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Results 501-520 of 552
Zip Code Radius Search module for Esvon Classifieds
Zip Code Radius Search module is an addon to program which can be used in multiple ways: as classifieds system, online inventory management system, business/community portal, yellow pages or even light content management script (CMS). This module allows you to add proximity search easily to existing search forms. You enter zip code, select max. distance from it (miles/kilometers) and get matching ads returned by search engine ! USA zip codes database is offered, any other postal codes DB with lattitude/longitude information can be integrated (Canada, Mexico, etc)
(3 ratings)
PriceEUR 99.00
Private Messages module for Esvon Classifieds
Private Messages module is an addon to program which has quite big usage scope: as classifieds software, online inventory management system, business/community portal, yellow pages script or even light content management software (CMS). Complete internal messaging system solution allowing members to communicate keeping email addresses private. Members can be notified by email if they get new private message. You can define maximum mailbox size for each member. If you want paid membership website you can set it to allow replying to ads for paid members only. Also it's possible to allow free replies to paid member messages, so that paid members will always get responses from non-paid users.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 99.00
Regions module for Esvon Classifieds
Regions module is an addon to program which can be used in a variety of ways: as classifieds script, online inventory management system, business/community portal, yellow pages or even light content management system (CMS). Unlimited level hierarchical drill-down regions menu with search possibility. For instance, you can search for ads by Country, by States/Provinces/Regions in any Country, by Cities/Counties in a State, by Street/Area in a City and so on. "Pick Lists" are driven by database table and selections are made variable based upon a previous selection. Ads can be browsed by regions with ad amounts per region displaying. You can add pages with clickable maps to your website easily. Just find maps, define proper hotspots for them and you're done! Module is powered by our own unique category tree building engine. It is very fast and uses only 2 SQL queries to build category tree with ads amount per category data
(3 ratings)
PriceEUR 99.00
Auto-Notify module for Esvon Classifieds
Auto-Notify module is an addon to system which can be used in different ways: as classifieds program, web-based (online) inventory management system, business/community portal, yellow pages or even light content management script (CMS). Database-enabled personal search agent that gives your site members the possibility to specify keywords, discrete price ranges or other features and have only the ads, which fit the criteria, sent to them regularly. Members can enter search criteria and be notified by email if a match is posted to the site. You can set Auto-Notify to include updated ads into notifications or send only newly posted ads, it's your choice. To be easier on your server timed Auto-Notify at regular intervals engine is implemented. You define how often you want notifications to be sent, once a day, once a week, etc
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 89.00
This ubb parser is about 10 times faster than ordinary preg_replace/eregi_replace ubb parser. This parser builds a tree of input text, therefore enabeling it to correct mispellings and unclosed tags. The script at the moment supports the most common UBB tags, which should be enough, but is also easily extendable to your wishes. UPDATE: * [14/02/2004]: Fixed the problem with [php] tags where * for all array-indexes an closing tag was added.: * ie: [php]$a[0] = 0;[/php] resulted in * <? $a[0] = 0; [/0]?>
(15 ratings)
PHP SETI@home web monitor
The PHP SETI@home web monitor is a very simple PHP script to monitor single or multiple setiathome programs running in your workstation or server, via the local web server. It displays general information of the user, the current work unit and the processing statistics. It also displays a skymap to show the source of the current data.
(3 ratings)
The PHP Report classes are used to create html report pages from a generic result set array. A result set is any array you can came up with. That usually means the result of a sql query, and normally it is not ready for display. The classes here are used to parse that result using HTML templates. Sometimes you need to process your result before sending it to the user. Think of a shop cart. You have to list products, add columns, multiply one column with another, format the fields, so dates and floats coming from the database or operations dont show up as 8 decimal digits and strange date patterns to the user, etc. All of these and more is be done by this class. Just feed in your result and a HTML template and you will get a nice html page to show to the user.
(6 ratings)
SKINNER the skinning and template written in php.
(0 ratings)
Split Mail
Splits an email address into two parts: an email address and the domain name. Press the name before the sign @ and you can send an e-mail to the addr. Press the domain name after the sign @ and your borwser will open the website. A demo can be seen at http://www.zico.dk/stuff/splitmail/split_mail.php
(0 ratings)
Dodos Image Sort Script
This script makes sorting images based on their width or height easier. You don't have to specify your images width or height. It automatically detect them and sort according to width or height in an ascending or descending order. Very little php knowledge is required to use this script.
(3 ratings)
Lo-fi class to create META tags for the HTML head section. Easy way to create the description, keywords and other metatags.
(6 ratings)
Poetry Generator
Converts prose to poetry, in form at least. Random words per line and random lines per section, it's like epic haiku.
(0 ratings)
Solving register_globals OFF trouble
From 4.2.0 version of PHP, as default setting they have turned register_globals variable to ON. This script solves the register_globars without having to change php.ini file. Just include the getget.php and getpost.php at the beginning of your php code in order to get all your query string and/or POST vars with same names.
(0 ratings)
FLP (Flaimo's little package) is a collection of different PHP classes. At the moment contains following classes: iCalendar, FLP (for internationalization; i18n), vCard, Cache, ReloadPreventer more to be added
(18 ratings)
Nutext Message Manager
posted byjoeinMiscellaneous
Nutext Message Manager is a small script that allows members of sites to communicate with each other using a mysql database.
(0 ratings)
Uses WSDL to do babelfish translations. This is the standalone version of neo-Babel. The one that is integrated into neo-Portal can translate any proper document on the site. And that transparently, without any Altavista or SYSTRAN commercials. See a demo at http://www.neo-tek.net/embed/neo-babel-l.php
(0 ratings)
A simple class that looks for smiley tags in a text files and replaces them with user defined images. The images and smiley tags are defined in a .ini file.
(7 ratings)
A simple class that looks for UBB tags in a text files and replaces them with the corresponding HTML code.
(6 ratings)
The class iterates through a given set of bookmarks and calls user defined functions for different events. With this bookmarks can easily be ported, saved or displayed on web pages. Works with PHP4 and PHP5.
(9 ratings)
CBLL INTERNET Webmaster Feedback Script
A small script that will generate HTML code from a text file which will allow another webmaster to link to your site by hotlinking an image or Flash movie from your server to their page. It also includes a form where the webmaster can put link info so that you can link to their site. All data is written to a simple text file. A demo can be seen at http://cbll.net/webmaster.chl.
(0 ratings)
Results 501-520 of 552