Image Creation
PHP True Type
posted byinfoinImage Creation
Never be shackled down by being forced to use standard web suitable fonts again. This light weight script allows you to display any text in any true type font on your website by converting the text to an image on the fly. PHP True type supports transparent, or coloured backgrounds, font colours, font sizes, maximum page width and text alignment. The script will also automatically insert line breaks if the text exceeds the maximum width specified.
PHP True Type is the ideal solution for displaying barcodes online, and is supplied with a set of free barcode fonts.
PriceUSD 10.00
PHP PSD reader
posted byKingsquareinImage Creation
Read .PSD files (Adobe Photoshop Documents) using only PHP4 or PHP5 and GD. comes with imagecreatefrompsd(- function that returns an image handle just like the native PHP imagecreatefrom functions; The script supports documents from Adobe Photoshop 3.0 up to version CS3, where compatibility has been enabled. Class is also usefull for retrieving basic data from Photoshop document.
You can use this script for a portfolio gallery or to see the contents of a .psd - file where Photoshop is not available...
See phppsdreader for a demo and the latest version.
Rockin Rounded Corners
posted byibdscriptsinImage Creation
Rockin' Rounded Corners is a free tool you can use to 1) Add rounded corners to any elements on your web site, or 2) As a tool you can add to your site that your visitors can use. It's really easy to install, and as simple to use as we could make it. Choose from 18 different rounded corners styles.
GD FontMaker
posted byuser24inImage Creation
Allows you to create your own custom GD fonts for use with PHP's ImageLoadFont function. check it out.
Gitme Anti flood
posted bymavicininImage Creation
This anti flood code will add a piece of graphical-text on the registration form and user will have to copy into a text field the process can not be done if the code is wrong and it produce new security code when come back.
posted byrcgabrielinImage Creation
Ever thought pure CSS layouts were too boxy? Many CSS techniques are floating around the web to do rounded corners, but all of them rely on static images that have to be hand sliced, or are browser-specific. PHPCorners gives you the flexibility of CSS3 borders with today's browsers. You can now define beautiful, professional looking rounded borders without touching an image editing program, and with just a couple lines of CSS.
This PHP script generates a GIF for each of the corners of a rounded box using a specified set of inner and outer colors, border thickness and color, inner and outer radii (for elliptical corners). The images are smooth and anti-aliased, and otherwise identical to hand-crafted rounded corners, but with a fraction of the work, and far better maintainability. Several CSS/HTML examples are included to illustrate use.
Display visitor's IP Address in a graphic
posted bymvanderinImage Creation
Display a visitor's IP Address in a graphic on your website pages (or any other pages) with this simple PHP script. This script makes use of the GD image tools. Can easily be changed to match whatever colors you wish.
posted byinfoinImage Creation
OIC (oh i see) Online Image Converter is an onlime image proccessing facility for PHP compatible web servers. This will allow users to
upload a picture to the server and have it processed into another format.