Image Creation
Ajax Image Upload With Preview
posted bythescripinImage Creation
Ajax image upload with preview is an ajax file uploading system that allows you to upload your pictures to the server with hability to resize or downsampling when uploading. It has two types of browsing the images, by file browser or by drag and drop and the image that will be uploaded is previewed before sending.
PriceUSD 14.00
PHP Text Image Class - CodeCanyon
posted byScriptDirinImage Creation
A simple to use replacement for something like the Javascript cufon library when Javascript is not available or a lightweight and fast replacement for Flash based text.
You can use it anywhere you can embed an image. Your seeing it in use right now!
PriceUSD 3.00
CF TextImage Class
posted bycodefutureinImage Creation
CF TextImage Class is a small but useful php script that can generates a image from a string of text using a True Type Font (ttf). This script has some simple uses such as a replacement for Javascript cufon library when Javascript is not available, a replacement for Flash based text or displaying a email address that cannot be programmatically found. This can help to reduce the possibility of your email address being picked up by web crawlers and used for junk mail.
CSS sprite class
posted byar2rsawseeninImage Creation
This class can be used to generate sprite images and CSS to use image styles to use the sprites in Web pages.
It can take a list of images and generates a single sprite image with all the images inside.
The class can also generate CSS style definitions to use in Web pages that need to use the images from the generated sprite image.
QR code generator class
posted byar2rsawseeninImage Creation
This class can be used to generate QR Code images using Google Chart API.
It can send an HTTP request to the Google Chart API Web server to request the generation of a PNG image that represents the QR code graphic for a given information snippet.
Currently the class can request the generation of QR codes for information snippets of types: bookmark, text, SMS message, phone number, contact information, e-mail message, geo-location, WIFI access, i-appli metadata or abitrary content-type.
The generated QR code image can be returned as a string, served for download or returned as an URL string.
Create square thumbnail of an image
posted byadrianTNTinImage Creation
Sometimes listing more images and align them properly in your list or layout might not be so easy, because the images very often have different sizes and proportions; A good solution is to create square images with same proportions.
With this function you can create a square thumbnail of an original image by a simple code like this:
- First parameter is the name of the image file to resize (can be jpg, gif, png).
- Second parameter is the path where you would like to save the new square thumb, e.g. "sample_thumb.jpg" or just "NULL" if you do not want to save new image.
Folder whre you save image has to be writable, "777" permission code on most servers.
- 200 is the size of the new square thumbnail.
CSS Auto Sprites
posted byScriptDirinImage Creation
The one major drawback however is maintaining the images and recompiling and uploading every time one of the sprites changes.
CSS Auto Sprites changes all that by automatically building the CSS sprite image from files in a directory as well as generating sample code or live minified (and Gzipped) CSS for you to use.
If you want to change one sprite, you simple replace it in the directory and the sprite and CSS is updated automatically. Don’t need an image any more, then just remove it and again everything is updated.
PriceUSD 5.00
Turnkey Logo Maker
posted bymali75850inImage Creation
Instant online logo maker script. Requires PHP enabled server with GD library and .htaccess support on server.
Main features include: Makes beautiful glassy style fonts with alot of options to customize the logo according to the need. Easily add new fonts and new icons just by uploading fonts and icons in folders, website updates itself. Easily to install guide, plus free installation support and free installation (if required). Easily to add your own banner advertisement codes at the top and bottom of websites. Easily customizable template. Website itself comes with 2 built in templates. SEO optimised for better search engine ranking. Compatible with all major browsers. 100% money back guarantee for installation issues.
PriceUSD 45.00
Ip Displaying Image
posted bySonniE240inImage Creation
Ip image is written onto an image and displayed, easy to edit.
LightBox PHP
posted byScriptDirinImage Creation
You can use it to allow a client to preview, and eventually download a series of shots and to choose and download only the ones he likes.
No thumbnails or preview files will be created into the source directory because the script generates them on the fly.
Just one line of code setup! no programming skills are required! Blue and Dark themes provided but easily customizable for suit client’s requirements.
PriceUSD 8.00
PHP Rounded Corner Graphics Generator Script
posted byschwarzennegerinImage Creation
This PHP code sample uses GD library functions to generate rounded corner graphics. The script allows you to specify corner radius, corner color and background color and generates the graphics in GIF format. Use this script to dynamically generate rounded corners that blend nicely into your HTML/CSS design.
Banner Builder v1.7
posted byphpmyinstallerinImage Creation
A Simple To Use & Install PHP/Flash Script That Allows Anyone To Create Amazing Flash Banners In A Few Clicks.You can use this technology for any site in any niche or industry anytime. There is no limit on how many stunning banners you can create! Check the Online Demo to generate some samples yourself
PriceUSD 27.00
posted byinfoinImage Creation
Use this software to generate banners or other images on-the-fly, using JavaScript and PHP. It's experimental and still in an early stage of development, but it offers some nice features already:
* Image size and background color can be modified.
* All image contents are treated as objects that can be modified separately.
* Supports 5 different object types: text, ellipse, triangle, rectangle and image.
* Contains 14 fonts.
* Size, background/line color and opacity of objects can be modified.
* Horizontal and vertical margins/alignments of objects can be modified.
* Supports object rotation.
PHP Text to Image Converter
posted bymbmurrayinImage Creation
This script is a means to convert a string of text into an image (PNG files). This has some simple uses such as displying text such as email address that cannot be programmaticly found. This can help to reduce the possibilty of yur email address being picked up by web crawlers and used for junk mail. You can modify the font color, font size, rotation, background color and whether lines go through the text.
PriceUSD 9.95
PHP Button Maker 1.2
posted byAli ImraninImage Creation
A PHP 4 based Dynamic Button Generation script by
It makes buttons instantly using custom Windows True Type Fonts (TTF).
It is extensible and new button styles can be added to it as well
as new fonts can custom also be added.
Users can select to use among uploaded fonts, and set custom color for the button.
Plain files and folders makes is so easey for webmaster to manage
entire application and update it through FTP.
Following components are necessary to be present at your server:
PHP version 4.x.x or higher
Latest GD2 extension compiled with function "imagettfbbox"
PriceUSD 10.00
Text to PNG Script (
posted bynograyinImage Creation provide webmasters with the ability to convert their website headlines and navigations to PNG images automaticlly. The process is very simple and automated, it works by adding a small JavaScript file and selecting which tags to replace. The purpose of this script is to ease editing graphical headlines and navigations. For example, you can change the headline in Photoshop, optimize and save the image and upload it to the server to update a graphical headline, or just change the headline text in your HTML file and the image will automaticlly update.
PNG creation tool
posted byalexbalininImage Creation
A tool to draw PNG (ICO) from a browser
A test version of PNG for creating online pixel. Future versions will be possible to preserve and exports PNG in ICO
How to make a Dynamic Image
posted bypapafaceinImage Creation
This is a useful way of creating images that change depending on variables processed within your code.
Tuney MSN Display Picture Generator
posted bytuneyourwebinImage Creation
This script allows the user to select from a predefined list of MSN Display pictures in either JPG or PNG format and add there own text to it. This can be used for any AVATAR creation but was specifically designed for MSN display Pics. Requires PHP4+ and GD Library.
Favicon Generator
posted bymaxiscriptinImage Creation
Create page icons(favicon.ico) with Favicon Generator, instantly make custom Favicons for your website.
* Favicon can be generated from gif, jpg, png and bmp images.
* Script creates favicon that is compatible with Internet Explorer, Firefox and other Mozilla based browsers, Opera.
* Script creates transparent favicons with transparent png or gif file.
* Direct download of all generated images via browser right after creation.
* List Last 20 generated Favicons.
* Using smarty template, easy to change interface of website.
* Configuring Cron job script to delete generated files from your website.
PriceUSD 30.00