Image Manipulation
ProtecZoom Image
posted byjkbeldeninImage Manipulation
ProtecZoom's viewer is written in PHP and is purely Java based and the most advanced magnification display available on the Internet today. It is designed to work in all major browsers, with any GIF, JPEG or BMP image. Use it to link to multiple images on any page anywhere on your site all from one applet. Great for museums, or detailed image analysis.
PriceUSD 149.00
Square Images (Flickr Style)
posted byjoeshacksinImage Manipulation
Looking for a php script to create the square style thumbnails that flickr uses? Look no further, this is a very easy php script using ImageMagick to convert and save your squared thumbnails. Easily integrates into existing code, you'll be up and running in minutes.
Get image's DPI using PHP
posted byantidiansastroinImage Manipulation
This is a simple function I wrote to get a DPI (dot per inch) value from an image using PHP only, without the need of ImageMagick nor GD library.
Watermark Image with Text
posted byzubraginImage Manipulation
Watermark images with custom text. TTF fonts supported. A simple approach to put a copyright notice or company name on the image, thus protect it from stealing. Package contains code for watermarking all images in a folder.
Watermark Image
posted byzubraginImage Manipulation
The script will watermark image using another image. A simple approach to put your company logo or copyright notice on the image, thus protect it from stealing. Includes script for watermarking all the images in a specified folder.
HLogoZ Lite!
posted byGorkfuinImage Manipulation
HLogoZ is a holiday/date logo/image changer web application written in PHP.
HLogoZ will check the date and time on your web server and automatically change your logo to the specified logo for several different holidays.
Choose to display, image flash or text.
We also have a plugin version available for WordPress.
Graphic Content Management System
posted byBoricuaLayzinImage Manipulation
Tired of updating a web page every time you want to add a graphic to your collection? Well your fuss is over, BoricuaLayz is introducing a New, Revoultionary, User friendly Content Management System GCMS.GCMS is a Unique CMS that uses MySQL database & flat-files. GCMS lets the admin upload graphics, put them into categories, then show one or meow categories on a web page. GCMS is affrordable to everyone & anyone.
PriceUSD 14.00
Water Marking an image
posted bylinkstrafficinImage Manipulation
Using few functions such as imagecopymerge from the GD library, we display an image on top of an original one.
There is a live demo available.
PHP Ip Image Script
posted byremygp17inImage Manipulation
A very simple but powerfull PHP Ip Image creation !!!! Image layout customizable.
Resizing an Image
posted bylinkstrafficinImage Manipulation
This script uses the gd library to resizes an original image and saves the result into another jpg file.
There is an online demo.
posted byflobiinImage Manipulation
This class can be used to read and write icon images to files in the ICO format.
It can parse ICO files and extract individual icon images into PHP GD image resources.
The class can also merge ICO files and add new images to an ICO file.
It supports all icon image sizes from 1 x 1 to 255 x 255 pixels and bitmap depths of 1, 4, 8, 24, 32 including transparency.
posted bygasper_kinImage Manipulation
WideImage is an object-oriented library for image manipulation, written in PHP 5. It focuses on ease of use of the most common image operations. It provides a simple and unified way to loading and saving images from/to files, strings, database, uploads and URL addresses. Supports the most common image formats.
posted byultrasineinImage Manipulation
This class can be used to optimize images to fit within a given file size limit.
It takes a picture in any format supported by the GD library and generates a JPEG picture with the maximum quality factor that makes the picture file size not exceed a given limit.
This class is similar to the JPEG Reducer class. It uses the binary search algorithm to reach the ideal quality factor in the smallest number of iterations.
The class stops searching when a given number of limit iterations is reached or when the quality factor difference between the ideal and the found values is less than the configured precision value.
Favicon generator php script
posted byjailbird2inImage Manipulation
With our Favicon generator 1 php script you can generate a favicon from a picture, logo or other graphic of any size or resolution. This is online tool that simplified the creation of favicons using a regular image without requiring any additional edits to be done. This is pure and powerfull webmaster tool. And the best of all, this script is very rare available for purchase. Do not miss it! Offer it to your visitors and they will come back for more! You will receive huge amount of traffic just by offering favicon generator as a free tool! You can offer favicon generator as an paid tool from members area on your site also!
PriceUSD 24.00
Image Snapshot
posted byjc21dotcominImage Manipulation
Inspired by's image management, Image Snapshot can take a portion of an image (crop) to specific dimensions, from different areas of the original image.
This class has been created for the purpose of manipulating an uploaded image, and creating a Thumbnail image that does not alter the aspect ratio, and yet represents the contents of the original image. I'm sure other uses can be found for the Image Snapshot class, but I'll leave that to you. I use it for Photo Galleries, and Shopping Cart systems.
View the manual to get a clearer picture.
This class supports:
- Jpg, Gif, Png files
- Output to Jpg
- Can resize images before applying the crop
- Can crop from any part of the image
An Online Manual is available.
Image Nudity Filter
posted byBakr.AlsharifinImage Manipulation
This class can be used to determine whether an image may contain nudity.
It analyses the colors used in different sections of an image to determine whether those colors match the human skin color tones.
As result of the analysis it returns a score value that reflects the probability of the image to contain nudity.
Additionally, it can output an analysed image marking the pixels with color skin tones with a given color.
Currently it can analyze images in the PNG, GIF and JPEG images.
Zebra_Image, a lightweight image manipulation library written in PHP
posted bystefangabosinImage Manipulation
This is a compact (one-file only), lightweight, object-oriented image manipulation library written in and for PHP, that provides methods for performing several types of image manipulation operations. It doesn't require any external libraries other than the GD2 extension (with which PHP usually comes pre-compiled with).
Zebra_Image's code is heavily commented and generates no warnings/errors/notices when PHP's error reporting level is set to E_ALL.
With this library you can rescale, flip, rotate and crop images. It supports loading and saving images in the GIF, JPEG and PNG formats and preserves transparency for GIF, PNG and PNG24.
The cool thing about it is that it can re-size images to exact given width and height and still maintain aspect ratio!
Thumbnail Generator
posted byzubraginImage Manipulation
Use this thumbnail maker to create small size images from JPG, GIF, or PNG images. Script can save thumbnail as file on your server, or output it directly to the browser (if you do not want to store thumbs on your server for some reason). Features: JPG, PNG, GIF images supported, Proportional image resize, Generate thumb from file on the server or from remote image (by URL). All thumbnail creator options can be set via calling URL.
Micro Image Pack
posted byphptoys2inImage Manipulation
This image manipulation pack helps you to resize jpeg images, drop shadow effect and add border to your pictures. A small example is included.
Upload and Resize Images with Aspect Ratio
posted bymaakinginImage Manipulation
This script will show you how to Upload and Resize Images and keep Aspect Ratio. It will resize the image width to a specific pixels e.g (150px) and keep the height ratio. The script needs the GD library to function very will.