Form Processors
Collection of commercial and free PHP Form Processors scripts. Form processors allow you to capture content from forms and post it to a database or email it you.
Security Image and Question
posted bykbaker4vinForm Processors
This script is a new and improved way of creating a security image to help prevent automatic submissions of forms. The script will select 4 common animals and give each animal a common name. Then it will ask a question about the animals. Humans will easily be able to determine the answer while computers will not. Enjoy.
Flash / PHP Contact Form
posted byPhineasbeninForm Processors
Very simple and easy Flash / PHP contact form can plugin to your existing flash file, or called externally using the loadMovieNum function. One line of code to edit (your email address), and your up and running in no time. Support and customizations are also available.
PriceUSD 10.00
Form2Excel and Mail
posted bydavedansoninForm Processors
Form2Excel allows sending every field of a form filled by a user, into an Excel file formatted as CSV and all the form data is sent also into an email... even the uploaded files!. This product is available as Dreamweaver extension form MX and later versions, so you can insert and use it without requiring hand coding or advanced skills. This way you can check and manage easily the data from your web site forms using Excel. The uploaded files will be saved into a folder on your web site and Form2Excel will include a reference from the CSV file to the uploaded files. The uploaded files will be also included as attachments into the email. No advanced configuration required, the fields from the form are identified automatically. Additional info is identified automatically and saved into the Excel file: country, IP, browser, useragent, server time and referrer.
PriceUSD 29.99
PHP Contact Form
posted byPhineasbeninForm Processors
PHP Contact Form is the perfect form to email script for any project. The script comes as a basic form for easy installation even for beginners, but is scalable enough for more custom, advanced applications.
Our Basic Contact Form is our most popular item, and comes with 2 files. The first is the html form to place into your web page. The other is the php file to process that information, send it to your email, and display the thank you message. All you have to do is edit the email address to send the form data to.
PriceUSD 9.95
Contact form with image verification (Captcha)
posted byadrianTNTinForm Processors
If you use a normal contact form then spammers will fond a way to automatically send junk messages through that form, so you need a way to verify that the sender is an actual person and not an automated script.
A good solution for this is to use an random code that is generated by a script the code will be displayed as an image so only a person could read the image and type the number. This practice is called Captcha image validation. The image also has a noise added to avoid any existent automated scripts that could read the text from the image.
The contact form also makes sure the user filled all the form fields correctly, when all fields are completed and the text entered inside email box is an email address.
posted bydavedansoninForm Processors
Form2Mail allows to email the info of any HTML form, including uploaded files that are sent as attachment into the email, along additional technical and geographical information about the user sending the form identified automatically. The additional information covers the user's browser, IP address, country, the page where the form is located (if sent as referrer), server time and detailed user-agent info sent by the browser. This script is packaged as extension for Dreamweaver, no hand coding and no programming skills required, all you need is to insert the script from the entry located in the Dreamweaver commands menu and all the process is carried out automatically. It�s easy to maintain and update, you can change your form fields at any time and Form2Mail will identify the changes and new fields automatically.
PriceUSD 29.99
A-1 PHP Form Wizard for Dummies
posted byFredericMenardinForm Processors
This script works like a wizard that takes you through the various stages involved in creating a PHP form, without having to know the PHP language. You just need to answer the various questions and the wizard will create the code for you.
You can add a Javascript validation to the form.
Finally, you can customise your PHP form with your favourite HTML editor, so that it suits your web site's colour scheme and style.
Summary of features
- First page checks the required server configuration
- Most fields now have detailed context-sensitive help with screen shots
- The form now allows you to redirect the user to a thank you page
- The final page allows you to copy the entire PHP form but also allows you to select separately
the PHP , Javascript and HTML part, for easier integration to an existing page.
PHP PopUp Form Mailer w/ IP Logging & Email Checker
posted bytechwizz78inForm Processors
This is a simple yet effective form based email application for PHP
A few features
a.) checks the senders email address format.
b.) displays users ip address so anonymous senders can't send you hate mail.
c.) places the senders ip address in the email message so you know where its from.
d.) pop-up box saves space by displaying a small box above your page.
e.) easy javascript close links allow user to close window after message is sent.
f.) checks all fields against blank data.
Programmed by Mike Koenig Email: [email protected]
PHP Form to e-Mail
posted byi2-ServicesinForm Processors
PHP Form to e-Mail is a do-it-all HTML / PHP Form Management solution developed with simplicity in mind. No longer do you need to create a separate HTML / PHP form file and integrate it with a processing script. Our powerful administration back-end allows you to create your form fields / questions, data logging, 3 optional outgoing e-mails, customizable preview and completed pages. Customize one template and create as many unique forms as you wish. Key features include customizable template(s) to match your site design, administration, recipient and third party e-mails, file uploading, file attachments, required fields, multiple page support, MySQL / CSV data logging, field syntax checking and much more! 4 layers of security to protect your forms (Captcha, Quickly Ban IP Addresses, no e-mails in page source & preview page not allowing single click forms spam-bots abuse).
PriceUSD 44.99
posted byPacman15inForm Processors
This contact form is protected against bots, without using a image verifications. Name, Email, URL, Website, Subject, Verification Word and message fields. Email checker function. IP log. Error Messages if fields are let empty, with error message customization. Easy to customize.
Zebra_Form, a PHP class for creating and validating beautiful, secure, and functional HTML forms
posted bystefangabosinForm Processors
Zebra_Form is a PHP class that simplifies the process of creating and validating HTML forms. Its object-oriented structure promotes rapid HTML forms development and encourages developers to write clean and easily maintainable code. It frees the developers from the repetitive task of writing the code for validating forms by offering powerful built-in client-side and server-side validation.
Zebra_Form has an integrated cross-site scripting prevention mechanism that automatically strips out potentially malicious code from the submitted data. It also prevents automated SPAM posts, out of the box and without relying on CAPTCHA by using honey pots.
Output can be generated either automatically or manually through templates (basic PHP files). When generated automatically, the generated output validates as HTML 4.01 Strict or XHTML 1.0 Strict and has the same look & feel across all major browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer (IE 6 included)
FormToEmail - Developer Version
posted byinfoinForm Processors is trusted by over 40,000 websites for a reason. One of the web's longest standing, easiest to use, and most reliable PHP form scripts.
It's very secure & easy to set up, just one file. Free, friendly support. Step-by-step instructions in plain English. Can process any form!
Features: Required fields. Attach files. Upload files to your server. Block or allow file types. Use email templates. Support for Securimage CAPTCHA, reCAPTCHA, textCAPTCHA, identiPIC photo CAPTCHA. CSV output to attachment or file. Autoresponder. Attach a file to the autoresponse. Set encoding. See sender's IP address. Block IPs. Block web addresses. Block rude words. Optional HTML output. Block gibberish (MldMtrPAgZq etc). Confirm email address. Pre-populate form. Show errors on form page. Referrer checking. Check for a cookie to block spambots. Redirect or HTML template for "thank you" page.
No Branding, Free Support & Upgrades for Life.
8 Years & Thousands of Satisfied Users!
PriceUSD 129.00
Micro Contact Form
posted byphptoys2inForm Processors
Micro Contact Form is an easy to install, nice looking PHP script which allows your visitor to send a message to you via email. The script check user input and only sends valid messages to you. You can easy change the error messages. The look and feel is realized by CSS for easy modifying.
Simple blog script
posted byb3nsp3akmaninForm Processors
I designed this blog system for
You can see it in action on the main page. It allows blog posts from verified users and comments from visitors. The data is stored in a SQL database. The script includes an admin section to edit or remove blogs or comments.
clonefish - PHP form generator class
posted bytrajicinForm Processors
A proven and mature PHP class aimed to aid the creation of professional self-validating input forms. - easy configuration using a simple PHP array - client-side + server-side form validation (cross-browser JavaScript and PHP)
- automatic form generation with customizable layouts (no need to type HTML)
- static and dynamic form input elements. Values for dynamic elements are retrieved from database queries (out-of-the-box support for AdoDB, Pear DB, native MySQL and very easy to extend)
- some very handy special element types (FCKEditor support, file selector and much more!)
- valid XHTML output, accessibility features
- templating support (eg. Smarty) by exporting the form elements to an array
- multilanguage support for outputting error messages or other information - entirely Unicode compatible
...and much more! A _useful_, non-expiring free version is also available!
PriceUSD 99.00
Form Tools
posted byBenKeeninForm Processors
Form Tools is a free, mature, and very versatile form management framework written in PHP and MySQL. Unlike other solutions, Form Tools is designed to be integrated with your own forms. It lets you store form submissions in a database, providing yourself and your clients with a wealth of tools for managing your form data. Option such as exporting your data via excel, CSV and XML, printer-friendly pages, data sorting and subdivision, email notifications and client accounts (with custom permissions) are all available "out of the box". But through Form Tools' module library you can expand the core functionality in whatever way you want, such as using Swift Mailer for auto-email notifications, "Submission Accounts" to allow users to return later to re-edit their form submissions and more. There's also an API to help you integrate your forms, a theme library and some rock solid documentation to help you get started. Check it out!
posted bycetbinForm Processors
Automatilcy build in PHP script complete HTML forms with JavaScript checking. Configuration of Form from XML files, like HTML, easy to use. Automaticly adding/deleting/updating DB, over phpXMLForm engine.
Views5034 - Secure Contact Form Antispam CAPTCHA
posted byquintiinForm Processors
This form adds anti-spam security features and CAPTCHA---
**** Invulnerable secure antispam contact form,
**** JavaScript field validator in php (to add multi-language variables or other variables)
**** Prevent spammers from using your form to send garbage, guaranteed.
**** CAPTCHA to avoid Javascript validated Spam
**** After JS validation, is validated in PHP - Double Validation.!
**** Easy to install and configure
**** Valid XHTML 1.1
**** Show user info: IP, Browser, Referral and Date
***** To quit link creator, form costs 30�
note: web and instructions is avaliable in 3 languages: Spanish, Galician, and English.
Form Contact 1.0 PLUS
posted bywarkiorinForm Processors
Our Form Contact 1.0 PLUS script will allow you to receive form data from your website. It supports the use of required fields and can send your visitors to a "thank you" page once they have filled out the form.
It can also send the visitor a personalized automated response, which can be customized according to the fields they fill out on the form.
Includes increased security from spam attacks via header injections.
AGTC-PHP Form Mailer v2.0a
posted bypolar1920inForm Processors
Easy to install using a user friendly install script, no HTML knowledge needed, its all self configuring, just add your email address and page title then simply add a link from your site to the script to make it work.
Secure form with spam check and form field validations with highlighted fields on errors to help the user know where they have gone wrong. Latest Version v2.0a