HTML5 elements, which you can check out in our HTML5 example. HTML5 form elements and attributes improve your form's usability - especially on tablets and smartphones where data is inputted with virtual keyboards.
Contact form with Auto-reponder/SMS notifications
posted byScriptDirinForm Processors
There’s no need to pay extra cash for the sms notification service. It’s a completely free service that uses the “email2sms” gateway.
-Admin panel
-Improved Design
-CAPTHCA to prevent SPAM !
-Form Validation to prevent blank messages
-Script loaded with 60 mobile operators.
-Easy integration to your site.
-Auto-responder and sms notification can be enabled or disabled via admin panel.
PriceUSD 6.00
AJAX ContactForm
posted byScriptDirinForm Processors
Features include:
-AJAX backend (no page reloads!) Save your bandwidth!
-Uses Javascript jQuery Slide for an amazing UI, Try the Demo!
-Very easy to integrate into any existing HTML or PHP page on your website.
-The form style can be integrated into your existing website Stylesheet or you can use the Default Style.
-All fields have a validation script so you get the * required info you need.
-Anti spam, are you human? filter.
-Only 1 main option to configure (your email address) to make the script function.
-Integrated Animated Sliding Thank You / Success page.
-Integrated AJAX JS Sliding Error Messages, if fields aren’t correct or incomplete.
-Uses standard PHP server features for a no-hassle installation.
-Customisable email message that you receive.
-Customisable email subject.
-New! Submit phone number and digit validation.
-Not a fan of Javascript? Don’t forget to check out our Simple PHP Contact Form.
PriceUSD 4.00