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Image Manipulation

Results 21-40 of 92
Great script to use for your website. Many visors are looking for an easy way to edit their images and that's what your website using this script will offer them. Upload single images or multiple images in a zip archive, resize them all at once, add watermarks and convert to jpeg, gif or png. Features: - resize images to common sizes or enter your own size - Watermark images. - Watermark transparency - Watermark location - Watermark size - Convert images on the fly to jpg, gif or png - Select images quality
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.99
Image Watermarker Script
Watermarker Script (class) enables you to easily watermark your images requested on the fly or watermark your images/uploaded images and save them to a directory, this package includes three usable/helpful examples
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Image Butler
Most of the templates on Theme Forest make use of the fancybox jquery plugin to create wonderfull image galleries. These galleries requires a full image and a thumbnail, and generating those calls for some work. Image Butler make this process easy, fast and almost automagic.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Easy Image Edit
This PHP image editor class is a small, yet extremely powerful script for you to do those boring time consuming batch editing tasks without any hassle!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
anySize - Caching image resizer
When you request an image the first time the result is stored in a cache folder and all further requests use that cache. Image file updated and re-uploaded? No need to flush the cache; everything is automatically taken care of! Want to define the size of your “thumbnail” image? Want to add a “megaawesome” option so you can request images/image.png?s=megaawesome ? Want to disable arbitrary resizing (options 4 & 5)? No problem! Everything is set up in the first few lines of the code using intuitively-named variables. Works out of the box but is extremely easy to customize.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
-supports gif, jpeg and png images (with transparency) -images can be stretched, fitted or cropped -uses mod_rewrite to work across any subfolder -images don’t need to be moved to a resize folder -resized images are cached for efficiency (with automatic cache clearing) -fully documented and supported
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
GeoRhino Geo-Targeting Image Script
Using the script installed on your server you can easily create great looking Geo-Targeted images in just minutes! Display the surfers, city, stats, zip, or even nearest college! Works anywhere .jpg images are accepted. Over 20 different fonts to make the most REALISTIC looking fansigns, or geo-targeted ads around!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 118.37
Favicon Generator Deluxe
Favicon Generator Deluxe PHP Script - More advanced php script that allows you to easily add a favicon generator script to your website. With the Favicon Generator script you can allow your website visitors to generate their own favicon for their website. This script will generate a favicon in .ico format as well as a png 16×16, png 32×32 and png 64×64. The script also includes an option, configurable via the config file to allow the use of a database to keep track of the latest generated favicon’s as well as keep track of how many favicon’s have been generated. The script is fully customizable to tailor to any existing website.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Favicon Generator
Simple php script that allows you to easily add a favicon generator script to your website. With the Favicon Generator script you can allow your website visitors to generate their own favicon for their website. The script is fully customizable to tailor to any existing website. See a working demo here: http://www.chris-fletcher.com/uploaderform.php Requires ImageMagick
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Watermark Your Images with another Image Using PHP and GD Library
The article along with complete code demonstrates the use of GD library to watermark images on the fly. The method demonstrated here to watermark an uploaded image is to overlay the original image with another image, preferably a transparent PNG image.
(9 ratings)
Gradient Image Generator
Generate background gradient images for css designs with this PHP script. The Gradient Image Generator lets you quickly create gradient images to use in your css designs. Common uses include for navigation bars, or for adding a gentle fade on your web page background into the actual background colour 3/4 or more down the page. After creating the gradient image, right click on the image, and "save as" to your computer.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
PHP Email Signature Generator
Email Signature Generator is a PHP script which allows you to create a signature image from some of you favorite email providers. Choose your email address and the text color to super impose on the image. Thats it! Emails providers : * AOL * Google * Hotmail * MSN * Yahoo
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Flip Photo Album
There are many sites in which users upload photos and videos. And they are getting their uploaded images and videos in manageable form. There are many formats available online to show your media some time we think that the presentation of our media should be same as we arranged our photograph in album. Apart from this for to manage your Photo you need to go some different website and for video you need to go some other, to resolve the issue Truworth provides you the solution, ”Photo Album” is an online photos and videos presentation product. You can upload your images and videos and customize your presentation in photo album module.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 300.00
Automark is a FREE simple script to automatically add a watermark to your images- no extra work, no extra tags, and no database is needed! Simply upload your images to your Automark directory, and the script will do the rest! Automark can also automatically ignore certain images, for example, your thumbnails. Best of all, it's absolutely FREE!
(0 ratings)
Bulk Image Converter
A simple web application that allows user to easily convert one or more images by uploading an image or a zip archive of images from their computer. Users can resize multiple images at once, add watermarks to their images and convert images between jpeg, gif and png formats before downloading their converted images in a zip archive. The script does not require any databases and can be configured by editing a simple configuration file. Adsense or other ad code can be integrated by copying and pasting the codes into the configuration file. A single license purchase includes free updates.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
is class can be used to perform image manipulation operations with the ImageMagick program. It calls the ImageMagick program passing parameters to process several types of operations on image files. Currently it can resize images, create thumbnails, darken or brighten images, adding watermarks, rotating, flipping, cropping, add a "polaroid look" to images, converting to grey scale and inverting colors, draw text and create thumbnails of pdf files and video.
(9 ratings)
Simple Image Resizer
This class to resize an image from bigger to smaller size, supporting many image format such as PNG, JPG, and GIF. This class useful when we want to upload an original image and make it thumbnail view on your site which has best result thumbnail image, without reducing the quality from original image. Easy to use for a beginner.
(6 ratings)
Dynamic PHP Image Consolidator
I've been trying to improve performance on my site by minimizing the number of round-trips to the server to retrieve files. I've found scripts out there to dynamically merge css files and javascript files into a single download, and I wondered if something similar could be done for images... Interestingly, I accidently discovered that youtube does exactly this by merging a bunch of their images into a single file, and then dynamically plucking them from this 'image menu' using the css background scroll. Cool, you say? That's what I thought. I threw this script together by merging a variety of other scripts I found on the net. Enjoy. Just drop it on your server, and pass the relative path of the directory you want it to draw files from --- here's an example: http://www.yourserver.com /combine.php?dir=/images/ Note: it will filter the files -- will only read .png .gif and .jpg (or .jpeg), so you don't ahve to worry if you have other files types in that directory as well.
(3 ratings)
PHP Image Resize on the Fly!
Tired of building applications to size images over and over, well look no more, this single php function will create any sized thumbnails you need. Its just a simple script to place inside of the src tag that does the magic. With one line to configure you will have no problems setting it up for use. Image caching is also improves speed and efficiency, and the best thing is that it is FREE!
(0 ratings)
EasyPhpThumbnail Class
The EasyPhpThumbnail class allows you handle image manipulation and thumbnail generation for GIF, JPG and PNG on-the-fly. The class is FREE for open-source projects, 100% PHP based, available for PHP4 and PHP5, is easy to use and provides lots of functionality such as resize, crop, rotate, flip, save as, shadow, watermark, text, border, filter, twirl, water ripple and more!!
(27 ratings)
Results 21-40 of 92