Image Galleries
Collection of commercial and free PHP image gallery scripts. These photo gallery scripts will allow you to showcase or sell your images, artwork or prints online. You will be able to setup categories/albums, do batch upload of images and add descriptions and tags to your photos.
Quick Gallery
posted bychiliwebinImage Galleries
Quick Gallery is very simple and free. No MySQL. Just put your images in image directory and that's all. QG automatically creates thumbnails.In config file, you can set number of images per page, width and height of small and big images.Images sorting.Good look.Now you can choose one from five skins.
posted bytaio1234inImage Galleries
You can run PiwiP (the PHP Scripts) on a php-server while the pictures are on another picture-server. It is essential that the picture-server allows directory-listing!
PiwiP does not use a database (like mysql). All comments/explanations (except this file and the GNU License) are in German.
A short introduction:
1. Be sure your picture-server has activated directory listing.
2. Be sure no index.html (or index.htm) is in the (sub)directory of the gallery-path on the picture-server.
3. You can use png, jpg, gif or bmp files.
4. Adjust the url of the picture-server ($initialurl) in piwip.conf.
5. Adjust the path of the include-directory ($includepath) in piwip.conf.
6. Adjust the path of piwip.conf in index.php and gallery.php.
Once installed it is for administrators very easy to expand the gallery, just create a directory with pictures on the picture-server (or add/change/delete some picture in an existing directory). The name of the directory will be shown in the html-output.
posted byCrashthatchinImage Galleries
PHPicture is a simple, extremely easy to set up and use, image viewer. Want to show your latest holiday pictures to your friends and family online? Need to display your artwork online? PHPicture can help
- Automatically generated thumbnail gallery
- Support for JPG, GIF and PNG images
- Auto-scroll slide-show mode
- "Full screen" mode
- Captions for every image
- Easy-to-replace skins
- mySQL not required.
JPG dump photo gallery
posted byfcharruainImage Galleries
Drag your photos directly from your digital camera, to your online gallery. jpg-dump-photo-gallery.php?b will take the jpegs in the source folder and make thumbnails and viewable images for you. jpg-dump-photo-gallery.php without the ?b will allow you to view your gallery. You may even change the row size and the number of rows that appear on each page, by altering the $row_size and $page_size variables. This script may not work if your images don't end in .JPG. If that is the case just modify the 2 glob function calls. For a large number of images, the script may time out.
posted byphoto-graffixinImage Galleries
Ideal for Photographers and Artists. Photo-Graffix Flash MultiMedia Gallery, display photos/video/swf online in an attractive - easy to use - modern - dynamic Flash interface.
3 views,descriptions, photo protection. Horizontal Menu System
Select Language Option
PayPal Cart option
Search function
Unlimited Images
Slideshow Feature.
MP3 Player.
Image "Viewed" Stats
Viewer Comment/Rating feature
Customizable look through administration panel.
Add and remove photos from browser. Multiple Upload.
drag and drop image sorting
Create/Delete Albums from browser
Unlimited Albums
Arrange Albums in a Specific Order
Change Skins
Change background/gallery colors
Watermark Images
Automated thumbnail generation (including videos)
Free updates
PriceUSD 20.00
posted bypappkameradinImage Galleries
phpAutoGallery is an auto-indexing image gallery that uses mod_rewrite to make the application fully transparent to the user. It has on-the-fly creation and caching of thumbnails, resized images (configurable sizes), and directory listing. It is easy to set up, fully customizable through the use of Smarty templates, and generates valid XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.0 code. It can overlay copyright/logo images on-the-fly and display information about images and directories.
posted byaboydinImage Galleries
PHPortfolio is a Web-based photo gallery tool that offers auto-generated thumbnails, meta data for photos, a search engine to query all that meta data, and a Word-like entry screen for adding formatted content without having to hand-code HTML.
posted bypipoinImage Galleries
Pigalle (PIcture GALLEry) is a slick web based photo album written in PHP 5. With Pigalle you can easily create and maintain albums of photos via an intuitive interface. A great combination of simplicity and powerful features!
You just upload your files to your server and Pigalle will generate thumbnails for images. Visitors can choose their preferred image resolution and images will get generated on the fly. Generated images are cached on the server's filesystem and all meta-information like album description, image information, and user settings are stored in a database system. A back-end administration interface helps to manage the files, edit the descriptions and so on, making it very easy and convenient.
As Pigalle is based on the Sourdough framework, you are able to use any of the following database systems for operation: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MSSQL, and many more coming up soon.
Ultimate Image Gallery Script - Photo Gallery
posted bysoftbizinImage Galleries
Quickly add a very smart photo gallery to your website with this most popular tool. Manage all images directly from admin panel. Many features like 1) Easy to setup 2) Very organized gallery multilevel categories 3) One click access to all image categories 4) Suggest photos feature 5) Customizable colors and graphics 6) Many customizable parameters 7) Image search 8)And lots more. Explore all power-packed features. FULL FREE ONLINE DEMO. Free installation and support. Download the script now!
LGR Photo
posted bylgrobertsoninImage Galleries
Easily create thumbnail galleries using LGR Photo. Script creates links to a larger photo, and can display EXIF comment information. Creates the thumbnail images for the JPEGs that are in the folders. The look is customizable with headers and footers. Comes with a default style sheet to help with presentation. Outputs valid XHTML. The script was designed to be easily intergrated into any websites look. The main feature of the script is it ease of use. Simply place it in the same folder as some JPEG images and it will create the thumbnails and links for you.
Requires: PHP 4, GD Libraries.
posted bycolininImage Galleries
FunkGallery is a very simple way to create an online photo gallery. It is very simple to set up and has an unlimited number of categories and galleries. It can auto create thumbnails (thumbnail size is configurable). You can add individual photos or import full directories. Visitors can also leave their comments. Can be configured so that visitors can upload their photos. Requires PHP and MySQL
posted bynatasabinImage Galleries
Yet Another PHP Image Gallery is a simple script written in PHP that uses de GD library and designed for keeping on a web your personal photos or image albums. Easy installation, visitors tracking, users can comment photos, no SQL required, web based admin tool, template system,slideshow, ftp or web upload well documented and multilingual (interface translated into more than 15 languages including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Swedish, Chinese...)
WSN Gallery
posted byWSN PHP ScriptsinImage Galleries
WSN Gallery can handle images, videos (with integrated flash player) or other media. It can also pull in youtube videos matching specified keywords or playlists and manipulate their thumbnails, or grab images from flickr or any other RSS feed. It offers unlimited custom fields, image resizing (both on submission and at display time, with the latter allowing you to show images at the size of the visitor's browser), slideshows, and numerous SEO options. Monetize the gallery with sponsorship. Use the member integration and personal albums to turn it into an add-on area for a forum. Translate into any language. Enjoy automated updates.
Also available as a wordpress plugin.
FlexPHPic Pro
posted byflexphpinImage Galleries
FlexPHPic Pro is a simple and free picture admin system.You can add multi-level sub-categories. Easy for internationalization.User s can search pictures and categories by keywords, browse pictures online as Acdsee, zoom in, zoom out or print the pictures, and add filter effect for pictures.Automatically generate thumbnails(GD library required).Low price customization service is provided.
LinPHA Photo Gallery
posted bylinphainImage Galleries
LinPHA is an easy to use, multilingual, flexible photo/image archive/album/gallery written in PHP. It uses a SQL database (MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLite) to store information about your pictures. It comes with a HTML-based installer, so you don't need experience in setting up SQL databases. Thumbnails are created as needed and stored in the SQL DB. It features complete user management, zip-album downloads, top ten statistics, hidden albums, web filemanager with upload capabilities, watermarks, printing, guestbook and much more.
posted bytamlyninImage Galleries
singapore is a flexible and professional-looking image gallery that does not require a database. Available in over 20 languages from Bulgarian to Vietnamese, it is fully template-driven which allows an almost infinite variety of presentation styles. Thumbnails are automatically generated using GD or ImageMagick and cached for increased speed. While it features a fully fledged web-based administration interface supporting multiple users with gallery read and write permissions, it is equally possible to upload and delete images and galleries using nothing more than an FTP client. It produces standards compliant XHTML and CSS output.
Gallery Script
posted byhotscriptsinImage Galleries
This script creates a gallery from a folder of images. Just upload a directory with pictures and thumbnails to your web server by FTP. No database is needed. It lists all the images in a directory and links them so they open in a 'viewer' window. The images are sorted alphabetically by default. A custom order can be defined within a text file. The script is able to count and display the image views as well as text captions.
The layout is template driven and easy to customize. The URLs are search engine friendly with only a qestion mark and a number (.../?42).
posted byhagan.foxinImage Galleries
Qdig is an easy-to-use PHP script that dynamically presents your digital image files as an online gallery or set of galleries. Qdig supports image captions and display of EXIF image metadata. The script can generate thumbnails and smaller versions of large images such as digital camera photos.
Qdig gallery pages have a compact, usable page layout that you can customize. The script may be run stand-alone or your galleries can be embedded within another page. A full-featured installation can be accomplished without shell access. Gallery management is easy, too; just use FTP / SCP from your desktop to manipulate your gallery directories.
posted bysoftwareinImage Galleries
A web based photo database built on PHP and MySQL. Supports adding photos one at a time or loading an entire folder. Streamlined interface for adding metadata about your photos. Stores a thumbnail of each image in the database along with extracted EXIF and IPTC data about each photo. Advanced search capabilities on all extracted and entered data. Version 4.1 adds internationalization support.
posted bypicKLEinImage Galleries
picKLE is an image gallery system created in PHP. It generates thumbnails and resampled images on the fly and caches them. It is made to be extremely simple to install/configure.