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Results 401-420 of 552
DeliciousBrownies 1.0
This class is a set of PHP functions to access del.icio.us web service API. Use this class to easily manage your posts and do some other cool stuff on del.icio.us. Visit http://del.icio.us/nashru ddin to see the result. I posted all of my blog's pages to del.icio.us using this class, taking the pages' META keywords as the posts' tags.
(0 ratings)
Product Autoresponders for X-Cart
Product Autoresponders for X-Cart is an x-cart mod which allows you to send automated email notification(s) to customers after the purchase of a product, at an unlimited number of defined time intervals. These email notifications can allow you to automatically follow up with the customer to market related products or services, send renewal or re-order reminders, provide related information and/or articles, request feedback, or provide other automatic email communication.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.99
Multiple Product Page Templates for X-Cart
Products are best sold when they are displayed in a way that highlights the most important product qualities. If your products are different, why display them all the same way? This mod allows you to create multiple product templates and assign them to a product, giving you full control over the look and functionality of your product pages.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.99
Multiple Product Listing Templates for X-Cart
Multiple Product Listing Templates for XCart allows you to create unlimited custom product listing templates, and display your products using an appropriate layout by selecting it from a drop-down menu on the category add/modify page.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.99
ezRecommends for X-Cart
ezRecommends is an online X-Cart version of candy at the checkout stand... increase your sales by upselling your customers recommended products during the checkout process!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.99
Remember Me for X-Cart
Add a checkbox to your xcart store as part of the Member Login box. When checked, the person's e-commerce information is remembered, and upon returning to the store at a later date, they are logged in automatically and their previous x-cart contents are remembered.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 54.99
Remember Anonymous Carts for X-Cart
FINALLY there's a way to remember the shopping cart contents of users who haven't registered or haven't logged in to your xcart e-commerce store! Imagine the sales you've lost to date by not remember the shopping cart contents of users who add products to their cart, leave or get disconnected, and return to make the purchase - only to find an empty shopping cart! Remember Anonymous Carts for XCart remembers the cart contents of all users and loads the items upon their return to your store. Installation takes only minutes so there's no reason you can't stop losing sales right now.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.99
Product Map (A-Z) for X-Cart
Product Map (A-Z) for X-Cart provides an alphabetical listing of your products for increased search engine spidering and easy product browsing. For stores with many products, site maps are not ideal, as most SEO gurus recommend not to display more than 50 links per page. Product Map (A-Z) for XCart solves this problem by providing easily spiderable product links, sorted alphabetically, and then broken into multiple pages, with featured products listed first - so they are weighted heavier by search engines.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.99
ezUpsell for X-Cart
Using ezUpsell with X-Cart allows you to increase customer conversion and order totals on your xcart ecommerce store, by presenting the customer with a new page after they add a product to their cart. The page contains Continue Shopping and Checkout buttons, along with upselling products based on the product just added to their store.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.99
Category SEO Map for X-Cart
Category SEO Map for X-Cart modifies x-cart's subcategory to display to improve your x-cart SEO by modifying your internal link structure with subcategory pages linked from the parent category listing. With the Category SEO Map for x-cart installed, previously buried sub-category pages and products will be available to search engines and customers from the top-level pages, increasing the pages weight in search engine results while making it easier for customers to find exactly what they're looking for.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.99
Custom Dynamic SEO Links for X-Cart (CDSEO Links)
Custom Dynamic Search Engine Optimized Links for X-Cart is the ultimate search engine optimized link solution for xcart, allowing you customized control over your product and category urls by allowing you to manually type the urls you want into textboxes on the product/category add/modify page. Additionally it provides sub-folders for increased keyword density, link title tags and more.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.99
Rapid Search
Run your very own RapidShare Search Engine! Great earning potential! Great Ad Placements! Great google indexing!! Features * Millions of downloads! * Great traffic potential! * Free updates! - For life! * Simple install, just upload and your ready to go! * No messy SQL db needed! So installation couldn't be faster * Great google indexing with mod_rewrite .html pages! * Easy to customize, Source is commented! * Displays file type icons! * Easy to use attractive template! * Displays latest searches and shows server stats including number of searches! * Not encoded so you can edit anything on the script! * You get it exactly as you see in the demo, including the layout!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 18.00
File Search Engine
File Search Engine Click to enlarge Run your very own file search engine! This is 100% automatic so you don't have to do a thing! Features * Millions of downloads! * Great traffic potential! * Free updates! - For life! * Simple install, just upload and your ready to go! * No messy SQL db needed! So installation couldn't be faster * Add your own formats! No limits! * Easy to customize, Source is commented! * Not encoded so you can edit anything on the script! * You get it exactly as you see in the demo, including the layout!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 22.00
Answer Search Engine
Set up your very own answers website! Pure content all over! The script is completely SEO!! Which includes dynamic meta keywords. Even the results are shown as .html which index faster then a url with '?' in it! - Great indexing in google!! Which means more traffic and more earnings! Features * Have your very own Answer Search Engine! * Easy Adsense(or other ad banner) integration! * Thousands and thousands of 100% Pure Content! * Completely SEO * Instant install! - No messy databases * Easy to customize!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 18.00
Translates base 10 numbers into different bases, also including semi-positional Roman base.
(0 ratings)
AHM Template Engine For PHP
This is a very light weight, fast template engine for php. Everything in one class only.
(0 ratings)
TPCS Photo / Image / Pic of the day
This PHP image of the day program will display an image based on the day of month. If you only have 6 photos in the image folder and it is past the 6th of the month, the code will display a random photo each day until the first of next month. The program will swap / change the image daily.
(3 ratings)
Amazon Showcase Wordpress Widget
posted byinMiscellaneous
Amazon Showcase is a Wordpress Widget/Plugin for showcasing items from Amazon. Simply enter the ASIN/ISBN numbers of any products and optionally enter an Associate ID for earning commissions. The product image will be displayed with a link to the product detail page on Amazon.com. More advanced users can have full control over the way the products are displayed.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Guise Template Class
Guise is a template class written in PHP that allows you to keep HTML seperate from your PHP code. This is especially helpful for larger projects or when you're working with a team in keeping things organized and readable.
(0 ratings)
PHP eFax
PHP eFax was created from a need to send faxes to our customers. We wrote it so it would be easily reusable. This PHP code is a set of classes used to create a fax, send it via eFax and check out the response and disposition replies from eFax Developer. http://www.m2osw.com/efax
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Results 401-420 of 552