Image Galleries
Collection of commercial and free PHP image gallery scripts. These photo gallery scripts will allow you to showcase or sell your images, artwork or prints online. You will be able to setup categories/albums, do batch upload of images and add descriptions and tags to your photos.
Free PHP Gallery
posted byadrianTNTinImage Galleries
Free php gallery is a free php script that allows you to upload and display photos on your site in a clean elegant way.
Gallery features
Extremly easy to install on your website (just copy files)
No database required, categories are folders, photo title is the title of the photo file.
Admin can upload photos from web interface
Create, rename, delete photos and categories from web interface.
Select the cover for each category.
Select your own size for photos and small thumbnails.
You can regenerate thumbnails if you later decide to change their size.
When small thumbnails are clicked, the galery opens in a full-page mode where images are displayed at full size.
CSS3 Left to Right Sliding Slideshow
posted bytansikainImage Galleries
CSS3 slider slideshow effect script helps to display the image / picture from left to right with a caption effect.
PriceUSD 5.00
Gallery Personals
posted byrmemberinImage Galleries
Click on the Photo Links to the right and find your mate. The images are ranked and appear accordingly. Click on the Images to find out Poster's info. You can add or modify Photo Categories. For Example separating the Ladies/Gentlemen into Age Groups (Ladies - Ages 18-24, Ladies - Ages 25-32 and so on).
Members can upload as many images as desired.
You can also use this script (with a little modification) as a Adopt A Pet Site. I added Cats as a category.
Other uses include an pic site for photographer/artist. It's up to you.
Other uses include an pic site for photographer/artist. It's up to you.
PriceUSD 1.99
Curtain Effect Image Slideshow Script
posted byvickramhxinImage Galleries
A Simple jquery image slideshow script to create wonderful image slideshows with bottom to top curtain effects.
PriceUSD 1.00
MTP Advanced Image Gallery
posted byk900inImage Galleries
Welcome to the MTP Image Gallery
MTP Image Gallery offers more control, better uploading and enhanced performance.
With MTP Image Gallery you can easily create and maintain albums of photos via an intuitive, web interface.
1. Automatically generated thumbnails and sized-down images
2. Upload via the admin interface
3. Password protection for gallery and albums
4. Image rating
5. Dynamic albums: Generate albums from searches!
6. Highly customizable theme engine
7. Multiple administrataive users
8. Code generator for your own website
9. Basic ads system
And More
PriceUSD 49.00
Xoo Gallery - Powerful Responsive PHP Photo Gallery
posted byXooScriptsinImage Galleries
Xoogallery is the ideal tool for artists, designers, photographers, and anyone who wants to share their photos in an elegant and organized way. Easy to install, it adapts to any kind of website. Editing options include photo rotation, grayscale, sepia, and cropping. Plus, Xoogallery is now compatible with mobile and tablet browsers.
PriceUSD 9.99
Magicaddons Image Gallery module/script
posted byMagicaddonsinImage Galleries
The Magicaddons Image Gallery module is one in a suite of modules designed to bring your website up-to-date and give it a new lease of life.
Let you present your visitors with a gallery of images that is formatted and styled to compliment your website.
Visitors can click your thumbnail images and view larger images presented as a slideshow using the inbuilt lightbox.
PriceGBP 30.00
Dead Simple Gallery - with FTP upload & image caching
posted byDevothinImage Galleries
Upload some images to a folder on your FTP, add one line of code, and get a HTML list of image thumbnails linking to big image versions. Everything is cached and updated on the fly when files on the FTP change. Easily add Lightbox or other JS scripts
- manage images through FTP
- support for JPG, GIF & PNG
- images are scaled (or cropped) and cached automatically
- HTML title and alt attributes are based on image file names, e.g.: "cuteDog_photo.jpg" becomes "Cute Dog Photo"
- enjoy one line installation or add a few more lines and customize things like: thumbnail dimensions, thumb creation method (crop or scale), source folders, HTML or XHTML output type, etc.
Main goal of the script is to get you started in 5 minutes: put a couple images in a folder, copy one file and add one line of code to get it running. Then just add CSS and your favorite lightbox script.
PriceUSD 14.00
GChat Picture Gallery
posted bygchatinImage Galleries
Whether you wish to view your photo albums, send pictures as electronic greeting cards or draw on your images to add a personal touch, Flash Picture Gallery has you covered. Integration with PHP GD library is also fully supported.
PriceUSD 39.99
Lulz Pix
posted byPixelPredatorinImage Galleries
Lulz Pix is a script that allows you to make your own funny viral image website as it is very effective with social networks. Lulz Pix will provide free updates to everybody who buys the script off the website.
PriceUSD 20.00
daily comic script
posted byfrontandcover.cominImage Galleries
releases a new image or comic each day so you don't have to, makes it easy to post a daily comic or other daily image
Flippy HotViral – Viral Funny Pictures and Video Script
posted byflippyinImage Galleries
Create your own viral funny pictures and videos site with Flippy HotViral. Flippy HotViral makes it easy for you to manage and display all the cool pictures and videos. Use this great script to earn money with user driven content.
PriceUSD 30.00
PICA Photo Gallery
posted byappthainImage Galleries
Photo gallery is the best platform to store unlimited photos. The photo gallery when fine tuned with more attractive features such as slide shows, thumbnails and special effects enhances the image gallery and the website standards to next level.
PICA is a photo gallery extension which shows up your photos in an impressive and memorable way. The gallery extension easily organizes your large set of digital photos, edit images and create multiple albums. You can view the images in a full screen slide show view, giving the user a better website experience. The gallery extension facilitates to download the full-resolution pictures, Facebook share and Facebook comment for each photo. The PICA Photo gallery provides seamless transition between images catering proper attention to the website.
PriceUSD 49.00
jQuery Fullscreen Image Gallery WordPress Plugin
posted byflashblueinImage Galleries
Fullscreen flexible jQuery image gallery with deep-linking for WordPress sites.
Flexible jQuery image gallery for photographers who want an interactive gallery that users on all devices can see. It includes deep-linking for an enhanced browsing experience, and search engine crawling. Built for flexibility, it can even be used as a simple background changer for your current website.
Full ajax for admin system (The plugin settings page and custom metabox). Easy drag and drop to change the order of the images.
PriceUSD 12.00
posted byrockrockinImage Galleries
Modelbook gallery allows members to share photos. Easy to install and customize. Html based template system allowing easy to alter design layout. Members have profiles and photo galleries. Search features allow searching for optional profile context. Advanced buddy system allowing members to connect and chat live or send messages. Using the multilingual feature you can translate all menu items editing one file.
PriceUSD 100.00
posted byxemleinImage Galleries
phtagr is a PHP based photo gallery software and digital asset management to tag, browse and share your photos. Organize thousands of photos with embedded metadata. Never loose your work due standardized meta data like EXIF, IPTC, or XMP. Use advanced filters to enjoy a specific subset of your photo library. Search your media due meta data filter and find quick your photos: a specific vacation? Your best friend? An awesome sunset? Just one click away. See pictures on a map due geo tags or use the build-in slideshow in fullscreen. Further, control your files on the web server or install the gallery at home. Have full controll of our own beloved memories in original as many as you want! Just your webserver is your limitation! Share your pictures with family and friends due multiple user accounts and group-based access rights. phTagr is a perfect solution for your private cloud.
posted bysevi95inImage Galleries
easyImage is a new Image gallery and very easy to handle.
You just have to upload your pictures to your server and the script will handle anything else.
The features are:
- jQuery for UI
- Ajax backend
- In English and German
- Just upload your pictures
- Customize your design and settings
- Mod Rewrite URLs (optional)
Supersized Slideshow Silverstripe Module
posted byluisdiasinImage Galleries
Silverstripe CMS module to create an image gallery slideshow with
fullscreen background.
* Installation
Unpack the files in a folder called supersized
Run dev/build
* Usage
At the CMS add a new page of "Super Sized Page" type
At the "Options" tab set the parameters.
Add children pages of "Super Sized Image" type
At the "Image" tab attach both the image and the thumbnail
Pdf to Image web gallery creator and tools
posted byScriptDirinImage Galleries
The code you have to inlcude in your page is really simple and short (just 3 lines of code). You can fully integrate the script in sliders, gallery template, portfolio page and so on…
Imagemagick is necessary.
You can also use only the tools to work with pdf, converting them into images.
PriceUSD 6.00
posted bypmmorganinImage Galleries
The PMEvents software is web based system to enable customers to search for and purchase photographs of them participating in an event. Any event where the participants can be identified by event numbers or similar means e.g. running, cycling, motorsports etc.
type (gender, model etc.) and a third parameter (top, colour etc.).
Customers can search for photos by type (gender, model etc.) and a third parameter (top, colour etc.).and where available lists of participants can be imported to serach on names. Purchases their chosen photos via a PayPal cart.
The system enables the photographer to easily upload photos and catalogue them.
No programming knowledge and only limited technical knowledge is required to install the software as many aspects of the software are easily configurable by editing a simple config file.
V2.0 supports tailoring the labels, pricing separately for individual events plus multi-user cataloguing and options for integrating with existing websites.
PriceGBP 15.00