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Results 161-180 of 552
Edit, resize, adjust and filter your images. Whether a single image or an entire folder does not matter! With Pictuner you save much time in the rapid processing of many images. Set with only 3 lines of code to all images in a folder a watermark. Features: • Direct editing of images (JPG, PNG , GIF) • Edit single image or an entire folder • Individual watermark set on the image • Quickly resize your image • Many filters o Black and white o Negative o Blur o Gausch Blur o Smooth (smoothing) o highlight edges o colorize image o brighten up
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Image Font
This class can render images with text using graphics as fonts. It takes a text string and creates an image on which the characters of the string are displayed using separate image files to render each character. The text may be aligned to the left, right, center or be justified. The image width may be limited so the text is wrapped if it exceeds that width limit. The character graphics may be mapped to image files with the same base name in a given directory. Alternatively an array may be passed to define the paths of the character image files. The generated image may be saved to a file or displayed as the current script output in any of the formats supported by the PHP GD image extension.
(3 ratings)
Advanced Menu Manager System
Main feature about this application is the fact of using the nested set model hierarchical data structure instead of the old adjancy list. Nested set Modal is a much more robust and faster way of storing and retrieving hierarchical data on a database that strugles with relational calculus and relational algebra such as MySQL Now with a menu render function. Call and build the entire html anf jquery menu with one line of code! OTHER FEATURES ARE: Nested Set Model for hierarchical data management into MySQL Drag and Drop menu order using a heavily modified NestedSortables JQuery Plugin. Ajax operations for menu creation, editing, saving and re-ordering. Unlimited number of different menus. Unlimited number of menu items and menu levels. And more...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Ultimate Barcode Generator
No need to rely on external API … You can have your own API NOW ! Today is quite easy to find a qrcode generator, or a qrcode class, or even maybe some codebar generator or class. But what about a class to handle all of them? What about a class that allows us to create a image, force download or save to a location with only three lines of code? Features: 9 QRCode types: Link, SMS , Email, Phone Number, VCard, meCard, Wifi, Geolocation and Bulk Text. 10 Barcode types: UPC -A, UPC -E, EAN -8, EAN -13, CODE39 , CODE93, CODE128 , POSTNET, CODABAR and ISBN And more...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
AutoShrinker - Automatically shrink multiple links
AutoShrink contains so far 12 different websites to shrink with. AutoShrink also lets you to add websites easy as possible. Before using AutoShrinker, You'll first need to set-up all the API information for some of the websites. Go to your AutoShrinker directory then open api_keys.php, Now for each of the websites set your own information. After you've done that you're ready to go.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Created this to provide a solution for someone who wanted to create a page with a list of local files, stripped of all their extensions. Initially, my solution involved string manipulation functions, and a list of extensions. It turned out that the list of possible file types was too big to maintain. That's when I discovered the php pathinfo function. I decided to preserve my work for keep's sake. Both functions will only remove the specified extensions from any file, the second one will optionally remove any extension, if called without specifying any. I figure there may be situations where only certain types of files should be stripped of their extensions.
(3 ratings)
The wine cellar
The wine cellar is software to manage your wine cellars easily with drag and drop. You can organize your cellar by producer, country, region, type of grape, and wine type. It is available in the following languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, and Italian.
(9 ratings)
EasyValidation - PHP Special validation class
It uses two types of validation, The regex validations and, The PHP Validations (PHP Scripts that validates the data). EasyValidation is easy to use & simple to modify. The thing so special about EasyValidation is that you can add your own validations in second, Whether it’s a regex validation or a PHP one. Each validation also has its own “Validation error text”, The validation error text is the error that will be provided if the data was not valid.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Live Audio Announcer
It works in realtime such that if a user is already on the page he will hear the announcement without having to reload the page. You can also set the announcement to be played for users who will open the website later. The item comes with an admin panel, which you will use to play/stop an announcement file. The installation steps are very easy, and it comes with detailed documentation as well as a working demo.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
You Translate! Website Translation System
How does this work? You assign the messages that you want to be translated. User signs in. Then your users translate messages and can also vote them. You then choose the translation for a specific message of a language and can either accept or delete it. After all your messages are translated for a specific language, you can make it live to your website.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
Word Solver
This class can generate words or anagrams from specified rules. It can take a string that defines rules for the words to be generates like the allowed letters, position of certain letters, letters that should be used together, or the whole characters that may be used. The class returns one or more generated words in an array.
(3 ratings)
Unit converter class
You only have to call one function to convert a value from one unit to another. It is also verry simple to add your own units to the class using xml. Currently the class supports following units: Angle Area Data Density Energy Length Pressure Temperature Time Velocity Volume Weight Light
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
QR Codes Ultimate Generator
QR Codes can support different types including links, phone numbers, email messages, vCards data and geographic locations. This application includes a user friendly interface enabling your visitors to create their own QR Codes. They also have the ability to customize the size of the generated images, and the encoding they want to use. Features - Generates QR Code Images and Urls - 10+ possible types (email, phone, vCard, location etc). - User friendly interface to create QR Codes. - Url shortener capability - Ability to download the generated image - Powered by jQuery - Possible customizations (image size and encoding) - Based on the Google’s Infographics API
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Travel map pro php
Multiple stops on a route, stops connected by a polyline. The line is shaped like the curvature of the earth. Custom markers in 7 colors. Easy to use, just include the a php file and call some functions. Great documentation in the code and in the help file. Geocoder to get the values of your locations included in the help file. Custom html in the marker info windows. Google Maps API V3 (no API key needed).
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
CarList DB | Year, Make, Model & Vehicle Trim Database with PHP Script
While some other products only give you half of the data with our year, make, model & trim database you get all the data from 1904-2013. For example with some lists you get 1941-1989 then you need to purchase the second part from 1990-2013 with our list you get the complete data from 1904-2013 in one package. Last updated on 1/18/2013!
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
PHP Web Grabber
No frames or iframes involved! Real HTML content, grabbed form the web and displayed in whithin your webpage just like it was generated by your site. WiseLoop PHP Web Grabber is a set of PHP classes designed to extract HTML content form the web. This package allows complex content extraction in a flexible manner, by using only a few lines of code. The extraction can be made from any web URL or local file; the desired content to be grabbed can be a full web page or a set of tags that can even have incomplete specifications.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Ajax Translator Revolution Pro
Provides a set of options to customize the translator to accomplish any translation task, such as: Translate AJAX generated text Translate cufon text Select exactly what parts of the page should be translated and exclude others Remember user selected laguanges and auto translate feature Show languages flags and names, or just names, or just flags 71 documented options to customize Translator Revolution PRO uses the AJAX Google Translate API , which means that the translation will take place without reloading the webpage. There are 10 colors skins to choose from, they come in 4 styles and 2 variants, totalizing 80 different skins. If you’re a CSS guru, you can style it in the way you want, just don’t use any skin. The samples include a demonstration of how to do it.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Pro Invoice Maker
It is based on FPDF Class with the Invoice plugin. The aim of the script is for the administrator to insert as few information as possible, that’s why it comes with Autocomplete plugin to ease the creation process, and you’ll make an Invoice in no time!. Also after creating an invoice you can edit it to fit the customer’s requirements. The script also allows you to change the language strings directly from the administration panel and you’ll be able to generate invoices customized to your language. Once bought, the script is very easy to install, just access the install/ folder and enter your DB information. Features Include: Create PDF or HTML Invoices, Autocomplete plugin, integrated, Sleek Design, Extensive documentation and Installer Included.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
Mobile Site PRO
This script supports all major devices like iPhone, Blackberry, Android devices, PSP , PDA’s, Windows mobile, Opera mini devices and other generic devices. With this script there is no need for you to create a subdomain for your mobile website. This script detects if the visitor is using a mobile device and then shows the mobile website if needed. To implement this script on your website you only need to include one file in the index.php file of your website. This way it’s possible to use this on any kind of website: WordPress, Joomla, Drupal or just custom written.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
Posterous PHP Client
This Client class is a light-weight, Object Oriented wrapper for the Posterous Social Blogging Platform API . This PHP Class offers easy to use methods to authenticate with Posterous and make web service calls to find and/or modify core Posterous components such as Sites/Blogs, Pages, Users, Comments, Subscriptions, and Themes. All data is returned in light-weight JSON format.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 2.00
Results 161-180 of 552