Image Galleries
Collection of commercial and free PHP image gallery scripts. These photo gallery scripts will allow you to showcase or sell your images, artwork or prints online. You will be able to setup categories/albums, do batch upload of images and add descriptions and tags to your photos.
Best Wallpaper Script
posted bytoniblueinImage Galleries
This is the only image platform that can truly give you the opportunity for managing your wallpapers in a professional manner. Wallpaper Script's simple design lets you highlight your unique theme. We've gone to great lengths to make customizations easier. Wallpaper Script comes with a great experience in wallpaper section and is the best recipe for having your own successful wallpaper gallery.
-Time saving search feature -User registration -Member section -Support for categories and subcategories -Password reminder 6 Web2.0 look & feel -Ajax star rating -Comments -Multiple resolutions support
-Web based installation -ADVANCED Bulk upload -URL upload -Contact page -Unlimited Categories and Subcategories -Ajax drag and drop friends management -Authors management -User management -Support for templates & theme editor -Automatic resize
PriceUSD 49.00
posted byNebulaSleuthinImage Galleries
phPhotoGallery is a simple, easy to use and install PHP based photo and video gallery program. It uses DHTML/javascript to give the viewer an animated photo browser. It also provides a simple tree control for browsing directories, a browser bar for navigating photos, and supports video directories as well as photos.The program automatically generates thumb nails for all your photos, and doesn't require a database. It scans directories of photos and videos in real time, so the user sees all the photos automatically. No "adding" process required. Simply upload the pictures and videos, and the users can immediately view them. The program doesn't get overly complicated and doesn't require complex configuration. Simply upload the program directory, your photos and videos, and you are ready to go. phPhotoGallery has a built in password protected admin control panel for changing common parameters, making customization easy. And best of all it is completely freeware.
plusPHP Desktop Wallpapers Multi-User Site Script
posted by3dominImage Galleries
All-in-one yet easy to use desktop wallpaper script allow to start profitable multi-user site there visitors may submit their wallpapers. Script has easy to edit ads zones with optimized placement to maximize revenue. Mass upload facility allow to generate unique pages titles (for search engines) from wallpapers file titles. Script automatically resize big files into lower resolutions so visitors may choose which size better suit their needs - up to iPhone resolution. Script has both textual and image watermark options, allow to delete images by submitter IP address or user's system ID, ban IP addresses, force e-mail confirmation. Comments, "my favorites" section (even for non-registered visitors), "best images" section. Script has automated moderation system based on visitors activity: users may downvote images and after certain amount of downvotes bad images disappear from galleries. Perfect solution if you don't have too much time to moderate site from spam
PriceUSD 49.00
plusPHP Photo Rating
posted by3dominImage Galleries
Photo rating script is all-in-one solution to start profitable web gallery or community there visitors may add, vote and comment images forming "my favorites" (even for non-registered users) and "best images" sections. Image database is searchable by tags, categories or just usual search interface. Script is heavily optimized for search engines and getting huge traffic from Google and Google Images. Easy monetization can be done without HTML editing or programming: site's interface allow owner to add ads codes into well placed "advertisement zones". Suitable bulk upload facility allows to add images in mass with automated titles creation + SEOed file names generation. Script has powerful protection from hotlinking (i.e. you won't lose traffic and revenue from advertising if direct link to your image will make it to first page of Digg).
PriceUSD 49.00
Scripteen Ajax Photo Rating Script
posted byScripteeninImage Galleries
Scripteen Ajax Photo Rating Script is a cute web 2.0 photo rating script with Ajax magic and the powerful administration controls you will have fun managing a photo rating website whether it’s for funny photos or personal photos or celebrity photos.
Sites of this type are hot and viral and get traffic quickly and with the help of the features of this script you will not find troubles getting traffic and make money from cpm ads.
Front-end features.
Ajax navigation and rating system.
preloaded with 2 web 2.0 templates.
Auto thumbnail generation on upload.
Photo sharing link for every photo.
“Top 5″ page to list most high photos.
Template system for easier layout customization
Secured rating system prevents votes from same IP.
Secured upload page with real time filetype validation.
Special file naming system that makes file names user/search engine friendly.
Send photo links to email with notification of approval / rejection.
PriceUSD 25.00
PHP Wallpaper Script
posted byrithishinImage Galleries
Wallpaper script is a script developed for the novices who want to be the part of the big wallpaper software industry but don’t know how to do that because they are not much technical and don’t know how to build such high quality wall paper site. So for such a greenhorn, wallpaper php script has been introduced by which not only he can build a wall paper script site but can maintain it also. The wallpaper site is powered by many wonderful features, where users can easily download wallpapers in different sizes, you can add unlimited desktop wallpapers to the site through admin panel, and you’re in full control over everything that happens on your website.
PriceUSD 59.00
posted bycartossininImage Galleries
Your website almost definitely supports PHP. It's everywhere. Just drop a bunch of images into a folder with the goodgallery file and you're done. It's that easy. If you want to make a change, just add or remove an image from the folder. Goodgallery keeps it all in order.
Thumbnail Maker
posted byH-FinImage Galleries
PHP script to resize images of create thumbnails for galleries in Web pages.
Process one image or a full directory at once.
The generated thumbnails are high quality, thanks to the powerful GD 2 functions.
Quick Photo Gallery
posted byadrianTNTinImage Galleries
This simple gallery will read all images in current directory and it will display them as thumbs, then you can click any thumb to enlarge the image on the same page. The title is taken form file name and it is included in the image alt and title tags.
Max's PHP Photo Album
posted byphpf1inImage Galleries
Max's Photo Album is a simple and easy to use PHP Photo Album. You can upload images to your webserver, add a title and description to your photos, protect image upload by passowrd and so on. The script uploads the image file and create a normal and a thumbnail sized images as well. Supports images up to 10Mp. You can configure where to store the files and the size of the images. Very easy installation, you only need to upload the files to your webserver and that's all. Changing the look of the script is easy as well using CSS.
posted bydanielatinImage Galleries
Put only one php-file into a webfolder which contains pictures and get a thumbnailed preview on the fly.
Caching will be done transparently if a writeable folder can be created. Otherwise pictures will be rescaled on-demand.
Micro Flickr Album
posted byphptoys2inImage Galleries
Micro Flickr Album is a small and simple PHP script which displays images on your site. You can select any tags, categories to get images from. Besides this you can easy change the number of images and the look and feel via CSS.
Image Gallery with auto-scan
posted bypszoppinImage Galleries
Image Gallery for PHP (v4 and up). Scans the target dir automatically. Sub-dirs can be included. Thumbnails will be created in custom sizes. Supports png, gif and jpg. Number of pics per page and number of pics per row can be adapted. Can handle large files, by creating the thumbnails of small copies of the pics. Each picture can be annotated by a custom comment. Comments can include variable like file-date, file-size and file-name.
Can support multi-language websites. Appearance can be adapted in many cases (by using css-classes).
The list of the images can be reverted, so that the newest pics come first.
Single File PHP Gallery
posted bysfpginImage Galleries
Single File PHP Gallery is a web gallery in one single PHP file. All you have to do is copy the script to any directory containing images to make a gallery. Sub directories will be sub galleries. Thumbnails for images and directories are generated automatically.
Single File PHP Gallery does not require any configuration or programming skills to use.
KoschtIT Image Gallery
posted bykkokusinImage Galleries
KoschtIT Image Gallery is a free and open-source image gallery PHP-script. It can be used to add image galleries to existing webpages very easily. The appearance of each gallery can be individually customized. The only prerequisite for using the script is PHP5 with GD2 support. The pictures aren't displayed in an extra window, instead they are opened directly on top of your HTML document. Therefore your website background gets shaded.
There is also an admin panel, which enables the site administrator to write picture comments and edit gallery settings. Gallery visitors can write viewer comments to any picture. Navigation via keyboard is available too. More features are: slidewhows, automatic thumb generation, image to window size reduction, image preloading, previews for the next/last picture, show geotagging information (via EXIF)...
Max's Slideshow
posted byphpf1inImage Galleries
Max's Slideshow is a simple PHP based photo slide show script using Javascript as well. The installation is very easy, you only need to upload it to your web server. Afterwards put your images into the images folder, set the slide show size if required and it's ready. No special requirement, only PHP is needed and Javascript on the client side. The script uses CSS so changing the style is very simple. An example code is attached to the installation package.
JV2 Quick Gallery
posted byjv2jv2inImage Galleries
Simple to use gallery which is quick to install... all you do is drop the index.php in your gallery folder where your images are. Supports multiple levels, includes css styles and graphics as well as JS overlay to view the images - all in one file. Automatic thumbnails, cropped or normal. Albums can have an auto thumb of several images. Also included is an admin area which you can use to add titles and captions to photos. You can also let the titles be created from the file names. Has multiple layouts and themes. Check out several demos through the site.
PriceGBP 5.00
posted byjakezinImage Galleries
The most user friendly gallery generator you'll find. Create thumbs in seconds and have the script create your gallery page based on your template all in less than a minute. Very useful for babe blog type sites, celebrity sites, or any other type of site which requires creating many types of image galleries quick and easily. Each gallery is created based on your custom template. Installing only takes a few minutes.
PriceUSD 20.00
Kmita Image Gallery
posted bykkeinImage Galleries
Kmita Image Gallery, an image gallery script, easy to install , use and manage. Features like Unlimited images, unlimited multilevel categories, Auto thumbnail creation, Water Mark copyright mark, bulk upload from your images folder on your server, template driven, user rating, count views and lot of exciting features. All this in just a FRACTION OF COST of other scripts. Manage using Kmita Admin. Installs directly over HTTP to your server. Sets up in minutes. No Modifying code files, all done using ADMIN PANEL. The script runs using Language file and you can change the language of the script to any language you want French, German, Spanish. Kmita Image Gallery is easy to use and manage. It is covered by 30 days money back guarantee. Come, give it try, we are sure you wont be disappointed.
PriceUSD 19.95
No Database Gallery Script
posted bycodemeinImage Galleries
Do you have a website that needs a gallery but you are looking for something easy to setup? No Database Gallery Script is extremely easy to integrate into an existing design. It uses absolutely no database and it is as easy as dropping it into a directory with some images and letting it do its magic. ** No Database Needed ** Easy To Integrate ** Lifetime Updates ** Have your images link to a HTML or PHP file, if not, you can link directly to the image to display the image at its full size ** You specify the size you want the thumbnails ** Free Installation by our support team upon request **
PriceUSD 4.95